A long-delayed four-year legal battle between Big Corn and Big Sugar has finally come to an end — not with a jury verdict, or with a judge throwing the case out, but with a confidential settlement that leaves a sour taste in everyone’s mouth. [More]
corn syrup

Hershey Considering Replacing High-Fructose Corn Syrup With Sugar In Some Products
While some products from Hershey already feature only sugar as a sweetener, like the original Hershey’s chocolate bar, the company says that as more customers are shying away from high-fructose corn syrup, Hershey is considering moving toward sugar for more products in the future. [More]

Corn-Based Sweeteners To Soar 30% In Price Next Year
Oh Cargill, when you aren’t recalling millions of pounds of tainted turkey meat, you’re giving your customers bad news about the rising price of corn sweeteners. [More]

SNL Spoofs Smarmy Corn Syrup Ads
SNL this week parodied those ridiculous and condescending “truth about corn syrup” ads the industry put out last year. You know, the ones where a person tells another person, “oh, that’s corn syrup, you know what that’s about” and then is unable to back up the claim with any data. They then promptly crumble under the other person’s withering logic and stream of facts about how corn syrup is awesome. [More]

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?
We get a lot of readers writing in to ask us whether or not a product containing High Fructose Corn Syrup can be labeled as “natural” or “all natural.” The latest was from Kirby, who questioned whether HFCS-containing “All Natural” sodas are indeed “all natural.” And, at least according to the FDA, the answer is “yes.” [More]

Researchers Urge Government To Levy Tax On Pizza
While the current Soda Tax trend looks doomed to fail in New York state and Philadelphia, researchers are already making a suggestion for the target of the next sin tax — pizza. [More]

Mercury: High-Fructose Corn Syrup's Secret Ingredient?
First, we learn of a possible sugar shortage, now an article by Mother Jones finds that part of the production procedure for high-fructose corn syrup might involve contaminating it with mercury. Basically, today is the best day ever for the president of NutraSweet.

Scientists see no dietary benefit to replacing corn syrup with sugar
While grocery store brands increasingly swap out corn syrup for sugar-and trumpet the fact-little evidence suggests any health benefit for consumers. Corn syrup has been demonized because it’s highly processed and environmentally unfriendly. But sugar ain’t much better.

Snapple To Switch To Real Sugar Instead Of HFCS
The beverage makers are jumping off HFCS like rats off a sinking ship these days. Snapple has announced that it will will eliminate HFCS from its recipes. In at least once case this will actually result in fewer calories.
Pepsi is suing an Atlanta distributor for distributing Mexican Pepsi, sweetened with cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup, in the U.S.

High Fructose Corn Syrup Research Paid For By HFCS Industry
CBS says that they took a look at the research cited by the marketing campaign from the Corn Refiners Association — which features “people-in-the-know” rolling their eyes and scoffing at befuddled anti-corn-syrup zealots — and realized that “three were sponsored by groups that stand to profit from research that promotes HFCS. Two were never published so they’re funding sources are unclear. And one was sponsored by a Dutch foundation that represents the interests of the sugar industry.”

Cane Sugar Pepsi "Raw" Launches In The UK Only
Traditionally, Pepsi contains fructose corn syrup, sugar, artificial colourings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid and natural flavours.