Have you ever stashed a spare shirt in your bag in case you spilled something, or brought along a spare pair of shoes in case you got a blister? Former General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt reportedly took similar precautions: According to company insiders, he brought an extra jet along with him on some business trips in case the first one broke down. [More]
general electric

Report: Former GE CEO Brought Along An Extra Empty Plane On Some Trips

Should A $800 Dryer Last Longer Than 2 Years?
When we talk about electronics and home appliances on this site, the question that frequently crops up is how long consumers can expect an item to work before it needs expensive repairs or dies altogether. Reader Karen spent $800 on a General Electric dryer for her then-new home waaaay back in 2011. Less than two years later, the plastic power button on the appliance’s front broke. The repair cost? $485. [More]

GE Wants To Spend $836 For Repairs On My $500 Washer That Does The Harlem Shake
Reader Philip bought a new washer and dryer on sale last year after Black Friday. They were finally delivered when the family moved into a new house last week. When the time came for the inaugural wash, the machine made a loud banging sound and hopped around the room. GE sent a repairman who, on orders from GE, thought that gutting the washer was an ideal solution. Philip disagreed, pointing out that he would constantly fear a dryer motor fire and would prefer a new replacement, what with the washer/dryer set being newly delivered and all. GE would much rather spend more than the replacement value of the appliance. [More]

Comcast Set To Swallow NBCUniversal Whole With $16.7 Billion Buyout
What would Liz Lemon do? Well 30 Rock did get in its parting jab at Comcast during its series finale recently, but we’re sure Liz and Jack Donaghy would have plenty to say about Comcast’s $16.7 billion buyout of NBCUniversal. Kabletown — er, Comcast, is gobbling up General Electric’s 49% stake in the company, which will make it the 100% overlord supreme. [More]

How Long Can I Expect A Fancy $700 Microwave To Last?
The GE Café Series of appliances is very nice-looking: sleek and covered with stainless steel. JLP renovated his kitchen a few years ago, and bought this lovely suite of appliances. There’s a problem, though: the over-the-range microwave. The touchpad has stopped working, and will cost $450 to replace. The real question is this: is it unreasonable to expect a microwave with a one-year warranty to last for five years? What about a microwave that costs as up to $1,000 to replace with the same model? [More]

What Cleans Cats Better, Front or Top-Load Washers?
“We’ve heard of people inviting their friends over to see their new washer and dryer. Who would have ever thought of that happening?” says Steven Peterson, General Electric’s marketing manager for clothes care.