Tractor-Trailer Full Of French Fries Overturns On Maine Highway, Awaits Ketchup Truck

It was not a fried-food-free-for-all in Maine yesterday when a tractor-trailer full of frozen French fries rolled over, spilling its cargo on the ground. Since no ketchup trucks or massive traveling ovens showed up in time, instead the state department of agriculture condemned the load of fries and they were hauled to the local dump.
The driver says that a water bottle distracted him and he lost control of the vehicle, which is exactly what I thought “drinking and driving” meant when I was seven years old. He was not injured in the accident, which is good news because while frozen food is replaceable, people are not.
We love food-spilled-on-highway stories here at Consumerist, but the simple fact of spilled fries isn’t the most interesting part about this. The spot where the fry truck spilled isn’t far from where another truck filled with food spilled its cargo on the highway earlier this year. That truck was filled with whole potatoes. Apparently, the citizens of Maine have obtained some kind of potato magnet.
The fries were in 30-pound boxes and obviously headed toward a career in food service, but we don’t know what restaurant(s) they were bound for.
Truck crash spills boxes of French fries [WCSH]
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