In case they missed the news last night, Target customers around the country are waking up this morning and learning that they may be one of many millions of consumers whose credit and debit card information was compromised during the course of a nearly three-week-long security breach at the retailer. Big Red, you’ve got some explaining to do… [More]

Target “Deeply Regrets” Letting Someone Steal 40 Million Credit Card Numbers From Customers

Ginormous Hack Targets 2 Million Accounts Spread Over 93,000 Websites Worldwide
About two million people should be checking your social media accounts and anything else one might have a login and password for: Hackers have snagged usernames and passwords for millions of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo and other sites accounts, according to a new report. [More]

Hack Of Cupid Media Dating Site Exposes 42 Million Unencrypted Passwords
Usually when there’s a major hack of personal information, at least whichever site or company storing users’ passwords has done some fancy encryption and made it just a wee bit more difficult for the perpetrators to figure it out. But it seems a recent hack of 42 million accounts with Cupid Media dating sites won’t prove tricky for the hackers to decipher, as the passwords were stored in plaintext. Oh, sigh of sighs. [More]

Hackers Steal Info About LeBron James, Donald Trump, Lawmakers From Car Service Site
A company that handles car service and limo reservations for the rich and famous has found itself the victim of a massive hack that exposed information, including some high-limit and no-limit credit card numbers, for 850,000 clients, including some of the world’s wealthiest athletes, business executives, and influential lawmakers. [More]

Adobe Didn’t Notice That Hackers Stole Info For 2.9 Million Users Back In August
Adobe, makers of popular software like Photoshop and Acrobat, announced today that its system had been the victim of a cyber attack several weeks ago, and that the breach gave the hackers access to information — including encrypted credit card data — for millions of users, along with source code for Adobe software products. [More]

Researchers Find Way To Sneak Malicious Apps Through iOS App Store
Considering Apple’s steely grip on the distribution of apps for iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad, it’s small wonder that only a very small number of malicious apps have slipped through the company’s screening process over the years. But researchers at Georgia Tech say they have figured out a way to create an app that looks fine when being vetted but can wreak havoc once it’s up and running. [More]

If Your Smart Toilet Freaks Out, It Probably Isn’t Possessed; Just Hacked
UPDATE: A rep for Lixil, the company behind the toilet in question, tells Consumerist that American consumers need not worry about hacked toilets. “The Bluetooth technology is only available in Japan and does not apply to the INAX products sold in the U.S.A.,” says the rep in a statement. [More]

It’s Scary How Easy It Was To Perform The Celebrity Credit Report “Hacks”
Yesterday someone released the private information of more than a dozen celebrities online, posting their phone numbers, mortgages, and Social Security numbers. Although the word “hack” has been used, it’s a surprisingly very easy process to go from a city’s mortgage registry to a plethora of other personal information. We’ll let Buzzfeed explain. [Buzzfeed] [More]

Your Samsung Smart TV May Be Primed For A Hack Attack
Having an Internet-connected TV has its advantages — streaming Netflix, Hulu or Pandora straight through your TV is nice — but a new report claims that Samsung’s line of Smart TVs are just waiting to be exploited by clever hackers. [More]

App Publisher Claims Leaked iPhone IDs Came From Its Database, Not FBI
As you probably recall, hackers recently claimed to have swiped unique tracking information for iPhone and iPads via a laptop belonging to an FBI agent, leading many to wonder why the lawmen would have this information in the first place. The FBI quickly denied any ties to the information, and now a publishing company in Florida is saying that the hacked list actually belongs to it and not the feds. [More]

Best Buy: Hacker Attacks Are Increasing For Online Retailers
Several weeks ago, we told you how several Best Buy customers were complaining that someone out there was attempting to make bogus, phantom purchases through their accounts. We wondered at the time if the retailer’s site had been a possible victim of someone cracking into its customer database, but Best Buy says these unfortunate incidents are the result of ramped-up efforts by scammers against and other websites. [More]

Researchers: Some Printers Vulnerable To Hack Attack That Could Lead To Fire
It’s like something out of a movie starring Matthew Broderick. Researchers at Columbia University claim they’ve discovered a vulnerability that could let hackers remotely access your printer for nefarious hijinks, like making said printer go up in flames. [More]

Steam Database Hacked
The popular online video game distribution system Steam was hacked and a database containing user names, passwords, user credit card information was compromised. [More]

Use iTunes Feature To Get Rid Of Awful Music You Shouldn't Have Downloaded
When you’re listening to your music collection, it’s easy to get annoyed with yourself for stuffing so many terrible songs that you once liked for some inexplicable reason. Apple knows you all too well, and has provided a feature that helps you shed the chaff. [More]

How Hackers Stole 200,000+ Citi Accounts Just By Changing Numbers In The URL
Details have emerged has to how hackers were able to steal over 200,000 Citi customer accounts, including names, credit card numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses. It turns out quite easily, in fact. All they had to do was log in as a customer and change around a few numbers into the browser’s URL bar, NYT reports. Facepalm. [More] Does What It Says
With hit after hit coming on a regular basis it can be hard to keep track of whether Sony has been hacked this week or not, and it’s easy to tune out. Thankfully, a simple new service has stepped in to make it a lot easier to find out if Sony has been hacked recently. It’s called [More]

Use iPod Touch As A Phone To Save On Bills
The iPod Touch can be more than the oft-ignored stepbrother of the iPhone – with the right hacking touch, it can be a replacement for its much loved sibling. [More]