A little more than a week before the release date for Grey, a re-telling of E.L. James’ popular Fifty Shades of Grey, publisher Random House told police someone lifted a copy of the book from its offices in England. [More]
fifty shades of grey

Burst Sprinkler Pipe Floods NYC Movie Theater, Sends Chandelier Crashing To The Floor
Nothing quite ruins a movie like an unexpected shower: Moviegoers at a New York City theater were interrupted in their cinematic pursuits yesterday afternoon when an overhead sprinkler pipe burst, flooding the place and sending a light fixture crashing to the ground. And yes, the theater did have screenings of Fifty Shades of Grey on the schedule let’s make that joke in our heads and move on. [More]

Creator Of Uncanny ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Text Generator Doesn’t See Robots Taking Writers’ Jobs
Amid the Fifty Shades of Grey movie hooplah maybe you’ve found yourself grumbling, “I could’ve written that book.” Sure, maybe, but it’s not just you — there’s a text generator out there right now that does a pretty damn near perfect impersonation of the series. Wait — robots are doing literature (and I use that term lightly) now? ARE WE ALL DOOMED? We chatted with the programmer behind the new Fifty Shades of Grey text generator tool to find out. [More]

British DIY Store Chain Sends Memo To Prepare Workers For Onslaught Of Demanding ‘Fifty Shades’ Fans
So let’s say you work at a hardware store, or other Do-It-Yourself home improvement spot. Sure, you get a bunch of customers on a day-to-day basis, but then one day… One day it’s different. There are suddenly hordes of demanding customers tearing apart the shelves and buying up all the ropes and cable ties. To prepare its workers for this possibility upon this weekend’s release of S&M fiction turned movie Fifty Shades of Grey, a British chain has issued a memo to its workers with a convenient plot outline, warning them to expect a rush of customers. [More]

Brewery’s “50 Shades Of Green” Beer Touts “Performance Enhancing” Ingredients
Because business just cannot resist hitching their wagons to sexy risings stars, the upcoming premiere of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is proving quite promotionally fertile for everyone from sex toy makers to booze. Making beer sexy might seems like a stretch, but the brewers behind 50 Shades of Green are doing their best by touting the beer’s “performance enhancing” ingredients like ginseng and other aphrodisiacs. [More]

Theaters Tell “Fifty Shades Of Grey” Fans To Leave Their Props At Home
Every once in a while when movie with a built-in fan base opens, superfans show their excitement by donning costumes of their favorite characters and carrying props related to story. Some Harry Potter fans waved wands, Hulk fan encased their hands in giant green foam fists, and Star Wars lovers engaged in light saber duels, but fans of the soon-to-be released Fifty Shades of Grey movie have been instructed to leave their toys at home. [More]

Charity Book Shops: No One Wants Your Used Copy Of Fifty Shades Of Grey
When does a book donation turn from a welcome bit of assistance into an unwanted nuisance? Perhaps after everyone has already read it, turning it into a wild success but one that doesn’t necessarily merit a permanent position on the book shelf. After all, who really needs to own a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey when all your friends have it for the borrowing anyway? [More]

Dress Your Baby In ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Clothing Now, Answer Awkward Questions Later
“Mommy, who is Christian Grey and why is he responsible for my birth?” That’s the kind of question parents will be answering when the babies they’re decking out in 50 Shades of Grey onesies start looking at their baby pictures. And likely many a mother-in-law will raise an eyebrow at apparel declaring, “I pretend Christian Grey is my Daddy.” Oh, boy. [More]

Brits Abandon The Boy Wizard To 'Make Fifty Shades Of Grey' All-Time Amazon UK Bestseller
Devotees of magical boy wizard Harry Potter and his trusted cohorts Hermione and Ron might want to stop reading right about now: Over in Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling’s home in the United Kingdom, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James has beaten out all seven books in the Harry series to become Amazon UK’s all-time bestselling book. [More]

Surprise! That’s Not A Bible In Your Hotel Nightstand — It’s ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’
When was the last time you read a Bible at a hotel? And when is the last time you read or were tempted to read Fifty Shades of Grey? The widespread and overwhelming popularity of the steamy trilogy has led a hotel owner in England’s Lake District to replace all of the bibles in his 40 guest rooms with a copy of E.L. James’ book, in order to appeal to that second group of people who would pick it over the traditional copy of the Gideons Bible. [More]

Florida Library Gives In To Public Demand For "Porn" Reverses Ban On 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'
As any woman gabbing with her pals will tell you, Fifty Shades of Grey is the book to read right now if you want a little ah, mental stimulation, even if the writing is far from fine literature. But although a Florida Library recently responded to the “mommy porn” craze by removing the series from its shelves, it seems the readers have spoken, and demanded it be returned. [More]