Because business just cannot resist hitching their wagons to sexy risings stars, the upcoming premiere of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is proving quite promotionally fertile for everyone from sex toy makers to booze. Making beer sexy might seems like a stretch, but the brewers behind 50 Shades of Green are doing their best by touting the beer’s “performance enhancing” ingredients like ginseng and other aphrodisiacs. [More]
sex sells

Every Halloween Costume Can Be "Sexy." Every. Single. One.
Every Halloween they come out with another batch of “sexy” costumes. We’ve seen sexy pirate wench outfits for little girls, and sexy Catholic School girl costumes for dogs, but illustrator Jillian Tamaki doesn’t think we’ve gone quite far enough. [More]

Real Estate Ad: Fancy Apartments Lead To Sex With A "Better Quality Of Woman"
It’s not a shock that some people find a luxury home — especially something like a tricked-out, multi-million dollar NYC apartment — to be a bit of an aphrodisiac, perhaps to the point of overlooking the other person’s less attractive qualities. But a NYC real estate broker has decided to do more than just hint at this behavior in its new ad. [More]

Men Pay More Attention To "Sexier" News Anchors, But Remember Less
TV networks try to boost ratings by hiring comely female anchors and dressing them and shooting them in ways to accentuate their visual assets, but a study finds it actually reduces the amount of information recalled by male viewers. The “sexier” the female anchors, the more attention men pay, but the less they remember of what the news was about. [More]

Readers Dig Dirty Books, Boost Publishing Industry
If any industry needs a little help to get business to be booming, it’s publishing. And aid is coming from an unlikely source — erotic books could be the savior of the swiftly sinking business of book publishing, MSNBC’s Brian Alexander reports. [More]

Spirit Airlines Hold "Threesome Sale"
Spirit Airlines, holding a “Threesome Sale”, is apparently desperate for attention and I guess we’ll just have to give it to them. In this sale, members of the $9 Club get fares from $3 each way, seat upgrades for $3, and $33 for 33 hours. This comes on the heels of their last titillatingly titled marketing push, the “M.I.L.F sale,” which simply meant “Many Islands Low Fares,” and in no way, shape, or form, referenced American Pie. Now, before you get all outraged, remember that this is called “targeted marketing.” If you’re buying tickets for $3, classiness is probably not the first thing on your mind. I can’t wait for their next sale. I hear their marketing teams is busy coming up with clever acrostics for “gangbang.”