Anh shares my inexplicable love of that cheap freezer case staple, the Celeste pizza-for-one. The just-spicy-enough sauce! The crunchy crust that the likely-carcinogenic microwaving disc provides! The $1 price point! It’s not wood-fired oven pizza, but it’s one of the most edible things that comes out of a box and gets cooked in the microwave. The current line of “limited edition” pizzas tempted Anh, and he opened up a Hawaiian pizza only to find that the toppings were sparse. And it made him sad. Mama Celeste had finally steered him wrong. [More]
frozen food

Healthy Choice Lasagna Disappoints Hungry Office Worker
Amanda keeps some frozen meals stashed in her office freezer for emergency healthy lunch options. Her latest Healthy Choice meal isn’t really so “healthy,” and more “icky. Not that she expects her meal to look like the expertly-styled one on the box, but she does expect it to look and taste edible. That’s an unreasonable expectation, as it turns out. [More]

The Sad Hawaiian-Style Celeste Pizza With One Pineapple And Many Hams
No one purchases a one-dollar frozen pizza expecting a gourmet experience. Heck, they don’t even expect the meal to look all that much like the photo on the box. When reader Kitanaor picked up a Hawaiian-style Celeste pizza-for-one, though, she expected to find more than one piece of pineapple among the toppings. [More]

Frog Found In Frozen Veggies
A Michigan couple is croaking about an unusual, tiny, hitchhiker they found in their bag of frozen vegetables they bought at the Meijer supermarket. [More]

Banquet Spaghetti Meatballs Box Vs Reality
On the left is a box of Banquet brand frozen spaghetti and meatballs. On the right is what is inside. Disappointed at the lack of visible meatballs, reader reader Sonia snapped the photos and sent them in. On the one hand, that’s what you get for eating $1.00 Walmart frozen pasta and meatballs. On the other, well, couldn’t they have left at least one in? [More]

Oh Look, There's A Severed Frog Head In My Green Beans
There’s some disagreement about the identity of the creature whose head ended up in a Texas family’s frozen green beans. Is it a frog? Is it a snake? The family and the vegetable manufacturer disagree, but we do know that it is quite obviously not a bean. (Warning: picture and video inside.) [More]

This Weight Watchers Meal Includes A Free Frozen Frog
Noreen tells Consumerist that she made an exciting discovery yesterday. Her Weight Watchers Smart Ones frozen meal, a fettucine alfredo dish that is supposed to be meatless, included a free protein-rich side dish. A tiny frog! [More]

Either This Is The Wrong Sign Or The Appetizers Have Melted
Steffany snapped this example of target aisle labeling fail. She writes: [More]

Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine Meals Have More Calories Than Advertised
If you’re a fan of using frozen Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and South Beach Living meals to control your caloric intake — you might be interested to know that a news study says the dinners have eight per cent more calories than the labels said. [More]

Hey, Where Did All The Eggo Waffles Go?
Kimberly’s life just isn’t the same. Something is missing. That something: Eggo waffles. She wants to know where they have gone, and whether they will ever return to her.

Packaged Frozen Meal Preparation Requires…Food Thermometer?
When I throw a frozen meal in my messenger bag on my way out the door for work, it’s because I don’t have the time or the facilities for complicated meal preparation at work. Marie Callender’s may not be aiming their new “Pasta al Dente” frozen meals at the key lunch-at-work demographic.

Hey Banquet, Chicken Pot Pie Usually Comes With Filling
Does anyone remember Bunnicula? We think there’s a similar beast in the Banquet pot pie plant, only instead of sucking vegetables dry he’s draining the pies before they ship. That’s the only thing that can explain how the real pot pie this Consumerist reader cooked looks nothing like the bountiful pot pie harvest shown on the box. Oh wait: it could also be that Banquet is a cheap-assed company that can’t be bothered to sell decent frozen food.

Winco Frozen Fish: The Big U.S. Flag Tells You It's Made In China!
A reader in Redding, California was shopping at the local Winco and saw this ultra-patriotic bag of frozen tilapia—if it were any prouder to be an American it would have to start singing country music. But when glugory turned the bag over, the phrase “Product of China” was stamped across the bottom. “So now these bastards are lulling you into a false sense of patriotism in order to sell their commie fish,” writes glugory. That might be overstating it a bit, but we’re fans of overstating things here at Consumerist, so… yeah! Damned commie fish! Remember: never trust packaging. It’s just marketing you can hold.
Frozen Food Ad Found Funny
A humorous commercials for frozen foods, or as they say, !@#$% foods…