When you’re hungry for a chicken sandwich, you’re hungry for a chicken sandwich. But while most people might settle for taking a bag filled with a few thousand bucks in cash, one Burger King drive-thru customer was nice enough to return free money and just take the food instead. [More]
good consumers

Man Who Lost His Class Ring Surfing Gets It Back 35 Years Later From A Treasure Hunter
Usually the kind of stuff treasure hunters armed with metal detectors pick up off the beach is of the loose change and worthless crap variety. But every now and again, something valuable shows up just begging to be reunited with its long lost owner. Such was the lucky case for a man who lost his gold class ring 35 years ago. [More]

College Students Pitch In To Tip Delivery Driver $1,268 For Two Pizzas
Tipping a lot for pizza isn’t unusual — how else can one adequately express thanks for delivering a cheesey piece of heaven? — but in most cases, “a lot” means maybe $10. But when a bunch of college students pooled their resources to make one pizza guy’s night, they managed to drop a pretty hefty chunk of change on just two pizzas, giving him a $1,268 tip. [More]

Chick-Fil-A Customer Buys $1,000 Worth Of Food For Customers In Drive-Thru Line Behind Him
The one and only time it’s probably great to still be in the drive-thru line instead of already through it? When someone in front of you decides to shell out $1,000 to pay for the orders of all the strangers in line behind him, like one generous Chick-fil-A customer did this week. [More]

Nice People Donate More Than 200 Pounds Of Onions To School That Had Its Garden Plundered
After some total jerk or jerks stole 100 onions from a patch cultivated by elementary school kids in Maine, a whole lot of other nice people have turned around and made the situation into a positive one, by donating more than 200 pounds of onions to replace the ones that were stolen. Feel that? Your heart is applauding. [More]

Store Owner Giving Away Hundreds Of Pairs Of New Shoes To Any And All School Kids In Town
On the one hand, hundreds of pairs of brand new shoes could fetch a pretty penny for the seller. But on the other hand, as one New Jersey store owner figured, there are kids out there who could use some free footwear. [More]

Hair Stylist Gives Away Free Haircuts Every Weekend To NYC’s Homeless
Just because someone doesn’t have a roof over their head doesn’t mean that head can’t be well-groomed, as one New York City stylist who usually commands upwards of $150 for his hair services is showing by providing free haircuts to those in need. [More]

Pianist Serenades Travelers At Prague Airport With Impromptu Concert
You show me someone who’s enjoying sitting at an airport and I will show you a liar. Bearable at most, the experience of traveling is never fun, unless you’ve got something to take your mind off the dreariness of waiting. Travelers passing through Prague’s airport recently had quite the opposite experience, after a pianist connected with an airport piano. [More]

Stranger Offers To Pay For Fellow Walmart Shopper’s Diapers When They Cost More Than Expected
Usually when one hears a shopper has been caught on tape, the mind leaps immediately to troublesome behaviors we’ve seen in the past from bad consumers. That makes it all the more refreshing to see a stranger offer to pay for her fellow shopper’s purchase, after she’d realized she couldn’t get a price match on all four boxes of diapers and thus, could only afford one. [More]

Six-Year-Old Donates All His Birthday Money To Police To Help Pay For Kids’ Summer Programs
Most six-year-olds are likely to see their birthdays as one giant pile of presents and cake and this is all mine mine mine me me me! But not one generous tyke in Florida who instead donated all the money he got for his birthday to his local police force for a good cause. [More]

Goodwill Workers Track Down Family Of Heirloom Bible Found In Donation Bin
One might think that when a wayward object travels through time and across great distances, only to find rest in the donation bin at a Goodwill store, that its destiny lies far from where it started. But when workers at one Denver thrift store spotted a 19th century Bible that had names listed inside, they made it their mission to reunite it with members of that family. [More]

Sanitation Worker Rescues Discarded Birthday Card From The Trash, Returns It To Recipient
One of the best feelings as a consumer is the, “Wow, you didn’t have to do that but I’m so glad you did” feeling. Like when a customer service rep rewards you with a coupon just for calling in with a question, or when the cashier slyly gives you a discount you didn’t earn. Or when a garbage crew worker sifts through the trash to rescue an unopened birthday card and return it to its rightful owner. [More]

Nurses Hailed As Heroes For Treating Pilot’s Emergency Medical Condition In Mid-Flight
It sounds hard enough to be a medical professional, what with all that blood and guts on the job, but even when you’re not at work, it’s like you’re always on call. And thank goodness for that, after two nurses on a recent United Airlines flight had to step up and treat the plane’s pilot during a medical emergency in midair. [More]

Honesty Pays Off With $11K Reward For Cabbie Who Returned Gambler’s Lost $300K
Just because it’s past December 25 doesn’t mean the Christmas spirit has left the proverbial building: An honest cabbie who turned in a bag stuffed with $300,000 in hundred-dollar bills will likely be making very merry after receiving an $11,000 reward for being a do-gooder. [More]

Stranger Pays For Family’s Dinner At Pizza Hut Because Parenting Ain’t Easy
While not every parent can come prepared with things like goodie bags to apologize in advance for any bad behavior their kids may exhibit, that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to try their best to make sure their children don’t act out in public. One single mom was rewarded for the not always easy effort of parenting when a stranger visited a random act of kindness upon her family. [More]

Atlanta Couple Invites 200 Homeless People To Dinner After Daughter Calls Off Her Wedding
As the ancient Sumerian saying goes: Waste not, want not. And it was the waste of a four-course dinner for 200 guests that one couple decided against, after their daughter called off her wedding 40 days before the scheduled nuptials. Instead of simply canceling the event, the parents still held it — inviting 200 of Atlanta’s homeless to a dinner reception. [More]