Here in the social media era, everyone is a brand — but some more than others. Verified “influencers” on social media platforms can make a pretty penny selling access to their influence… and so it perhaps is unsurprising that the ability to influence is, itself, a hot commodity you can buy. [More]
follow the money

I Know My ID Thief’s Name & Address, But Police Won’t Do Anything About It
When you think of an identity thief, you probably envision some squirrelly jerk in a third-world country selling your data on the black market. He’s untraceable and living someplace where the police don’t care. However, that ID thief could be only miles away from you, living an otherwise normal life… in a police where police also don’t really care. [More]

John Oliver Reveals Illicit Global Cadbury Creme Egg Conspiracy
Did you know that Cadbury Creme Eggs aren’t just a sickeningly sweet, vaguely holiday-themed treat? No, according to truth-telling TV personality John Oliver, they are also the epicenter of a global conspiracy involving classic Christmas movies, Bono, gold, and affordable airfare. [More]

Report: “Wheels For Wishes” Charity Misled Donors About Make-A-Wish Donations
Car Donation Foundation, more popularly known as “Wheels for Wishes,” is the nation’s largest auto donation charity. Every year, it takes in millions of dollars from donated cars for the supposed purpose of benefiting local chapters of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. But Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson says the charity has been misleading donors about its connections to Make-A-Wish and about how much money that organization was getting from the donated vehicles. [More]

Report: Telemarketers Pocket Nearly 2/3 Of Charity Donations
While the person who calls you to ask for a charitable donation is probably representing a non-profit organization, that telemarketer may be employed by a for-profit fundraising company hired by the charity. But just how much of what you’re giving ends up going to the charity, and how much goes to line the telemarketer’s pockets? [More]

Why Comcast Wants To Buy Time Warner Cable, And Why TWC Wants To Let Them
Commentary has been flying nonstop since Comcast announced its plan to buy Time Warner Cable. If the buyout goes through, there will be enormous repercussions in the TV and broadband industries, both for competitors and for consumers. Before the legal filings and federal approvals and consumer chaos all begin in March, though, it’s worth taking a step back to look at why this merger is being proposed, and why it’s happening now. [More]