Here in the United States, hot donut shop Krispy Kreme might stick a little bit of coffee in its pastries, but otherwise lets outside companies do strange and wonderful things with its food, like using a doughnut as the base for a Sloppy Joe sandwich. In Japan, the chain puts together its own unreal and slightly nauseating creations. Like the Doughnut Sundae. [More]

“Dunkin’ Love” Beyoncé Parody: For Anyone Who Finds Donuts More Appetizing Than Jay-Z
We might not all know what it’s like to have marital relations with Jay-Z, but one thing we Americans do know is breakfast food. Those include a whole list of items at Dunkin’ Donuts, beloved by the minds behind this parody of Beyoncé’s “Drunk In Love” video. Aptly named, of course, “Dunkin Love.” [More]

Krispy Kreme Puts Coffee Inside Donuts, Glass Bottles
Krispy Kreme wants to caffeinate America. They’re best known for their light, fluffy, sugary donuts, but apparently they serve coffee too. The company has plans to inject that coffee in two new and exciting places: the beverage shelves of selected Walmart stores, and inside the chain’s own donuts. [More]

Krispy Kreme Gives Man Bus Stocked With Donuts So He Wouldn’t Have To Steal A Truck
What’s a guy to do when his dream of stealing a Krispy Kreme truck and driving it around to hand out donuts to kids realizes his plan is full of (donut) holes? For one 42-year-old man recently diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), that sweet crime spree came true when Krispy Kreme got involved. Well, without the stealing part. [More]

Is The New Donut, Bacon, And Egg Sandwich At Dunkin’ Donuts Any Good? Not Really
If there’s anything we love at Consumerist, it’s feats of fast-food audacity. We’re not sure that the Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich at Dunkin’ Donuts even qualifies, though. Not anymore. Sandwiches on a donut might be a departure for Dunkin’, but everyone else has been putting burgers on them for years now. Yet some brave souls had to try it for themselves and find out. [More]

It’s Time To Make The Gluten-Free Donuts, Says Dunkin’
If you had been asked to predict which national fast-food chain would be the first to offer gluten-free products, you probably wouldn’t have picked Dunkin’ Donuts, whose very name seems like it should be covered in wheat flour, but the company says it will be selling both gluten-free donuts and muffins in all its U.S. stores. [More]

Southern California To Finally Get Dunkin’ Donuts… In 2015
For those of us in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, Dunkin’ Donuts has been a part of the fast food landscape for decades. Meanwhile, to many folks in sunny Southern California, Dunkin’ was something you occasionally had while on a business trip to New Jersey. But that is going to change in the not-terribly-distant future. [More]

Cops Forced To Break The Bad News To Store: Stolen Donut Was Not Recoverable
Dramatic police takedowns are going down every day in all around our country, but in one case, the hullabaloo all came down to dessert. Louisville police were hot on the trail of a man they say stole a donut from a local restaurant, and managed to arrest him. When it come to recovering evidence, however… Well, let’s just say things went awry. [More]

Free Donuts For Pirates At Krispy Kreme This Wednesday
Do you plunder and pillage? Do you favor parrots, eye patches and fancy hats? If so, then you might be able to score a free donut — or maybe even a free dozen donuts — from Krispy Kreme this Wednesday. [More]

Is $200 An Appropriate Penalty For Stealing A $.79 Donut?
A Wyoming college student probably never thought he’d be making headlines around the country when he got caught eating a donut he hadn’t paid for. [More]

Texas Man Loses 78% Of Tax Refund After Winning Free Donut Coupons At Houston Astros Game
Just about everyone likes winning stuff — especially free food and definitely free donuts. But a man in Texas claims that the stack of free donut coupons he scored as a prize at a Houston Astros game caused his federal tax refund to disappear almost as quickly as that team’s hopes of making the World Series. [More]

Michigan Donut Shop On Verge Of Paczki Prize
If you don’t know what a paczki is, you may have to wait until next year to find out. Today is Fat Tuesday, known as Paczki Day in many Polish communities — and as polish jelly-donut day among many others who crave the sweet annual ritual. And while one bakery in Michigan is attempting to set a local record by selling 12,000 of the confections, if you haven’t lined up already, you’re probably too late. [More]

Krispy Kreme Accidentally Gives Customer $5,000 Box Of Donuts
The manager of a Krispy Kreme in North Carolina protected each day’s haul by hiding it in a donut box. Krispy Kreme just happens to sell donuts by the boxful to its customers, so it’s clear that absolutely nothing could go wrong with this plan. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Robber Says He Was Just Asking For A Honey Bun
Be sure to always enunciate clearly when you’re placing an order, so that you don’t accidentally rob the cashier. That piece of advice comes from a man in Massachusetts who was charged for attempted armed robbery of a Dunkin’ Donuts back in April. He now claims that the cashier misunderstood him. What he really said was that he wanted a honey bun, not “Give me the money, I have a gun.” [More]

Customer Banned For Life From Tim Hortons For Complaining About Coffee
According to various news sources in Canada, a man in New Brunswick has been banned for life from both of his local Tim Hortons coffee/donut shops after complaining a few times too many about the burnt taste of the chain’s decaf. Now he makes his own coffee at home, which is probably just as well for everyone involved. [More]

Fake Dunkin' Donuts Employee Sneaks Into Stores, Steals Purses
If you live in Fall River, Massachusetts, and work at one of the town’s Dunkin’ Donuts stores, watch out for fake employees! A woman has been walking into the DD stores dressed in an employee uniform and going into the back, where she promptly steals real employees’ purses. When confronted at one of the stores, the thief told the workers that “she was there to pick up beans for another store and a note should have been left on the manager’s door.” When the employees went to look for the note, she left.

Dunkin Donuts Guy Slashes Your Tires Because You Didn't Wait For Your Coffee
Here’s something that you don’t often see — a Dunkin Donuts employee got so mad at a guy who decided not to wait for his coffee (because it was taking too long) that he left the store, pulled out a folding knife, and slashed the customer’s tires. All. Four. Of. Them.

Kroger Apologizes For Calling You A Thief, Banning You From Store For Buying And Eating Their Donuts
Every Saturday morning, Beth’s father walks to…