
Chinese Poison Train Defeats FDA, The Prequel

Ten years ago, the FDA tried and failed to identify the driver of the deadly Chinese Poison Train. The investigation started when diethylene glycol produced by a state-owned company was mixed into fever medicine, killing 88 Haitian children.

The F.D.A.’s efforts to investigate the Haiti poisonings, documented in internal F.D.A. memorandums obtained by The New York Times, demonstrate not only the intransigence of Chinese officials, but also the same regulatory failings that allowed a virtually identical poisoning to occur 10 years later. The cases further illustrate what happens when nations fail to police the global pipeline of pharmaceutical ingredients.

The Chinese Poison Train hides behind a veil of secrecy and lies, after the jump…

Today's Helpful Tip From The FDA: Throw Out Poisonous Chinese Toothpaste

Today's Helpful Tip From The FDA: Throw Out Poisonous Chinese Toothpaste

Remember how the FDA said there was “no evidence” that Chinese toothpaste tainted with diethylene glycol had made it to the U.S.? That was wrong.

Jamba Juice "Milk In The Non-Dairy" Mystery Solved

Jamba Juice "Milk In The Non-Dairy" Mystery Solved

Now we know the real reason for the “Jamba Juice actually has milk in the non-dairy mix!” balderdash back in early April: bad typesetting.

Ohio Company Used Melamine In Animal Feed

Ohio Company Used Melamine In Animal Feed

A company in Ohio has voluntarily recalled a binding agent used to make “pellet” type feed for fish, goats, cows, and whathaveyou, because it contained melamine.

AMO Recalls Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose Solution

AMO Recalls Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose Solution

Advanced Medical Optics (AMO) is recalling their Complete Moisture Plus Multi-Purpose Solution after the CDC discovered that 138 people using the solution contracted acanthamoeba keratitis (AK).

UIC investigators think the infection is not originating in the manufacturing process, but that the cleaning solution is not protecting people from the infection, which they get in their eyes through showering or swimming, Tu said.

AK is caused by an amoeba, which if left untreated, can cause pain and blindness.

FDA To Test All Chinese Toothpaste

FDA To Test All Chinese Toothpaste

The FDA will test all toothpaste made in China. It was discovered last week that some Chinese manufacturers had been substituting a more costly sugar flavoring with a cheaper, and deadly one, one that is also used in antifreeze. The toothpaste was discovered and sold in Panama.

FDA Approves Birth Control That Eliminates Periods

FDA Approves Birth Control That Eliminates Periods

The FDA has just approved a new type of birth control pill that totally eliminates your period, according to the WSJ. Trouble is, that idea freaks some consumers out. According to the WSJ Health Blog about half of women polled “agreed with the statement that their period comforts them because ‘it lets me know I am not pregnant.'” Poppycock, we say! Buy a pregnancy test.

FDA Knew About Potentially Lethal Diabetes Drug Since Last August, Said Nothing

The study was outed yesterday on the New England Journal of Medicine’s website. The editors of the journal and the study’s lead author both warned that the research methodology left the “findings open to interpretation.”

Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable: Next Stop, You!

Chinese Poison Train Declared Unstoppable: Next Stop, You!

Poison toothpaste, killer cough-syrup, and tainted pet food are the tip of the disgusting iceberg of yuck heading our way from China. Over the past four months, the FDA has rejected 298 shipments from China that included “filthy” fruits, cancer-causing shrimp, and “poisonous” swordfish.

Chinese Poison Train Rolls On: Next Stop, Panamanian Toothpaste

Chinese Poison Train Rolls On: Next Stop, Panamanian Toothpaste

6,000 tubes of toothpaste in Panama have been found to contain diethylene glycol, a poison used in solvents and antifreeze. The poison appears to have originated in China.

FDA/USDA Says Melamine-Fed Pigs And Chickens OK To Eat

FDA/USDA Says Melamine-Fed Pigs And Chickens OK To Eat

The FDA and USDA today jointly announced that swine and poultry fatted on feed containing wheat gluten laced with melamine pose a “very low risk” if you eat them.

"Cocaine" Energy Drink Withdrawn Because Everyone Hates Its Name

"Cocaine" Energy Drink Withdrawn Because Everyone Hates Its Name

The company that made an energy drink called “Cocaine” took its product off the streets amidst haters getting all up in its grill over its “edgy” name.

FDA Names "Food Safety Czar"

FDA Names "Food Safety Czar"

The FDA has appointed a “Director of the Food Safety and Security Staff,” which the media has shortened to “Food Safety Czar.” The new Director of Food Safety is David W.K. Acheson, M.D, whom we will, naturally, be nicknaming “David W.K.”

Walmart Pulls Contaminated Frozen Catfish From China

Walmart Pulls Contaminated Frozen Catfish From China

Fluoroquinolone was reportedly banned by the FDA in 1997, but Florida food safety experts officials told CBS-4’s Al Sunshine that it is not an imminent threat to public health and it’s more of an issue of keeping unneeded antibiotics out of the human food supply.

FDA Serves Search Warrants On Two Pet Food Plants

FDA Serves Search Warrants On Two Pet Food Plants

The FDA served search warrants on two pet food plants that manufactured ingredients involved in the recall of millions of cans of pet food.

FDA Knew About Tainted Peanut Butter And Spinach But Was Too Poor To Act

FDA Knew About Tainted Peanut Butter And Spinach But Was Too Poor To Act

Remember that spinach and peanut butter that got recalled? Turns out the FDA knew of the dangers to the food supply for years but, understaffed and underfunded, they only took tiny steps to address the problems.

Recall: There's Botulism In the Olives

Recall: There's Botulism In the Olives

The olives are sold under the following brands: Borrelli, Bonta di Puglia, Cento, Corrado’s, Dal Raccolto, Flora, Roland and Vantia, and have codes that start with the letter “G” and are followed by 3 or 4 digits. All sizes of cans, glass jars and pouches of Cerignola, Nocerella and Castelvetrano type olives are affected.

FDA Spokesperson: Is Bagged Salad Safe To Eat? "No, I Don't Believe It Is."

FDA Spokesperson: Is Bagged Salad Safe To Eat? "No, I Don't Believe It Is."

When NPR asked the FDA “point man” on “all things e. coli” whether bagged salad was safe to eat he replied, “No, I don’t believe it is.” Good enough for us.