While there are many benefits to artificial intelligence and robots that can do just about anything humans can do, technology leaders from around the globe are urging the United Nations to ban lethal autonomous weapon systems, which “threaten to become the third revolution in warfare.” [More]
artificial intelligence

A Computer Will Be Better Than You At Your Job Soon, But Not Very Soon
When will a piece of software be better at your job than you are? While it’s hard to scientifically quantify things that haven’t happened yet, experts in machine learning predict that in the next 200 years or so, computers or robots will be able to beat humans at our jobs and even most of our hobbies. [More]

One Company Has Implanted Tracking Microchips In 150 Employees
Though it might sound kind of cool to wave your hand at a door and have it open like you’re Obi Wan Kenobi, would you be willing to let your company implant a microchip in your hand, the better to track your movements with? [More]

Elon Musk Forming Company Dedicated To Merging Humans With Machines
Remember when Elon Musk said humankind would have to somehow merge with machines if we want to stay relevant in the face of the inevitable war between us and our robot overlords? He wasn’t kidding, and he’s formed a new company dedicated to figuring out how to do just that. [More]

Will Our Robot Overlords Work Together Or Work Against Each Other?
One day, robots and computers with artificial intelligence will inevitably be tasked with managing everything from our economy to our traffic systems. But will these man-made managers have the empathy, reasoning, and emotions needed for cooperation? [More]

White House Report: Future Dominated By Artificial Intelligence Brings Productivity And Inequality
From talking speakers and virtual assistants to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence is slowly becoming part of our lives. As progress continues and computer programs are able to perform more human jobs, how can we protect people from being displaced from the job market and from worsening economic inequality that might come from rapid technological change? [More]

Facebook’s Robot Army May Soon Determine If Your Live Video Is Offensive
Facebook — the company whose artificial intelligence has had a wee bit of trouble distinguishing between fake and authentic news sources — believes that its machine censors can be deployed to determine if a users’ live video stream is too naughty or offensive. [More]

Samsung’s Galaxy S8 Will Come With An AI Digital Assistant
While the dust from Galaxy Note 7 fallout is still far from settling, Samsung is looking to the future and its next Galaxy device, perhaps in the hopes that it’ll take everyone’s minds off this whole “exploding phone batteries” thing. To that end, the company has announced it’s launching a new artificial intelligence digital assistant service along with its upcoming Galaxy S8 smartphone. [More]

Sony Algorithm Will Compose New Music Based On Songs You Like
Services like Pandora and Apple Music have replaced friends and hipster record store employees, automatically suggesting other music we might like based on things we’ve already listened to. But Sony is working on taking it to another level, developing an algorithm that will actually create new music by analyzing other songs you’ve liked.

Facebook Testing Messenger Feature That Prompts You To Pay Your Friends Back
If you’re the kind of person who’s always forgetting who you owe for dinner, cab rides, or coffee, Facebook Messenger is testing a new feature that will gently nag you into paying your pals back. [More]

Macy’s New App Answers Questions You Used To Ask Store Employees
Have you ever walked into a department store, immediately became lost, and, for some unknown reason, you can’t find a sells associate to direct you to the shoe department? These is the kind of information that, traditionally, could be obtained by speaking to a store employee. But why should you speak to an actual human when you can just spend more time staring at your smartphone? [More]

Could Artificial Intelligence Learn How To Brew A Tasty Beer?
Because we’ll need something tasty to swill when our robot overlords finally come into their full artificial intelligence, a company in the UK is attempting to figure out if robots can help humans brew a better beer. [More]

As Expected, Robots Are Taking Over Call Center Jobs
Instead of talking to customer service representatives who adhere to scripts in a robotic manner, soon we might be talking and chatting with customer service employees that are actual robots. While industry experts say that technology isn’t quite there yet, the companies that run outsourced call centers, including offshore ones are already worried about having their jobs outsourced altogether to machines. [More]

1-800-Flowers Has Watson-Powered Robo-Concierge To Help You Choose Gifts
Do you need help selecting just the right gift for your loved ones, but don’t want to ask an actual human being for that help? 1-800-Flowers, a florist chain named after the dominant way to order things 30 years ago, now has a robo-concierge powered by IBM’s Watson platform that will tell you what someone really wants as a gift. [More]

Coming Soon: Facebook Will Ask If You’re Really, Really Sure You Want To Upload That Photo From Last Night
In the early stages of a Sunday morning hangover, your bleary eyes and the residual alcohol in your system might make you think you looked really good in that photo from last night, but Facebook’s artificial intelligence knows better: the social media behemoth is working on technology that will warn users when they’re about to upload photos they shouldn’t. [More]

Gmail Wants To Reply To Your Emails For You With Artificial Intelligence
While we’re committed to a future serving as underlings to artificially intelligent lifeforms, we might as well enjoy some of the time-saving benefits, right? Like answering emails on the go — who wants to do that when there other more important things to do, like finally beat level 478 of Sugarsweet Smashtastic Kerplosion? Google wants to take on that task, with artificial intelligence that can read and reply to emails on your smartphone. [More]