
Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Eli Lilly Promoted Drug For Unapproved Use

Drugmaker Eli Lilly pushed physicians to prescribe Zyprexa, a drug for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, to patients having neither condition, NYT reports.

What Else Could Go Wrong, UPS?

What Else Could Go Wrong, UPS?

Brad sends in this screenshot of how his package is faring in the hands of UPS.

UPDATE: Vegemite Not Banned

UPDATE: Vegemite Not Banned

Reader David informs us that Vegemite, a salty, paste-like spread, and an Australian national delicacy, was never banned. It was all a hoax. We are upset; there’s nothing we enjoy more than irritated Aussies. We are further upset because we would have known it was a hoax if we had been reading the comments more closely.

The Party’s Over: Spinach is Coming Back

The Party’s Over: Spinach is Coming Back

That’s right, you heard me. You’re not leaving the table until you finish your spinach.

Now All Spinach Has E. Coli!

Now All Spinach Has E. Coli!

Merck’s Vioxx Replacement Still A Heart Risk

Merck’s getting in on the arthritis market again with a new drug, called Arcoxia. You might remember their previous offering, Vioxx, which was discontinued two years ago after octogenarians countrywide lifted their contorted, claw-like hands to a withered chest and let out a rattling gasp under the influence of a massive, Vioxx-induced heart attack. Lawsuits abounded.

Popeye Gets E. Coli

Popeye Gets E. Coli

And millions of small children all across America suddenly break out into one collective peal of delight: a massive outbreak of E. coli in bagged spinach has federal health officials warning consumers not to eat the foul-tasting weed.

FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B

FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B

Consumers everywhere can now put down their Siphilum divining rods, the Food and Drug Administration gave thumbs up for a next-day pregnancy prevention pill without prescription.

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

A new study analyzing hospital prescriptions shows startling and potentially deadly trends.

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”

Pith & Vinegar; Puddles of Cuddles

• Maybe they just ate too much turkey and got tired. [USAToday] “FDA issues fewer safety, quality citations”

A Fine Criticism Of The FDA and G.M.

A Fine Criticism Of The FDA and G.M.

Accidental Hedonist has a post up examining the lawsuit brought by a consumer group against the FDA over Genetically Modified Foods. And the reason I’m posting this is because it contains the best criticism of the FDA’s handling of genetically modified foods I’ve ever heard:

FDA Says Plan B Causes Teen Sex Cults

What the hell? The Manhattan-based Center for Reproductive Rights is grilling FDA officials on their failure to approve the Plan B pill as a drug that can be distributed without a prescription. Why might they not have approved it?

House Approves Bill for FDA to Override State Labeling Laws

House Approves Bill for FDA to Override State Labeling Laws

The US House passed allowing the FDA to invalidate state’s food and labeling laws if they’re stricter than federal standards.

Store-bought Meats Dosed to Look Red

Store-bought Meats Dosed to Look Red

The newer the redder, brown is an elderly hue, which of these steaks looks fresher to you?

Fed Agencies Lick Industrial Nutsacks & Rip Apart Consumer Lawsuits

Fed Agencies Lick Industrial Nutsacks & Rip Apart Consumer Lawsuits

s lap dog federal agencies help industries gain shielding from consumer and state lawsuits. Among the erosions: