Two months after Google added phishing protections to the Android Gmail app, the company is taking its no-phishing attack approach further by introducing new warnings and a more complex verification system for new apps. [More]

FTC Releases Spanish-Language Graphic Novel Warning Consumers Of Notario Scam
It’s not unusual for the Federal Trade Commission to issue advisories or warnings about potentially harmful frauds, scams and schemes. Today, the agency took a more unique approach to alerting Spanish-speaking consumers to the often-underreported “notario” deception by releasing a graphic novel on the subject. [More]

No Surprise Here: CFPB Finds Reverse Mortgage Ads Create False Impressions
Last year, Consumerist reported on why you shouldn’t run out to sign up for a reverse mortgage just because Fred Thompson or other paid spokespeople opine about the benefits in national advertising campaigns. Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau echoed our fears that these ads can be misleading by releasing the results of a focus group and issuing an advisory warning consumers that promotions for the costly product often don’t tell the whole story. [More]

FDA Continues Crackdown On Dietary Supplement Ingredients, Notifies Makers Of 16 Products To Stop Sales
A week after the Food & Drug Administration heeded calls for action by scientists and health advocates by demanding that dietary supplement makers stop selling products with a speed-like ingredient, the agency sent another warning to 14 manufacturers asking them to cease the sale of several products with another possibly harmful stimulant. [More]

Buy Lengthy Legal Document, Get Free Space Heater
Robbie is very pleased with his new DeLonghi Mica Panel heater. Attached to the cord, though, is a tag the size of a small flag covered with warnings. This festive decoration exists to cover the company in case a customer does something stupid with their heater. That makes sense. Robbie wonders, though: at what point do we accept the limits of human stupidity and stop warning against every thing that could possibly go wrong? [More]
3 Things Not To Buy Online
In many cases it’s prudent not to buy things at retail, because you can usually find them cheaper online. But due to quirks inherent with online shopping, there are some things you’re still better off heading out to a physical store to buy yourself. [More]

IRS Warns Against Tax Scams
Tax refunds put large amounts of money in peoples’ hands, meaning tax season provides opportunities for con artists to prey on unsuspecting marks. The Internal Revenue Service is attempting to get ahead of the game by sending out warning signs of potential scams in a press release sent through the Better Business Bureau. [More]

DirecTV Drains Your Bank Account To Pay Your Sister's Bill
Don’t lend your debit card to friends or family to pay their DirecTV bill if you don’t want to be on the hook if they fail to pay their bill. As we learned during the debacle where the satellite provider drained the bank account of a dead customer’s friend, any debit or credit card that has ever been used for a given account stays on file…pretty much forever. Reader Laura learned this the hard way when the company drained her bank account to pay her sister’s bill. [More]

Sony To Hackers: 'I'll Get You, My Pretties'… In Legalese
Stepping up its war on hackers, Sony is talking tough to those who would break down the PlayStation 3 as though it were the Cleveland Cavaliers’ defense. [More]

Congrats, You Won A Text From A Scammer, Not $200 From Target
Jim filled out a Target survey for the chance to win $5,000, and was excited to get a seemingly related phone call from someone telling him he had won a $200 runner-up prize. Then his heart sank when the guy on the other line demanded a $2.95 shipping fee up front to collect his money. Noting the dead giveaway of a con, he refused. [More]

BBB: Beware Of Online Halloween Shops That Pop Up Overnight
Like the fly-by-night carnival in Something Wicked This Way Comes, seasonal Halloween costume and decoration sites that pop up on dirty online street corners are irresistible to bargain hunters. Although you can find good deals at the retailers, the Better Business Bureau warns you to beware of poorly-constructed materials and shady return policies. [More]

Keep Your Small Dog Info To Yourself; The Person Calling You Doesn't Need To Know
Here’s a weird possible scam going around. Our reader Chris writes, “Every day for the past week, I’ve been getting an automated call that asks me, ‘This is Survey 2010. Do you have a small dog?'” [More]

Know How Much Your Bag Weighs Before Flying
Delta tried to charge “Frustrated Traveler” an illegitimate bag fee yesterday by claiming it was over the weight limit. He knew, however, that unless the bag had been eating tubs of frosting throughout the flight, it was still the same 47 pounds it was when he weighed it himself before boarding. [More]

Hot Flash Spray Evamist Causes Boobs On Pets, Kids
I like FDA warnings like this new one about Evamist, because I can file the symptoms away and use them to impress someone with my Sherlock Holmes skills. Friend: “How did you know she used Evamist?” Me: “Note the tell-tale breasts on her grandchildren and her terrier.” [More]

A List Of 18 "Free Credit Report" Websites Warned By The FTC
The FTC recently amended the Free Credit Reports Rule to require “certain disclosures to help consumers distinguish between ads for free credit reports that often require them to buy credit monitoring or other services.” [More]

Watch Out For Amazon Scam Making The Rounds
The BBB says people are reporting seeing a new phishing scam going around that masquerades as an Amazon order alert. It arrives as a confirmation email with a product description, price, and Amazon logo. Naturally, if you click the provided account link to cancel the order or see whether you were actually charged for the item, the login screen you’ll be taken to won’t be Amazon. [More]

Sony Warns Gamers Its 3D Fare Might Sicken Them
It’s always an adventure when Sony, or most any company for that matter, updates its terms of service. Sony dropped a whopper recently, notifying gamers that 3D games could pose health risks. If your Super Stardust HD wingman is 6 years old or younger, Sony recommends you schedule a visit with the doctor to clear him for 3D gaming. [More]

Special Lovemaking Coffee Can Cause Sudden Drop In Blood Pressure, Lovemaking
If you want to be a passionate lover, or at least a noticeably hyper one, of course you should drink a lot of coffee before hitting the sheets. That’s just common sense. But the FDA says that a specially marketed aphrodisiac coffee, Magic Power Coffee, can interfere with prescription drugs and cause a dramatic loss of blood pressure. [More]