fast food

McDonald’s Expanding Test Of Customizable Burger Options

McDonald’s Expanding Test Of Customizable Burger Options

Among fast food chains, McDonald’s is probably the least open to custom-made orders. Anyone who has asked for “no onions” or “no special sauce” has probably seen more than their fair share of eye rolls from a McD’s employee. But the mega-chain is thinking about changing the company’s image with the expansion of a DIY burger concept. [More]

For Better Or Worse, The Taco Bell “Waffle Taco” Is Coming To Your Town

For Better Or Worse, The Taco Bell “Waffle Taco” Is Coming To Your Town

It’s been nearly a year since the world first heard rumors of a strange breakfast beast being tested in lands to the west (i.e. California). The whispers claimed it was a Waffle Taco, while skeptics questioned whether the term “taco” was being stretched by a company whose longtime figurehead was a talking chihuahua and who also hired this guy. Now, like rock ‘n’ roll and door-to-door salesmen, the Waffle Taco, along with other breakfast stuff, is heading for your hometown whether you want it or not. [More]

If You’re Wanted By The Police, Don’t Call 911 To Complain About Burger King Order

If You’re Wanted By The Police, Don’t Call 911 To Complain About Burger King Order

You know all those crime shows where nogoodniks refuse to go to the hospital when hurt or contact the police when robbed because they are dodging arrest warrants? Those people are brilliant compared to the woman in Pennsylvania who called 911 about her bad Burger King experience without thinking about how she is wanted in another state. [More]

McDonald’s Continues To Tease Possibility Of Extended Breakfast Hours

McDonald’s Continues To Tease Possibility Of Extended Breakfast Hours

Fans of the Mc10:35 — that combo burger/McMuffin sandwich that McDonald’s customers can only make when ordering during the change-over between the breakfast and lunch menus — may have to rename their favorite fast food item. The Golden Arches says it is indeed considering the possibility of extending the hours it serves breakfast to customers. [More]

This 2-year-old Happy Meal looks only slightly less unappetizing than it did when it was purchased, and it's not because of some secret ingredient. (via

Chiropractor Thinks 2-Year-Old McDonald’s Happy Meal Will Convince People To Avoid Fast Food

Once again, someone is amazed (astounded! mind-blown!) by the fact that a McDonald’s Happy Meal, if left untouched and exposed to the air for a few years, will not rot or become overrun with mold. This time, it’s a chiropractor in Nebraska who thinks that displaying an ancient cheeseburger and fries in his office will help convince people that fast food is bad for them. Except he’s wrong, at least about why the Happy Meal still looks recognizable after all this time. [More]

Dear Five Guys: Don’t Copy Customer On E-mail Where You Call Him A “Douche”

Dear Five Guys: Don’t Copy Customer On E-mail Where You Call Him A “Douche”

Have you ever penned a harshly worded e-mail about someone and then panicked for a moment when after you hit “send” out of fear that you may have copied the target of your vitriol on the message? 99.9% of the time, you did not… but when it does happen — and when you represent a major fast food chain — the results make for good Internet. [More]

McDonald’s Manager Says She Was Fired After Paying For Firefighters’ Meal

McDonald’s Manager Says She Was Fired After Paying For Firefighters’ Meal

It’s a classic case of she-said/franchisee-said at a McDonald’s eatery in New York state, where a 23-year-old single mom claims she lost her job as a manager at the fast food joint after paying for breakfast for a group of firefighters. [More]

After A McMocking, McDonald’s Provides A Straightforward Answer To Simple Question

After A McMocking, McDonald’s Provides A Straightforward Answer To Simple Question

Last week, we poked fun at McDonald’s for not only taking nearly a week to respond to a simple question about dipping sauces, but for turning that response into one of the most convoluted marketing messages we’ve ever received. After getting some Egg McMuffin on its face, the fast food giant has finally provided a more straightforward response. [More]


Shooting Drive-Thru Workers Is Never Okay — Even If You’re Using A NERF Gun

It’s not only rude to shoot at people who are just trying to do their jobs, but it’s also something that will get you in hot water with cops. Even if you’re using a non-deadly weapon like a NERF gun to go pyew, pyew, pyew. Still not gonna go over well, as two St. Louis bad consumers recently found out. [More]

