McDonald’s continues to tease most of the country, dangling the promise of garlic fries — not some caked-on garlic-and-puke-flavored powder but real garlic — then pulling them away, and now bringing them back, but only in the San Francisco area. [More]

McDonald’s Sells Out Of Garlic Fries During Testing In California’s Bay Area
California’s Bay Area is probably emitting a heck of a lot of stinky garlic breath right now, after all the McDonald’s in the vicinity sold out of Gilroy Garlic Fries, a new test item added to the menu only last week. [More]

McDonald’s Testing Garlic Fries Made With Local Garlic In San Francisco
Another day, another product McDonald’s is throwing out there to see if it’ll stick: this time it’s garlic fries made with locally-sourced garlic. [More]

New “McDonald’s Of The Future” In Missouri Will Offer All-You-Can-Eat French Fries
While we live in a fast food world that’s been moving steadily toward healthier menu options, you better believe that if someone puts unlimited French fries on the table, people are going to react. That’s where a McDonald’s franchisee in Missouri with his big “McDonald’s of the future” idea comes in. In his version of the future, we will all eat as many fries as we want. [More]

McDonald’s Shakin’ Flavor Seasoned Fries Popping Up In Ohio, Michigan
It seems McDonald’s is still on a customization kick: After testing seasoning packets for both fries and McNuggets in Nevada and California, the Shakin’ Flavors have popped up in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Don’t hold your breath for these flavors to roll out nationwide, though, at least not quite yet. [More]

McDonald’s Testing “Shakin’ Flavor” Seasoning On Both McNuggets And Fries In Nevada
Not content to let seasoned dust fall only on French fries in California, McDonald’s has now expanded its test of Shakin’ Flavors to its chicken McNuggets in some Nevada locations as well. Again, this just sounds like a great big salty mess waiting to get all over our hands. [More]

PYT’s $144 Groupon Deal Entitles Pass Bearers To A Burger And Fries Every Day For A Year
If you live in Philadelphia or New York City and consider yourself the true burger king/queen, you might want to jump on a current Groupon deal that could keep you in burgers and fries every day for an entire year for only $144. That is, if your body can handle such a thing. Yes, this is real. [More]

Tractor-Trailer Full Of French Fries Overturns On Maine Highway, Awaits Ketchup Truck
It was not a fried-food-free-for-all in Maine yesterday when a tractor-trailer full of frozen French fries rolled over, spilling its cargo on the ground. Since no ketchup trucks or massive traveling ovens showed up in time, instead the state department of agriculture condemned the load of fries and they were hauled to the local dump. [More]

Pour Out A Bottle Of Ketchup For 40,000 Pounds Of Fries Destroyed In Fire
These fries are a little overcooked. In a Walmart parking lot in Maine on Tuesday evening, a tractor-trailer carrying 40,000 pounds of frozen Burger King French fries caught fire. destroying the cargo, the truck, and the dreams of the fast food-loving people of New Jersey. [More]

Taco Bell Wraps Chili Cheese Fries Up In A Tortilla, Calls It Delicious in Canada
Have you ever craved fries with chili and melted cheese, but been in such a hurry that you had no choice but to eat them while walking or driving? Yeah, us either. But Taco Bell’s Canadian outposts are prepared for exactly that situation with their Chili Cheese Fries Griller. [More]

Magical Vending Machine Makes Fries For You In 90 Seconds
Want a snack? Vending machines that cook various foods for you are existed for years, but outside of a grocery store in Brussels, there is a machine that cuts and cooks French fries for you in only 90 seconds. The fries cook in beef fat and vegetable oil, since Belgium is the land where French fries were invented and anything not cooked in beef fat is a waste of perfectly good potatoes. [More]

These Fries Must Last A Really Long Time
According to the sell by date, these Alexia Potato Julienne fries will last you until 6,071,100,111. [More]

Despite Ban, Fries From Burger King And Wendy's Still Contain Too Much Trans Fat
A report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that fries from Burger King and Wendy’s still contain too much trans fat, despite a recent ban imposed by New York City. The CSPI made the discovery after shuttling fries from Burger King, Wendy’s and McDonald’s to an independent lab. Tests showed that fries from both Burger King and Wendy’s contained more than 3 grams of trans fat per serving, compared to McDonald’s fries, which contained only 0.2 grams of trans fat per serving. The chains are not violating New York City’s ban on trans fat, yet.

Woman Sues McDonald s for Bloody Fries
s after finding blood slathered inside her fry box.