Warner Bros. Pulling Harry Potter Videos Out of Circulation On Dec. 29

Attention, Harry Potter fans: If you want individual copies of your favorite films in the series, you better buy them before Dec. 29. On that date, Warner Bros. is ceasing all distribution of the movies, presumably in order to push a comprehensive set of all eight in the franchise.
As Deadline reports, all the DVD/BluRay film titles including the newest Deathly Hallows — Part 2 and Harry Potter: The Complete 8-Film Collection, set to be released Nov. 11, will be gone from shelves and online retailers. E-copies will still be available.
This doesn’t make much sense, unless it’s a ploy to get fans to just commit and grab up all eight at once for the holidays, or if they’re planning an even more special comprehensive set in the future, with additional special features.
Thus far, the franchise has netted the company more than $12.1 billion in gross sales, at the box office and in their home entertainment division.
Start your buying engines now, or forever(?) hold your peace.
Warners Pulling Harry Potter Out Of Circulation Dec. 29, With $12.1B+ [Deadline]
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