
UPDATE: The Broken Laptop I Sold on Ebay

UPDATE: The Broken Laptop I Sold on Ebay

Amir Massoud Tofangsazan has gotten more popular than he could have ever dreamed, or wanted.

Skype, Dark Lord of the Sith, Conspires Against StreamCast

Skype, Dark Lord of the Sith, Conspires Against StreamCast

Someone over at StreamCast Networks is channeling the ogresque spirit of Patrick Byrne: they’ve sued eBay, Skype and 21 other companies for engineering an insidious, overarching conspiracy to cost StreamCast billions of dollars. Luckily, they did not describe the conspiracy as originating from the Dark Lord of the Sith, but you generally don’t say such a thing in a legal briefing.

The Broken Laptop I Sold on Ebay

The Broken Laptop I Sold on Ebay

“Hello. My name is Amir Massoud Tofangsazan and i live in Barnet. I’m 19 but pretend to be a lot older and like to pretend that I’m a big businessman when I’m not actually that clever.”

Pith and Vinegar

This lady just doesn’t get it, people don’t buy M&M’s on the subway for the peanuts OR the plain, it’s for the pity. Mmm…pity, it fills the hole inside.

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Last week we wrote about Max, who tried to send money to his friend through Paypal but found himself ensnarled in a technical and customer service nightmare. In the end, his road of good intentions lead to B”anned from Paypal and Ebay Land,” a decidedly unhappy place excised from The Wizard of Oz as it frightened the focus group children terribly so.

eBay’s Soviet Style Moderation

eBay’s Soviet Style Moderation

At first he though it was a phish but it turned out to be for real. Adam’s flawless eBay account was suspended for being “associated” with a previously suspended user.

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Thanks to some zealous Paypal security, mixed with tech snafus and a little lack of information about how Paypal works, Max had to go through leaps and hurdles to retrieve his money after he committed the crime of lending money to his friend.

Man Wants Refund on Jet He Bought on EBay

Man Wants Refund on Jet He Bought on EBay

Ah, the thrills and chills of hearing the rumblings of the world’s next great superpower: Chinese Ebay.

Barclays/PriceRite, Devious Camera Mongers, Strike Again

Barclays/PriceRite, Devious Camera Mongers, Strike Again

Barclay’s Photo employees are a pile of snivelling scum bucket sleazebags not fit to clean the sluice gate of a pig factory killing floor.

Google To Give AT&T Pipes The Double Deuce?

Google To Give AT&T Pipes The Double Deuce?

We love this quote from AT&T CEO Edward Whitacre, referring to Google, eBay and Amazon.com: “Why should they be able to use my pipes for free?” Pointing out that people are actually paying for the bandwidth going through his pipes hasn’t swayed good old Ed. If the man ran FedEx, both the sender and receiver would pay for a package.

Amazing Phallus Stretching Device

Amazing Phallus Stretching Device

It’s Good Friday, and we here in Ireland are a little bit angry. Not only are our Gawker overlords making us actually work today, but it seems Irish off-licenses don’t sell alcohol on Good Friday and the theological reminder that Jesus actually drank wine on the day of his death isn’t enough to get them to open up, no matter how many times we call the owner’s house and scream Bible verses at him.

Ask The Consumerists

Julia’s got an eBay protocol question for you:

eBay Auction: $51 for $50 McDonald’s Coupon Book

eBay Auction: $51 for $50 McDonald’s Coupon Book

You know, we’ve always gotten the feeling that things purchased on eBay actually cost more than if you bought them locally. But to what degree exactly do you need to slope your head to have your liquified gray matter start slopping out of your ear to purchase a McDonald’s coupon book (value: fifty dollars) for fifty-one dollars off of eBay? That’s not including shipping and handling.

Most Ebay Bidders Prefer Paying More for Free Shipping

Most Ebay Bidders Prefer Paying More for Free Shipping

A new study shows that most Ebay shoppers would rather pay less and pay for shipping than pay more and have free shipping.

Ebayed Literature: In Cold Blood

Ebayed Literature: In Cold Blood

From In Cold Blood by Truman Capote.

Bidboy’s Freaky Deaky Ebay

Bidboy’s Freaky Deaky Ebay

  • Fabric cloth patch. Never used. Like new.
  • Short Supply: Score Some Coke, Now With New Newness!

    Short Supply: Score Some Coke, Now With New Newness!

    You sell your stereo equipment, frequent the bathrooms at Kohl’s and Time Warner Center and lift bills from your grandma’s purse. The beast that is your New Coke habit demands so. It’s a tough monkey to beat off your back.

    HOWTO Buy a Laptop on Ebay

    HOWTO Buy a Laptop on Ebay

    Solid article here on purchasing a notebook computer online. Much of the advice is common sense but are good reminders to review when salivating over the latest i-Thingy, like verifying the repair history, seeing if there are any dead pixels, and making sure the CD/DVD drive isn’t filled with peanut butter.