McDonald’s Answer To Simple Sauce Question Shows Why People Hate Marketing Execs

McDonald’s Answer To Simple Sauce Question Shows Why People Hate Marketing Execs

Though it was never as popular as BBQ or sweet and sour, McDonald’s hot mustard dipping sauce (not to be confused with honey mustard) for its McNuggets had been an option for decades (and wasn’t so bad when used in combination with the BBQ sauce, according to someone I know who looks a lot like me). Last week, some readers wrote in saying they were being told that McD’s had stopped offering hot mustard, so we sent off a one-sentence comment request to the company… We shouldn’t have been surprised by the nonsense response we eventually received. [More]

Update: Faux Burger King Resurrected As Actual Burger King

Update: Faux Burger King Resurrected As Actual Burger King

A quick update to last week’s story about the Pittsburgh fast food joint with the Burger King sign, Burger King menu, Burger King uniforms, but not Burger King food. It is apparently set to rise from the ashes and be reborn as… an honest-to-goodness BK. [More]

Chick Fil-A To (Eventually) Stop Using Antibiotic-Filled Chicken

Chick Fil-A To (Eventually) Stop Using Antibiotic-Filled Chicken

In a move that could (hopefully) have a positive ripple effect on the rest of the fast food industry, Chick fil-A announced today that it will phase out the use of chickens raised using medically unnecessary antibiotics over the next five years. [More]

Doritos & 7-Eleven Team Create Unholy Snack Food Alliance With Something Called Doritos Loaded

Doritos & 7-Eleven Team Create Unholy Snack Food Alliance With Something Called Doritos Loaded

Remember that scene at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey where the apes/proto-humans realize that blunt objects like bones can be used as weapons and tools, thus setting off the next stage in societal development? This is kind of like that, but in Dorito form. [More]

Vietnam Greets Its First McDonald’s With Big Crowds, Blasting Techno Music

Vietnam Greets Its First McDonald’s With Big Crowds, Blasting Techno Music

Can you remember the first time you stepped into a McDonald’s? For many Americans, the answer is probably not, and subsequent trips are probably all a blur of fry grease and hamburger patties. But for the crowds lined up outside Vietnam’s first Mickey D’s, in Ho Chi Minh City on Saturday, that memory is much more immediate. [More]

McDonald’s Customer Gets Wrong Burger Twice, Fires Gun Into Window

McDonald’s Customer Gets Wrong Burger Twice, Fires Gun Into Window

Yes, it can be deeply disappointing when a fast-food joint doesn’t prepare your burger exactly how you ordered it. There are many ways to deal with that situation: ask for a manager, complain to corporate, demand that they re-make your meal immediately…or fire a pistol into the window of the restaurant. You could do that, too. [More]

Former Burger King Still Used BK Sign, Menus, Uniforms After It Stopped Being A Burger King

Former Burger King Still Used BK Sign, Menus, Uniforms After It Stopped Being A Burger King

Fast food lovers in one Pittsburgh neighborhood have been confused about the eatery that had a Burger King sign outside and whose employees were wearing Burger King uniforms, but which was definitely not serving Burger King food. [More]

(Reddit User prometheus2808)

This McDonald’s Hosts Candlelit Valentine’s Dinners, With “Musical Selections By Ron”

If you’re looking for a relatively cheap and brief Valentine’s Day dinner and also happen to live near Southport, NC, then there’s a McDonald’s that is calling your name. [More]

87,000 People Petition McDonald’s To Put Veggie Burgers On Menu

87,000 People Petition McDonald’s To Put Veggie Burgers On Menu

In spite of the salads on the menu, most fast food eateries cater to omnivores. I remember working with a vegetarian who would (willingly, mind you) go with me and my fellow co-workers to local fast food joints and order cheeseburgers without the meat, content to eat just the bun and cheese slices. Perhaps, all these years later, she’s one of the nearly 90,000 people who have signed a petition asking McDonald’s to put veggie burgers on the menu. [More]