Comcast Set To Swallow NBCUniversal Whole With $16.7 Billion Buyout

What would Liz Lemon do? Well 30 Rock did get in its parting jab at Comcast during its series finale recently, but we’re sure Liz and Jack Donaghy would have plenty to say about Comcast’s $16.7 billion buyout of NBCUniversal. Kabletown — er, Comcast, is gobbling up General Electric’s 49% stake in the company, which will make it the 100% overlord supreme.
Everything happened quickly, as the New York Times noted that the sale process was originally expected to span several years. But now the acquisition will be complete by the end of March. Comcast sounds pumped about its new property.
“We always thought it was a strong possibility that we’d some day own 100 percent,” said Brian Roberts, chief executive of Comcast. He says Comcast is committed to NBCUniversal and its cable channels, as well as the NBC broadcast network. And of course, it’s a bonus for his company to own not only the delivery system but the content as well.
Included in the sale are the NBC studios and offices at the iconic 30 Rockefeller Plaza building in NYC as well as the CNBC headquarters in New Jersey.
Comcast first entered the scene in 2011 when it bought 51% of the company from General Electric, in a deal that allowed for the option of buying the rest of NBC in a time frame of three to seven years. But it seems everyone got antsy, perhaps because of a “clash in corporate cultures,” notes the NYT.
So really, perhaps Liz and Jack’s gentle barbs at the cable giant pushed a few buttons at Comcast. We’ll never know.
Comcast Buys Rest of NBC in Early Sale [New York Times]
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