Fans of all-you-can-eat classic American food may have a tentative reason to rejoice: Golden Corral will be taking over empty restaurants that were closed, sometimes abruptly, by the company that operates buffet brands Old Country Buffet, HomeTown Buffet, Fire Mountain, and Ryan’s. The competing buffet chain is taking the opportunity to move into some markets where it has never had restaurants before. [More]
golden corral

Restaurants Prep For All-Day Breakfast Battle With McDonald’s
In just a few short weeks, McDonald’s will find out whether its move to offering all-day breakfast was a great idea or a rotten egg, but family restaurant chains that rely on breakfast to make their bottom lines aren’t waiting to find out and are launching promotional assaults to win the hearts (and wallets) of America’s pancakes and sausage eaters. [More]

Golden Corral Customer Claims His Chili Came With A Free Rat
Warning: If you want to make sure your breakfast/any food you’ve eaten recently stays put, you probably won’t want to click over and watch any videos that I’m about to link to. Because I already had to go through that for you, and don’t want you to suffer. To that end, a guy in Florida says he found a rat head in his chili at a Golden Corral restaurant. [More]

Golden Corral: Food In Dumpster Video Wasn’t Served; Father Of Employee Tried To Sell Video To Company For $5K
As we mentioned this morning, a video showing food sitting by the dumpsters of a Golden Corral restaurant in Florida has become an Internet sensation. Now the owners of the Golden Corral franchise featured in the clip are saying that all the food shown in the video was thrown out and the manager involved was fired. The franchise owners also claim that the father of the employee in the video tried to sell the clip to the company before it went public. [More]

Videos: Golden Corral Employee Claims His Bosses Store Food Out By Dumpsters
Buffet chain Golden Corral is feeling the heat after this holiday weekend, when a man claiming to be an employee at a GC in Florida posted a YouTube video showing food allegedly being temporarily stored by the dumpsters while the restaurant was undergoing an inspection. [More]

U.S. Government: You Can’t Kick Someone Out Of Your Restaurant Because They’re Scabby
If someone looks sort of icky, do you have the right to ask them to leave your restaurant? According to the United States Government, the answer is “no, not if they look icky because of a protected disability.” A Golden Corral restaurant in Michigan has learned that lesson the hard way, and throwing out a child with a genetic skin condition will cost them $60,000. [More]