Disney Removing Bride Auction Scene From ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ Ride Image courtesy of Disney Parks
Next time you take your family on Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride, you might notice a change: No more “wenches” up for sale as brides to the highest bidder.
Yup, Disney has announced this classic ride — found at Disneyland, Disney World, and Disney Paris — will no longer feature the animatronic tableau of four women in chains being auctioned off by a guy that looks like your uncle’s one friend who never says much but just stares a log.
The bride auction will be replaced by a scene that features the one unchained female — the redhead on the right in the above photo — “helping the townspeople ‘unload” their valuables.”

“We believe the time is right to turn the page to a new story in this scene, consistent with the humorous, adventurous spirit of the attraction,” a Disney spokeswoman said.
This isn’t the only change Disney has made to the ride in recent years, notes the Los Angeles Times. It also tweaked a scene that used to feature pirates chasing women: Now the women are carrying trays of food, so it appears the men are just very hungry and impatient.
A balcony scene that previously portrayed the tale of a pirate chasing a woman was reversed to show the opposite as well.
The changes will appear July 24 at Disney Paris, and take effect as part of planned refurbishments in 2018 at Disneyland and Disney World.
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