
Ask The Consumerist: Ebay Laptop, Without The Fraud?

Ask The Consumerist: Ebay Laptop, Without The Fraud?

“Whatever IT is, you can get IT on Ebay,” goes the promise. Unfortunately for reader Wil, “it” has meant, “almost being scammed.”

EB Games Encourages Employees To eBay Gouge

EB Games Encourages Employees To eBay Gouge

Our cottage-cheese-golem brethren over at Kotaku took a break from mouthbreathing and fantasizing about imaginary elves who live in their computer to throw us a couple of links yesterday. Never say we don’t return the favor.

PayPal Will Still Screw You, But Less Obtusely

PayPal Will Still Screw You, But Less Obtusely

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Gamestop: “We’re Selling Counterfeit Games? Coooooool!”

Digg this story.

eBay Thinks Sandra Bernhard Is A Pirate!

eBay Thinks Sandra Bernhard Is A Pirate!

How does eBay tell if you’re a pirate? Your peg-legged swagger? Your use of arghs as punctuation? The foul-mouthed parrot crapping on your shoulder?

New Pens! Cheap!

New Pens! Cheap!

I bought three boxes of my favorite pens on eBay. They arrived. Compare the silkiness and plenitude of the three boxes to the two, gnawed, scratchy pens I’d somehow been scraping by with for like, oh, two months. These babies usually retail for $16.99 per box of 12 but I snagged 36 pens for $19.20 plus $3.95 S&H. My life is five thousand times better right now.

Hey Phishers! Tripod Loves You!

Hey Phishers! Tripod Loves You!

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• Looking for a watch for the big wristed. [Link]

eBay Feedback Destroys Businesses

eBay Feedback Destroys Businesses

When Kiel Sturm, an online stone retailer, sold a piece of smoky quartz over eBay for $2.33, it turned out to be a business destroying transaction. “F MINUS MINUS MINUS MINUS! WOULD NOT DO BUSINESS AGAIN!” was the gyst of the feedback left.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• I was cited for CVC 21651(A)(1) in Aliso Viejo, CA. Please help me determine if I can beat this ticket. [Link]

Don’t Buy From an Ebay Scam Bot

Don’t Buy From an Ebay Scam Bot

Savvy Ebay shoppers look at a seller’s satisfaction rating, but it takes more than a glance.

Pith & Vinegar; Puddles of Cuddles

• Maybe they just ate too much turkey and got tired. [USAToday] “FDA issues fewer safety, quality citations”

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Best Posts Ever, This Week

How To Get Your Phone Fixed: Make It A Pay Phone. Sweet phreak, just don’t get carried away and start blowing kazoo sounds in like Captain Crunch, that shit doesn’t work anymore.

Beat an Ebay Scammer: Call His Mom

CompUSA Unaware of So-Called ‘Internet’

Best Stories Ever, This Week

Best Stories Ever, This Week

UPS Takes a Year to Deliver Package. What else is rotting in the UPS warehouses across America?

FOLLOWUP: The Broken Laptop I Sold On Ebay

FOLLOWUP: The Broken Laptop I Sold On Ebay

New developments in the ever-popular story of a guy who got revenge on an ebay seller who sold him a broken laptop by posting embarrassing photos found on the notebook once it arrived.

That Other Broken Laptop I Sold On eBay: P-P-P-Powerbook!

That Other Broken Laptop I Sold On eBay: P-P-P-Powerbook!

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

Pith & Vinegar: The Spinning of the Chum

• Old news but we didn’t talk about it yet: Telcos secretly funding anti-net-neutrality websites. Probably made by the same ad agency who did the pro-C02 spot. [Digg]