Walmart recently took a lot of heat on social media over a photo showing a back-to-school promotional sign over a gun display case. The retailer now says it has definitive proof that the sign was posted as a prank, but is not providing any additional details. [More]

Court Upholds Federal Ban On Gun Sales To Medical Marijuana Cardholders
A large number of states have legalized marijuana use for medicinal purposes, even as the federal government continues to maintain that pot is as dangerous and addictive as heroin. However, even though you can’t currently be prosecuted by the feds for properly obtaining medical marijuana in a state like Nevada, your status as a confirmed marijuana user could be used to prevent you from buying a gun. [More]

TSA: More Guns Seized In 2015 Than Ever Before, Most Were Loaded
News flash: you can’t carry guns — unloaded or loaded — onto airplanes. And yet last year, Americans packed more firearms in their carry-ons than ever before, the Transportation Safety Administration says, most of which were loaded. [More]

Customer Turned Down For Loan, Threatens Kia Dealership With Handgun
There are many ways to deal with the situation when you’re turned down for a car loan. You could, for example, try a different dealership, or apply for financing through your own bank or credit union first. We do not recommend the tactic that one man in Kansas took last week, which was to pull out a handgun and threaten Kia dealership employees with it. [More]

Walmart, Sears, Amazon & Other Retailers Agree Not To Sell Realistic-Looking Toy Guns In NY
Almost eight months after New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sent cease-and-desist letters to several retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Sears and Kmart, those companies have agreed not to sell realistic-looking guns in the state. [More]

Hackers Can Now Remotely Attack A Gun, Change Its Target, And Lock The Owner Out
Over the past few years we’ve heard a lot about the smart, connected devices that make up the internet of things. From ceiling fans to cars and cameras, they’re everywhere. Unfortunately, anything that can connect to the internet can be hacked through the internet… and now, it seems, that includes guns. [More]

Man Arrested After Police Say He Stuffed An AK-47 Down His Pants
The AK-47 is many things, but it is definitely not a small and discreet weapon. That’s why it’s not surprising that a man in Florida was arrested after trying to shove one of the assault rifles down his pants in a pawn shop, evidently thinking that this was something he would be able to get away with. [More]

Supreme Court Says Convicted Felons Have A Right To Sell Their Guns
Plenty of Americans legally own firearms. If any of them are later convicted of a felony (that isn’t related to the weapons) and can no longer own a gun, should they have the right to have some input on where their former firearms go? According to the U.S. Supreme Court, yes. [More]

TSA: 2,212 Firearms Found In Carry-Ons Last Year, And Most Were Loaded
Although the average traveler should know by now that flying with guns in your carry-on bag is not going to fly with the Transportation Security Administration, the number of people trying to bring firearms through airport security is going up every year, the agency says in a report today. [More]

Delta Employee Arrested After Allegedly Helping To Smuggle Guns On Flight
Perhaps the Transportation Security Administration’s recent reminder that guns aren’t permitted in carry-on bags should have explicitly stated that this rule also applies to airline workers. But we doubt that would have stopped a Delta baggage handler from allegedly smuggling more than 100 guns onto flights with the help of a former co-worker.

Reminder: TSA Has Magic Machines That Will Find Gun Parts Hidden In A PlayStation 2
This just in: X-ray machines used by the Transportation Security Administration have the power to see through plastic — yes, even the plastic used in gaming consoles! — and will be able to detect the presence of things that should not be in your carry-on bag. One traveler recently foiled by the TSA apparently thought all the camouflage needed to hide gun parts was a Playstation 2. [More]

TSA Would Like To Remind Everyone Flying For The Holidays That You Can’t Bring Guns In Your Carry-On
After a record year finding guns in travelers’ carry-on bags at the nation’s airports, the Transportation Security Administration wants to take a second to remind everyone flying for the holidays that weapons need to be in your checked baggage and declared to authorities. [More]

Target Asks Shoppers Not To Bring Guns Into Its Stores
Target added its name to the list of companies asking customers not to bring guns into its stores. [More]

Target Security Officer Finds Loaded Gun In Toy Section
Playskool makes a wide variety of fun and adorable products, but they don’t make a 9mm Lugar pistol. Yet a Target employee found a loaded gun sitting out in the toy department last Friday, and want the public’s help to find a man who was in the toy department acting in a suspicious manner around the time that the gun was left behind. [More]

Response To Chipotle’s “Please Don’t Bring Guns” Statement Is Predictably Divided
Another chain eatery has put itself in the middle of the debate over gun rights after Chipotle announced yesterday that it would rather its customers didn’t bring firearms into their stores. Not surprisingly, the response to this decision has resulted in praise and condemnation, with little in between. [More]