The first reports that Restaurant Brands International, the Canadian company formed by the merger of Burger King and Tim Hortons, was planning to pursue fried chicken chain Popeyes surfaced, appropriately enough, on Valentine’s Day. Now the company has officially announced that Popeyes has reached an agreement to join the family for $1.8 billion. [More]
fried chicken

Popeyes Customer Dropping Lawsuit Over Lack Of Knife With Fried Chicken Order
Well, that was quick: only a few days after filing a lawsuit against Popeyes claiming that the lack of a knife in his order caused him to choke on his fried chicken, a Mississippi lawyers is dropping his complaint. [More]

NYC Health Officials Investigating Report Of Fried Rat Head Served At Popeyes
Let’s start with a warning: if you have recently eaten food, are planning to eat food in the near future, or ever want to eat food again, you might want to stop reading. Now that that’s covered, let’s talk about a Popeyes customer who claims she received a fried rat head with her chicken. [More]

Taco Bell Testing Taco Shells Made Out Of Fried Chicken Because Why Not?
Everyone who’s anyone in the fast food world knows that fried chicken is hot right now (pun intended), prompting chains that might not be known for serving it to jump on the chicken bandwagon. To wit: Taco Bell is exploring its poultry side with the “Naked Crispy Chicken Taco” — basically, a taco that has a shell made out of fried chicken. [More]

Taco Bell Shoving Aside Waffle Taco In Favor Of New Biscuit Taco
Make no mistake — when it comes to the fight to get into your belly, it is a veritable breakfast battleground out there right now among fast food chains. The latest to fall in battle is Taco Bell’s waffle taco, which was once the flag bearer of the chain’s breakfast efforts. The company is pushing the waffle taco off its morning throne and replacing it with a biscuit taco that it tested in the fall of 2014. [More]

Taco Bell’s Tortilla-Encrusted Fried Chicken Strips Are Real, Tested In 3 States
If you’re one of the 49.71% of our readers who, when polled, thought that Dorito-encrusted fried chicken sounded like an amazing idea, we have great news. Kind of. Yum Brands has brought this idea one step closer to reality: as they whispered to some food bloggers a few months ago, tortilla-encrusted fried chicken strips have left the imaginations of Taco Bell’s food scientists and leapt onto restaurant menus in three states. [More]

Master Of Fried Fair Food Opens Restaurant, Will Clog Arteries Year-Round
Here at Consumerist, we like to keep our fingers on the feeble, erratic pulse of the latest news in junk food. We like to check in annually on the latest novelty fair foods from Chicken Charlie’s, a vendor at various fairs in southern California and an influential fryer of things. Exciting news from San Diego: Chicken Charlie’s opened a year-round restaurant over the weekend. [More]

Taco Bell Is Testing Tortilla Chip-Encrusted Fried Chicken––No, Really
Remember a few months ago when we shared the news that KFC in the Philippines is offering fried chicken covered in Clover Chips, a popular tapioca-based snack? We took the opportunity to wonder whether parent company Yum Brands might bring that concept to the United States, substituting Dorito crumbs for Clover Chips. Well, maybe the company was listening…just not necessarily KFC. [More]

This $50 Bloody Mary Includes An Entire Fried Chicken
Although my path in life has taken me many miles from the fair shores of Lake Michigan, I can always count on the people of Milwaukee to make me proud by way of ridiculously extravagant food creations. I am now an entire fried chicken’s worth proud, as a bar in the Good Land has introduced a Bloody Mary topped with a whole fried fowl. [More]

Shocker: Those Fake-Looking Fried Chicken Oreos Are Indeed Fake
Given the sheer number of Oreo varieties that have been dumped on store shelves in the past year — from sherbet to peanut butter cup to fruit punch to lemon and limeade — it’s almost not beyond belief that Nabisco would give fried chicken Oreos a go. Almost, but not quite. [More]

KFC Peddling Drumstick Corsages Because High School Dances Aren’t Weird Enough Already
As if it’s not hard enough to be a teenager dressed to the nines in a formal outfit that probably cost too much and won’t change your life in the way you’ve always dreamed of, in a room filled with other teenagers awkwardly swaying/pawing at each other, why not strap fried chicken to your arm and just call it a night? To wit: KFC is peddling customizable chicken drumstick corsages for those discerning promgoers looking to go that extra weird mile. [More]

A Candle That Smells Like Fried Chicken Is Sort Of A Tease
Listen, it’s hard enough out here for a hungry person, what with candles smelling like pumpkin pie and apple cider as they burn. But now you want to add in a decorative object that gives off the smell of fried chicken and yet fails to deliver said delicious food to my mouth? That’s just not fair. [via Scents of the Commonwealth] [More]

Church’s Chicken Criticized For Continued Use Of Trans Fat Oils
While fast food will likely never be mistaken as healthy eats, most fast food chains, including McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and most recently Long John Silver’s, have realized that using oils containing trans fats, which increase your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol, is probably a bad idea. But not every major chain is stepping out of the fast food stone age. [More]

Family Of Popeyes Founder Wanted His Memorial To Feature Life-Sized Statue Eating Fried Chicken
The key facts you need to know here: the late Al Copeland was the fried chicken entrepreneur behind Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits. Was he the king? Definitely, at least according to his family’s plans for a tribute to him in the Lafreniere Park in Metairie, La. What they initially had in mind, however, isn’t quite to the taste of local officials. [More]

Who Is This Strange Goateed Man Trying To Sell Us KFC Products?
For those of us who grew up watching Colonel Sanders (or rather, some guy dressed up as Colonel Sanders) on ads for Kentucky Fried Chicken, it might come as a shock to learn that the fast food chain’s own survey found that more than 60% of Americans between the ages of 18-25 couldn’t identify the man. [More]

Popeyes Decides It's Time To Play Chicken With KFC
For years, Popeyes has been bragging about the quality of its fried chicken, but now that the fast food chain says they beat KFC in an independent national taste test, it’s decided to take the battle right to the Colonel with a new marketing campaign that pits Louisiana against Kentucky. [More]

Two Delicious Worlds Collide With Red Velvet Fried Chicken
San Francisco continues to confound us… On one hand the city is trying to take all the happy out of Happy Meals; on the other hand, it’s the same place you can now order up a plate of fried chicken coated in a red velvet cake batter. [More]

It's Tough Being The Only Popeye's In Minnesota
What happens when you mix a chicken promotion, a national ad buy, and a franchisee not taking part in the promotion? You get a lot of hungry and annoyed people. And, last Thursday in Minneapolis, you have to call the police.