
Most Disgusting Ad Pitch Ever

Hardee’s is marketing its new 930 calorie, 63 grams of fat Philly Cheesesteak Thickburger with the line “Now meat is a condiment.”

Don’t Put a Loser on Your Face

Don’t Put a Loser on Your Face

As with many things in life, we take our health and beauty advice from professional dominatrixes. That’s why we’ll be avoiding purchasing this facial cream, for while a rose may be a rose and so forth…

Fast Food Joints Breed Carrion-Spreading Superflies

Fast Food Joints Breed Carrion-Spreading Superflies

When I was a child, I once accidentally hit Ronald McDonald with a silver crucifix I was whizzing hyperactively about my head. I remember very clearly the Catholic totem flying through the air; the sizzle and smell of sulfur as it impacted upon Ronald’s ghoulish visage. Immediately, half his face sloughed off his skull in the oozing liquefaction of corpse-like flesh. The next thing I knew, every child in McDonaldland was sitting in an expanding puddle of their own hysterical evacuations as Ronald McDonald (aka Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies) disintegrated into an anthropomorphic cloud of carrion-carrying flies. Forget Morgan Spurlock, forget Fast Food Nation. That was the event that turned me off McDonald’s food forever.

Have A Frosty Glass Of Estrogen!

Have A Frosty Glass Of Estrogen!

This is the sort of news that makes men’s blood go cold: now that menopausal souse clutching at your thigh isn’t just drunk, she’s high on baby-making estrogen!

Baush Apologizes With Free Eye-Solution

Baush Apologizes With Free Eye-Solution

Users of Baush & Lomb eyecare products received a letter today.

New Burgers Turn Hearts Into Hand Grenades

New Burgers Turn Hearts Into Hand Grenades

Blister Packs Maim

Blister Packs Maim

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

The News is Tasty Like a Taser

• School doesn’t like student complaining on Xanga that the school is a bully, proves him wrong with a 10 day suspension. [Sun Times]

Pictures of Eyeball Fungus

Pictures of Eyeball Fungus

Symptoms for Fungal keratitis include:

Lady Tells How Moistureloc Made Her Blind. Skeet. Skeet.

Lady Tells How Moistureloc Made Her Blind. Skeet. Skeet.

Here’s an eyewitness account of a user of the infamous Bausch & Lomb Renu Moisture Loc contact lens solution. She went blind in one eye. From the NYT:

Bausch & Lomb Has Made Singaporeans Blind Since 2004

Bausch & Lomb Has Made Singaporeans Blind Since 2004

All Bausch & Lomb ReNu Products Will Give You Eye Fungus

All Bausch & Lomb ReNu Products Will Give You Eye Fungus

Think you’re safe from developing an ocular socket full of oozing, stagnant fungus just because you’re using a Bausch & Lomb product that isn’t MoistureLoc? Better think again.

Avian Bird Flu Got You Down? Don’t Reuse That Surgical Mask!

Avian Bird Flu Got You Down? Don’t Reuse That Surgical Mask!

The oncoming avian flu pandemic is set to turn our nation’s metropolises into apocalyptic nightmare cities filled overturned buses, conflagrating skyscrapers and Starbucks filled with corpses whose doorways have been hastily marked with a chalk cross; where the only sound will be phlegmatic hacking, the ululation of orphans and the incessant tolling of a hand-rung bell.

FDA Says Plan B Causes Teen Sex Cults

What the hell? The Manhattan-based Center for Reproductive Rights is grilling FDA officials on their failure to approve the Plan B pill as a drug that can be distributed without a prescription. Why might they not have approved it?

Dollar Menu Pulls McDonald’s Away From The Abyss

Dollar Menu Pulls McDonald’s Away From The Abyss

With all the negative publicity swarming like bitey insects about Ronald McDonald’s ghoulish coulaphobia-inducing visage, how is McDonald’s managing to turn around its sagging profit margins? It’s not from selling salads to hippies. It’s not from setting up a Corporate Responsibility Blog. It’s largely by a return to basics: selling delicious, greasy double cheeseburgers for a buck apiece.

Experts Say Cough Syrups Don’t Work

Experts Say Cough Syrups Don’t Work

My skull a steadily expanding hydrocephalic sack of mucus, I’ve been swigging a lot of cough syrup lately. I’ve spent a hundred euros on the stuff over the last couple of days, which — roughly translated into America’s currency, the U.S. Cowboyo — is a hell of a lot of money. You empty your wallet on the counter of the local pharmacist, but even in your feverish daze, you know cough medicines don’t really work: it just makes you feel more proactive about your chances of fighting off your body’s alarmingly rapid decomposition into a jell-o monster made of phlegm.

Mickey D’s Unveils New, Healthy, Pile of BS

Mickey D’s Unveils New, Healthy, Pile of BS

Clinical Drug Trials, Bought And Paid For

Clinical Drug Trials, Bought And Paid For

What a shock: when a major pharmaceutical company sponsors a study comparing the effectiveness of its product over its competitors, they aren’t paying to be trumped. They’re stacking the deck.