
Organic Crime: The Raw Milk Underground

Organic Crime: The Raw Milk Underground

Hey you, yeah you. Pssst. Over here. We’ve got some milk. Yeah, the good stuff. Unpasteurized. Shhh. Keep it down, the FDA is listening.

Controversial Ad Implies Celebrex Is As Safe As OTC Painkillers

Controversial Ad Implies Celebrex Is As Safe As OTC Painkillers

A new ad for Celebrex, a prescription painkiller related to Vioxx, has come under fire for implying that Celebrex is as safe as non-prescription painkillers such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve.) A consumer group has written a letter to the FDA requesting that they ban the ad, claiming that it contains “false or misleading statements.”

“The overall purpose of the ad is to make it appear, contrary to scientific evidence, that the cardiovascular dangers of Celebrex are not greater than those of any of the other Nsaid painkillers,” the letter said, referring to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. “Further, it asserts that certain gastrointestinal problems are, if anything, less frequent with Celebrex than with two popular over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers.”

The ad, which is two-and-a-half minutes long (Pfizer was the only sponsor of the program on which it aired), can be viewed at Celebrex.com. The ad marks Celebrex’s return to advertising after a two year hiatus following Vioxx’s withdrawal from the market due to dangerous cardiovascular side-effects.

FDA: Dog Chews Contaminated With Salmonella

FDA: Dog Chews Contaminated With Salmonella

The FDA is warning that certain dog chews have been contaminated with salmonella. The product in question, American Bullie A.B. Bull Pizzle Puppy Chews and Dog Chews, were manufactured by T.W. Enterprises of Ferndale, Washington.

Jamba Juice Says It Doesn't Sell Milk-Filled "Non-Dairy Blend"

Jamba Juice Says It Doesn't Sell Milk-Filled "Non-Dairy Blend"

In response to our post, Jamba Juice PR today tells The Consumerist they don’t sell a “non-dairy blend,” and their non-dairy options don’t contain milk.

Jamba Juice's "Non-Dairy Blend" Secret Ingredient? Milk.

Jamba Juice's "Non-Dairy Blend" Secret Ingredient? Milk.

UPDATE: Jamba Juice Says It Doesn’t Sell Milk-Filled “Non-Dairy Blend”

FDA Introduces Fresh-Cut Produce Guidelines

FDA Introduces Fresh-Cut Produce Guidelines

The FDA noted fresh-cut or prepackaged produce like spinach, lettuce and fruit is the fastest-growing segment of the $12 billion annual produce industry.

FDA to Review Children's Cold Remedies

FDA to Review Children's Cold Remedies

The agency has for decades promised to review systematically the safety of all old drugs, but for a variety of reasons like budgetary constraints, time and popularity of a particular drug has not done so.

We, like the reader who sent this story in, find it troubling that “popularity” is a factor in deciding whether or not to review the safety of a drug. The New York Times doesn’t explain in detail what is meant by this quote, but we’re hard pressed to think of any explanations that would make us say, “Wow, that’s really awesome.”

FDA Approves Drug For Carsick Dogs

FDA Approves Drug For Carsick Dogs

The FDA said the drug, Cerenia, is the first to prevent and treat vomiting in dogs. When used in tablet form, the Pfizer Inc. drug can prevent vomiting associated with motion sickness, the FDA said. The agency also approved an injectable form of the drug, known generically as maropitant citrate, that it said can prevent and treat acute vomiting due to chemotherapy, parvovirus, kidney disease, pancreatitis and other causes.

Dean, US's #1 Milk Company, Says "No" To Milk From Cloned Cows

Dean, US's #1 Milk Company, Says "No" To Milk From Cloned Cows

From Forbes:

Milk from cloned cows is no longer welcome at the nation’s biggest milk company.

First FDA Approved OTC Weight-Loss Drug: "Alli"

An obesity specialist in Washington, Dr. Arthur Frank, said Alli had a safe track record and could help patients lose 5 to 10 percent of their weight. On the negative side, Alli can cause annoying side effects including diarrhea and oily stools.

How Much Ham Is In Ham?

How Much Ham Is In Ham?

US Food Safety Is Broken: Different Agencies Oversee Open-Faced vs Closed-Faced Sandwiches

A report was released Wednesday by the Government Accountability Office that designated Food Safety as a high risk area “because of risks to the economy and to public health and safety.” The report finds that: “The current fragmented federal system has caused inconsistent oversight, ineffective coordination, and inefficient use of resources,” and they’ve recommended a fundamental reorganization of the entire system.

FDA To Change The Way Drugs Are Approved

The Food and Drug Administration said yesterday that it is making changes in the way it operates to prevent the kind of drug safety controversies that have dogged the agency in recent years.

Cloned Meat Info Roundup

You guys have been asking for information on cloned meat, so here you go:

FDA Even Closer To Allowing Cloned Meat With No Special Labels

We reported Tuesday that the FDA was expected to find in favor of allowing cloned meat and milk from cloned animals to enter the food supply without special labeling. On Thursday the FDA issued the expected statement in favor of cloned meat.

FDA Expected to OK Cloned Meat

Is cloned meat safe? The government seems to think so. According to the Seattle Times, “A long-awaited study by federal scientists concludes meat and milk from cloned animals and their offspring are safe to eat and should be allowed to enter the food supply without special labeling.”

Taco Bell e. Coli outbreak Catches the Eye of Congress

    In Congress, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., who will chair the agriculture subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, intends to hold her first hearing on food-safety issues. She hopes to haul in Taco Bell executives, along with other industry figures.

FDA Calls For Stricter Warnings on Tylenol and Other OTC Drugs

“Non-prescription pain relievers used by millions of U.S. consumers need stronger health warnings regarding liver or stomach risk, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.” The drugs in questions are acetaminophen (Tylenol), and NSAIDs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). In particular acetaminophen is associated with liver problems.