We were happy to hear that Verizon Wireless decided to let customers who were able to upgrade their phones at a subsidized price while keeping their unlimited data plans keep those data plans. What happened, though, if someone thought that they were able to exploit that glitch and Verizon downgraded their data plan anyway? [More]
executive customer service

Net10 Cuts Off My Access, Won’t Pick Up The Phone
Andrew is worried about his mobile carrier, Net10. He was very happy with the company’s “bring your own device” service on AT&T’s network until he learned that he wasn’t able to send picture messages. Well, no problem: tech support should be able to resolve that easily. Right? [More]

Samsung Replaces Blu-Ray Player That Won’t Play Perfectly Good Discs
Richard was unhappy with his Blu-Ray player. Some discs wouldn’t play at all. Samsung claimed to be on it and working on a firmware update as a solution to the problem, but have said that for a year now. What was a customer who just wants to watch some movies to do? His family couldn’t even watch “The Dark Knight Rises.” What horror! Richard flexed his complaining muscles and fired off a letter to Samsung’s Office of the President e-mail address. [More]

Samsung Wants To Patch Up My Defective Phone So It Can Break Again
Alex has a Samsung Galaxy SII on AT&T, and his phone has one of the common defects of that model: it likes to randomly shut itself down for no reason. Instead of casting him into smartphone replacement purgatory, AT&T and Samsung are instead trying to divert him into repair purgatory. His phone will be totally fine after their repair, AT&T assured him. It wasn’t. He turned to Samsung and made his case to them. They were willing to repair his phone, but not replace it. [More]

EECB Saves Nexus 10 Owner From Restocking Fee
Shaunessy was displeased with his Nexus 10 tablet, and customer service couldn’t help. The tablet they set had light bleed around the edges: sort of a glowing gap at the corners. He returned the tablet to get a replacement, less glowy device, but the new one had the same problem as well. He gave up on the prospect of Nexus ownership, but there was a catch: returning both tablets meant paying a 15% restocking fee, or about $75. That struck Shaunessy as unfair, so he decided to appeal his case to a higher authority: a mass mailing to a dozen Google executives. [More]

The Sprint Consumerist Hotline Is Alive And Well
The Sprint Consumerist Hotline, a direct line to the company’s executive customer service, has been one of our staple resources in the fight for competent customer service. A few weeks ago, though, some readers reported to us that it had been disconnected. Nooooo! We checked in with Sprint to see what happened to the hotline, and obtained a fresh new number for you to use. Bonus: it’s toll-free. [More]

Laser In On Your "Region President" To Get Verizon Wireless Executive Customer Service
A Verizon Wireless insider tells us that the best way to get white glove customer service treatment is to target the president for your Verizon region. Here’s how: [More]

Get DirecTV Executive Customer Service
If you’re having DirecTV issues, here’s two more top-level contacts for you to try:

Complete Norton Symantec Executive Contact List
If you have an unresolved Norton/Symantec complaint and regular customer service doesn’t help you out, you might want to try giving one of the top-ranking company executives inside a call or an email. Don’t forget to be nice, polite, and professional, and remember the guidelines for contacting executive customer service. If you need help writing a solid complaint letter, here’s a template to follow. And if you want a real anti-virus program that won’t hose up your computer, try NOD32. Now here’s the complete executive contact list…

Reach Walmart Vice Chairman John Menzer And 742 Other Walmart Employees
We asked if anyone had executive contact information for Walmart, and boy did you deliver! Project Walmart Freedom lists 742 numbers from Walmart’s corporate directory, and toll-free numbers for 83 Walmart divisions. We were also able to liberate the direct number for Walmart Vice Chairman John Menzer.

Sprint Sets Up Consumerist Reader Executive Customer Service Hotline
Sprint has set up a special phone number directly to the executive customer service queue just for Consumerist readers. [More]

How To Launch An Executive Email Carpet Bomb
Here’s a classic tactic for rattling the corporate monkey tree to make sure your complaint gets shoved under the nose of someone with decision-making powers. Let’s call it the “EECB,” or Executive Email Carpet Bomb…

Contact Sears Executive Customer Service
Got a Sears complaint regular customer service can’t handle? Kick it to the top.

Sprint CEO’s Phone Number, And 25 Other Sprint Execs’
UPDATE 5/29/07: Call 703-433-4401, a special number just for Consumerist readers that goes straight to the office of the CEO:

Be a Customer Service Ninja
Inspired to by Mike D’s Vonage story, Austin writes in a hot tip for all of looking to pole vault low-level CSR and reach the Valhalla of customer service.