Of all the phrases one might expect to find on a receipt — “Have a nice day!” “Come again!” — an insulting message is the last thing any customer wants to read. But a Panera Bread worker is now out of a job, after a customer said there was a strongly-worded note left on her receipt. [More]
fast food

Chinese KFC Lets Customers Pay By Smiling At A Screen
You can use your face to check bags for a flight or board an airplane, and now at one KFC in China, you can pay for your food by smiling at a screen. [More]

In-N-Out Goes To War With Smashburger Over ‘Triple Double’ Cheeseburgers
Two fast food chains with dedicated fanbases are set to square off in a courtroom over Smashburger’s new Triple Double cheeseburger, which In-N-Out Burger claims is illegally trying to copy its famous Double-Double and Triple-Triple sandwiches. [More]

Skyrocketing Avocado Prices Could Mean Bad News For Chipotle
As if Chipotle needs any more bad news right now, industry analysts are now warning that there may be more tough times to come for the beleaguered company: Namely, soaring avocado prices could hit the chain right where it hurts — its bottomline. [More]

Bizarre KFC VR Escape Room/Training Exercise Haunted By Ghost Of Anti-Robot Col. Sanders
What do you get when you combine virtual reality, escape rooms, corporate training videos, and a very cranky fast food mascot? In the case of KFC’s bizarre new VR training video, probably the weirdest eight minutes of your day. [More]

McDonald’s Customer Claims She Found Needle In Hamburger
Over the years, consumers have found a plethora of things in their fast food orders that are not actual ingredients for the meals, from marijuana dusted french fries to oatmeal with a free hot water machine lever. In the most recent incident, a Kentucky woman claims she found the tip of a needle in her McDonald’s hamburger. [More]

Chick-Fil-A Customer Claims Her Chicken Sandwich Had A Dead Mouse Baked Into The Bun
Although you might like a nice crunch in your chicken sandwich, one Chick-fil-A customer claims there was an unexpected texture baked into the bun of her sandwich: A dead mouse. [More]

Taco Bell Has Decided To Inflict Taco With Fried Egg Shell On The Entire Country
Earlier this spring, Taco Bell continued its assault on the definition of “taco” by testing a new breakfast item in Michigan that involved putting stuff inside a fried egg and calling it a Naked Breakfast Taco. Now, the fast food giant is taking the item nationally. [More]

Would You Eat A Taco Bell Burrito Topped With ‘Popping Crystals’?
Burrito-lovers looking for a little extra flavor on their meal might add tomatoes, lettuce, cheese sauce, or even a bit of guacamole. But what about a Pop Rocks-like seasoning? That’s apparently an option for customers at select Taco Bell locations in California. [More]

The Grease Blotter: Teens Terrorize Wendy’s With Fireworks; McDonald’s Worker Punched In Face Over Fries
Over the years, we’ve heard about plenty of incidents involving customers-gone-bad, from those who assault fast food employees when their orders are wrong to more extreme measures like setting fire to a store. We can add a few more bad consumers to this list after two separate, but equally disturbing, incidents at a Florida Wendy’s and a Texas McDonald’s. [More]

Lyft Launching ‘Taco Mode’ To Enable Your Late-Night Taco Bell Craving
Anyone who’s ever begged and pleaded with their cab driver to take them to get fast food after a night on the town knows it’s not always an easy task. But Lyft apparently knows your darkest late-night desires, and is ready to be a Taco Bell accomplice. [More]

Chipotle: Rodents Falling From Restaurant Ceiling Is “Isolated And Rare Incident”
If there’s one thing Chipotle doesn’t need as it continues to recover from its food-borne illness woes — including a new incident of norovirus at one restaurant — it’s reports of rodents raining down on customers from the ceiling. Uh, about that… [More]

Chipotle Reopening Virginia Store Closed Over Possible Norovirus
A Virginia Chipotle restaurant will reopen today after it was temporarily closed following reports that some customers became violently ill after eating there. [More]

Here’s Where To Get Your National Hot Dog Day Deals
’Tis the season of hot dogs: from grilling weiners at your weekend barbecue to scooping up an authentic dog at the ballpark. If you’ve been hankering for a hot dog, today might just be the day to satisfy that craving, as it’s National Hot Dog Day, which means free frankfurters are up for grabs. [More]

Chipotle Temporarily Closes Location After Customers Report Becoming Violently Ill
If you live in Virginia and were planning to grab Chipotle for lunch, you might want to make sure your local restaurant isn’t closed: The fast casual chain temporarily shut down a location in the state after more than a dozen customers became ill. [More]

Chick-Fil-A Testing $30 Family Style Meals So Everyone Can Just Share
Taking a page from KFC’s finger-lickin’ chicken book, Chick-fil-A is stepping away from fast food’s traditional individual meals — you know the ones where everyone has their own fries they never finish — and dipping its toes into family style meals. [More]

Retail, Fast Food Companies Still Hate Laws Regulating ‘On-Call’ Schedules
While the Fight for $15 movement hasn’t been successful in raising starting wages to $15 in every industry and across the country, one thing that it has done is bring attention to worker-unfriendly scheduling practices like on-call shifts and publishing work schedules shortly before they go into effect. [More]

Something Glorious Happens When You Use A Hydraulic Press To Extrude 6 Cheeseburgers Through A 3mm Hole
It’s late afternoon after a long weekend and lord knows you probably don’t want to be wherever you are right now. We’ve got you covered with this soul-saving video of a hydraulic press doing gloriously destructive things to a series of unlucky fast food burgers. [More]