With fundraising campaigns popping up all over online and in social media, it’s not always easy to tell the real causes from the fake. Officials in Alabama say one woman faked cancer and scammed charitable givers out of $38,000. [More]

Woman Accused Of Faking Cancer To Collect $38K From Fundraising Campaign

Patagonia Says It Raised $10 Million For Charity From Black Friday Sale
Outdoor outfitter Patagonia attracted positive attention when it announced that it would be open on Black Friday, but donate all of its sales (not its profits: all sales) from retail stores and its website to environmental charities. Now the sales have been tallied, and the retailer took in a total of $10 million. [More]

Facebook Letting Individual Users Set Up Fundraising Pages For Nonprofits
People who want to raise money for the causes they care about have another crowdfunding option: Facebook announced it’s expanding its fundraising feature for nonprofits to individual users. [More]

Teachers Call On McDonald’s To End McTeacher’s Nights
McDonald’s has several methods for marketing directly to children and parents, including McTeacher’s Nights, where educators will volunteer to work for the night at a McD’s in exchange for a “percentage of sales from the event” being donated to the school. Today, groups and unions representing some 3 million American teachers are asking McDonald’s to put an end to the program. [More]

Red Cross Raised More Than $300 Million After Hurricane Sandy: How Did They Spend It?
Shady charities pop up after a disaster, and the standard advice at such times is to donate instead to established, trusted organizations like the Red Cross. Only the Red cross, which raised more than $300 million after Hurricane Sandy isn’t keen to have the world know what they spent all of that money on. [More]

Six-Year-Old Donates All His Birthday Money To Police To Help Pay For Kids’ Summer Programs
Most six-year-olds are likely to see their birthdays as one giant pile of presents and cake and this is all mine mine mine me me me! But not one generous tyke in Florida who instead donated all the money he got for his birthday to his local police force for a good cause. [More]

Report: Telemarketers Pocket Nearly 2/3 Of Charity Donations
While the person who calls you to ask for a charitable donation is probably representing a non-profit organization, that telemarketer may be employed by a for-profit fundraising company hired by the charity. But just how much of what you’re giving ends up going to the charity, and how much goes to line the telemarketer’s pockets? [More]

Sorry, But Calling In A Noise Complaint On Salvation Army Bell Ringers Won’t Work
A downtown shop worker in Portsmouth, N.H. is either a whiny Grinch or a brave hero, depending on your point of view. Tired of the infernal dinging once Salvation Army kettles set up for the holiday season outside of her store, she decided to fight back by calling a noise complaint in to the police. The complaint did not make the bell-ringers go away, alas. [More]

AutoZone Cashier Made Me Donate To Charity Against My Will
Stuart was shopping at Autozone, and stubbornly insisted on reading everything on the credit card reader screen before agreeing to it. The chain was doing a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital fundraising push at the time, and when the screen asked whether he would like to donate a dollar, the cashier reached over and pressed “yes” for him. There was some confusion, but ultimately when Stuart complained, the store employees didn’t see why he was being so stubborn. After all, it was for charity, and only a dollar: why did he care that the store was charging him money he specifically didn’t give them permission to charge? [More]

Salvation Army To Accept Credit Cards In Kettles
Do you brush off Salvation Army bell-ringers, saying that you don’t have any cash? In certain cities, you’ll need to find a different excuse. This holiday season, the ubiquitous charity introduces kettles that accept credit cards. [More]

Reader Isn't A Bad Person, Just Doesn't Want To Round Up His Grocery Purchase
Dustin isn’t a jerk, really. He just feels like one every time he shops at his local Vons, because they’re always pushing him to donate his change to charity. He wants to know whether your local Vons, Safeway, or other grocery stores do this to you, too.

Ways To Raise Funds For a Small Business
Forgive potential investors for being skeptical of tossing you their spare change for your business proposition in this post-Madoff world. Banks aren’t exactly waving small-business loans in your face these days either, so what’s someone with a great new business idea to do?
Walmart Watch is raising funds to help pay for the ongoing care of the woman who was hit by a semi. [Walmart Watch]