Who wants to take a trip to Universal Studios to drink Harry Potter’s favorite beverage when they could eat it anywhere? That’s now an option: Yuengling’s Ice Cream has launched a Butterbeer flavor. [More]
harry potter

Yuengling Tries To Tempt Harry Potter Fans With Butterbeer-Flavored Ice Cream

Some Editions Of The First Harry Potter Book Contain A Valuable Mistake
You might want to take a close look at that hardcover copy of the first Harry Potter book, as some versions contain an error that makes them super rare, and pretty darn valuable. [More]

Universal Studios Hikes Ticket Prices Before Opening Of “Harry Potter” Attraction
A month after Universal Studios said it would implement a surge pricing structure for pre-order tickets that offers discounts for customers visiting on off-peak days. The Comcast-owned company essentially undid any goodwill it had created by instituting an across-the-board increase to ticket prices. [More]

Fairly Used: Why Schools Need To Teach Kids The Whole Truth About Copyright
Today’s teenagers live in a time where technology gives them the tools to create, share, and publish just about anything they can conceive, and enables and encourages them to use and remix existing content from TV, movies, music, and games. At the same time, they are repeatedly reminded that their creations can be shut down, removed, or monetized by others who simply claim to have a copyright. So they know how to snag a clip from The Walking Dead, set it to “Yakety Sax” and post it on YouTube, but what they may not know — because most schools are failing to teach them — is under what circumstances the law actually protects the fair use of copyrighted material, and when it doesn’t. [More]

A Cable Company In Harry Potter’s Clothing: Comcast Dumping Millions Into Theme Parks
While you might imagine any theme park involving Comcast to feature a giant whale ride that swims around devouring all the fish competition in the sea (or krill, if it’s that kind of whale), the reality has a lot more to do with flying boy wizards. Comcast is dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into its theme parks in California and Florida in a pitch to compete with Disney. [More]

Some Collectors Peeved At USPS’ Decision To Feature Harry Potter On Stamps
Not everyone is in love with the boy wizard: After the United States Postal Service unveiled its newest collection of stamps featuring characters from the Harry Potter movies, some collectors are ticked off. “Harry Potter is not American. It’s foreign, and it’s so blatantly commercial it’s off the charts,” said one. “The Postal Service knows what will sell, but that’s not what stamps ought to be about. Things that don’t sell so well are part of the American story.” [via the Washington Post] [More]

Brits Abandon The Boy Wizard To 'Make Fifty Shades Of Grey' All-Time Amazon UK Bestseller
Devotees of magical boy wizard Harry Potter and his trusted cohorts Hermione and Ron might want to stop reading right about now: Over in Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s home in the United Kingdom, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James has beaten out all seven books in the Harry series to become Amazon UK’s all-time bestselling book. [More]

Now You Can Force Your Friends To Finally Read 'Harry Potter' With Kindle Lending
If you’re sick of trying to foist various large tomes from the Harry Potter series on your friends so they can finally see for themselves how exciting Quidditch is, there’s relief in sight. Amazon announced today that Kindle owners can now borrow Harry Potter e-books from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. [More]

Harry Potter Series Arrives In E-Book Format To The Delight Of Wannabe Wizards
Perhaps lugging around a thick paper copy of any of the seven books in the Harry Potter series has deterred you from indulging in a re-read, or even attempting a first go at the books. But starting today, J.K. Rowling’s novels involving the world of wizards are available in e-book format. [More]

Warner Bros. Pulling Harry Potter Videos Out of Circulation On Dec. 29
Attention, Harry Potter fans: If you want individual copies of your favorite films in the series, you better buy them before Dec. 29. On that date, Warner Bros. is ceasing all distribution of the movies, presumably in order to push a comprehensive set of all eight in the franchise. [More]

Google Books Announces E-Reader Deal With Harry Potter Books
If there were ever two unstoppable money-making forces, it would be Google and the Harry Potter franchise. So it makes perfect sense that those two market dominators would team up for Google’s eBooks. [More]

Harry Potter Theme Park Modifies Ride To Accommodate Larger Visitors
The “Forbidden Journey” ride at Universal Studios’ Harry Potter park just got a little less forbidden, at least for some obese tourists. The park has added new larger sized seats to the ride, so at least some of those who were turned away in previous months might have better luck now. [More]

Hagrid-Sized Humans Can't Ride New Harry Potter Attraction
If you visit the Harry Potter theme park this summer and happen to see a relatively large person poking himself with his brand new wand and muttering reduccio!, don’t be confused. He was probably just told he can’t ride the Forbidden Journey dark ride at the park. [More]

Harry Potter Theme Park Casts Parental Shakedown Spell In Orlando
Harry Potter’s greatest magic trick is his ability to take money from people in infinite ways. The boy wizard’s latest venture is the Universal-owned theme park-within-a-themepark The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which opened in Orlando this weekend. [More]

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Accused Of Casting Plagiarism Spell
Nearly eight months after the estate of late British author Adrian Jacobs filed charges of plagiarism against the UK publishers of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, they have decided to add the author of the book, J.K. Rowling, to the list of defendants in what they claim could be a $1 billion case. [More]

DVD Price War: Harry Potter, Star Trek For $10
Walmart announced yesterday that it will be slashing prices to below wholesale on 10 of the most popular DVDs that will be released soon, says the LA Times. Target announced that it will be matching Walmart. Amazon has not yet responded.

This Harry Potter Blu-Ray Set Requires A HD-DVD Player
Best Buy is still selling a defective Harry Potter Blu-Ray set that contains a HD-DVD version of the Goblet of Fire. The bumbled bundles were first discovered in 2007, but reader Bill found one sitting on a Best Buy shelf in Grand Junction, CO.