
How To Switch Your iPhone From AT&T To Verizon And Make Money

How To Switch Your iPhone From AT&T To Verizon And Make Money

Are you an AT&T iPhone 4 owner with Verizon envy? Dan over at MoneyTalks News has formulated a minimally devious, moderately labor-intensive and somewhat risky way of switching carriers and getting a Verizon-capable iPhone and end up in the black. [More]

Save Money By Emailing Phones Rather Than Texting

Save Money By Emailing Phones Rather Than Texting

If you’ve got a smart phone it doesn’t make much sense to pay $5, $10 or more a month for text messaging plans once you realize you can send free messages to friends’ phones via email. All you need to pull off the trick is your text-ees’ phone numbers and service providers. [More]

Guy Hacks ATM To Spew Money, Play Music

Guy Hacks ATM To Spew Money, Play Music

Whether it’s a steel door or an encrypted network, thieves are always finding ways to break down the barriers that protect money. And the new technologies are also enabling bank robbers to invent new ways to jack cash with flair and razzle dazzle. Exhibit A, a security researcher at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas demonstrates on-stage how one can remotely hack an ATM to make it spew money while playing a lively tune. [More]

There Are No Smart Phones, Just Smart People

There Are No Smart Phones, Just Smart People

Amid the smartphone craze those left with dumb phones may be wondering what all the fuss is about, since it’s possible to do many things a smart phone can do with text messaging. [More]

Facebook Can Warn You When Someone Else Logs Into Your Account

Facebook Can Warn You When Someone Else Logs Into Your Account

By the time someone hacks into your Facebook account and sends all of your friends plaintive messages about being mugged in London, it’s too late to do anything about it. However, Facebook does have an early-warning system of sorts. Using a security setting, you can have the service alert you whenever your account is accessed from another location, giving you a chance to (hopefully) force the intruder out and change your password.

iPhone Hacked To Run Android

iPhone Hacked To Run Android

This guy has hacked his iPhone so it runs Android. In fact, he can choose to run either the iPhone OS or Android. It only works on the original 2G iPhone and it’s a little buggy, and not recommended that casual users try it, but the future could hold implementations on the 3G and 3Gs. Apple’s secret garden just got further pried open. [More]

Sears Caught Selling "Grills to Cook Babies" Thanks To Poorly Built Website

Sears Caught Selling "Grills to Cook Babies" Thanks To Poorly Built Website

Yesterday a reader sent us a pretty funny screen capture of a Sears product page with a suspicious category description (see above). By the time we got around to checking it out, Sears had corrected the error. It turns out, however, that the real problem was the Sears website was built in a way that lets anyone mess with the category descriptions.


Apparently, if you put in a “tragedy” word for every 167 words in your email message, Gmail’s servers won’t display ads out of some robotic simulacrum of empathy. You’ll also freak out or depress your friends, but hey, no ads! [BoingBoing] (Photo: solidariat)

It's Easy To Access Random Customer Info With Best Buy URLs

It's Easy To Access Random Customer Info With Best Buy URLs

Cole discovered that by simply incrementing a numerical string by one in a url Best Buy sent out, he could pull up screen after screen of random customer info. Fortunately, all he could see were customer names, their home addresses, and their order numbers. It’s still surprising that Best Buy—or more specifically, Postpublisher.net, the email company they outsourced this to—wasn’t more careful with customer security.

Get Free Sprint Features With URL Hacking

Get Free Sprint Features With URL Hacking

Two more instances of Sprint’s insecure online system:


UPDATE: This is a total hoax. Inside a 6 volt battery is 4 D batteries. So it seems you can open a 6 volt battery and find 32 AA batteries inside. Consider that a 4 pack of AAs costs around $5, and you can get a lantern battery for about $5, and that’s some powerful savings.

Confirmation: GrandCentral + TMobile = Cheap Incoming Phone Calls

Confirmation: GrandCentral + TMobile = Cheap Incoming Phone Calls

You can get cheap calls on your T-mobile plan by hooking it up with Grand Central, reader Noah’s T-mobile bill confirms.

Protect Your RFID Credit Card With A RF Jammer

Protect Your RFID Credit Card With A RF Jammer

Credit card companies are embedding radio frequency tags (RFID) in credit cards. Since these are transmitters, there’s the possibility of a thief using an RFID sniffer to snag your credit card digits.

23 TiVo Hacks

We know you people love the TiVo, so here is a link to a list of 23 “hacks” you can do to your TiVo to make it more awesome than it already is. Yippie!

Search Amazon For Deals Up To 90% Off

Search Amazon For Deals Up To 90% Off

Why go to the trouble of manually hacking Amazon’s URLs to search for bargains when we’ve got all the messy work done for you?

More Price Tag Codes Decrypted

The popularity of yesterday’s “Target Price Drop Hack” post helped rustle out some other retailer’s secret pricing codes:

Target Price Drop Hack

UPDATE: Check out, “More Price Tag Codes Decrypted.”

GrandCentral + TMobile = Cheap Incoming Phone Calls?

Do you have TMobile? If you do, you might be able to use GrandCentral to forward calls to your cell phone, add your Grand Central number to your “five faves” and everyone who calls your Grand Central number counts as a “fave.”