Have you ever been watching a heavily edited, bleeped and blurred-out movie on broadcast TV (or maybe on a plane) and thought to yourself, “I really wish I could get that version to watch at home!”? Well, Sony has read your mind and created cleaned-up editions of several popular movies — all while annoying just about everyone in Hollywood in the process. [More]
digital downloads

Android Users Can Now Download Amazon Prime Videos Onto SD Cards
For those folks who might not be willing to shell out more money for more storage on their smartphone or other mobile device, it can be tough to watch videos without having to shuffle around other stuff to make room. Android users who are Amazon Prime customers will now be saved from that dance, as the tech company will now let them download Prime video content to removable SD memory cards. [More]

Warner Music Is Now Making More Money From Streaming Than Any Other Source
Streaming music, that once-reviled technology that had big record companies shaking in their boots, is turning into quite the industry darling. Warner Music Group has certainly changed its tune, announcing today that streaming music is now bringing in more revenue for the company than any other single source of recorded music. [More]

Warner Music Is Totally Cool With Streaming Music Now That It’s Making More Money Than Song Downloads
Once seen as the knife that would slay the music industry, it seems the popularity — and profitability — of streaming music is making some labels change their tune. Warner Music Group said revenue from streaming music has passed that from digital downloads for the first time. [More]

GameStop: Industry Needs Market For Used Downloads If It Wants To Keep Charging $60
While GameStop brazenly believes it can weather competition in the used game business from bigger retail competition like Walmart, the company faces a more deadly foe in a future marketplace where most games are downloaded. Currently, there are no industry-supported methods for reselling digital games, but GameStop says it will have to happen — not just for its bottom line, but so that game publishers can continue charging top dollar. [More]

Apple: Blame The TV Networks For Half-Seasons Sold At Full Price
What is a “season” of television? It’s all the episodes filmed and aired within the same production period, isn’t it? Only networks’ habit of splitting a “season” in half has made the definition of what a “season” is kind of fuzzy. Maybe it’s an artistic decision or a cash grab, but all fans know is that they’re kind of confused. [More]

Between Microsoft And PayPal, Somewhere I Have A Refund
Steve bought a digital download of Windows 8, but decided that it wasn’t for him. He downgraded to Windows 7, got rid of all traces of the upgrade, and got a refund of the purchase price. At least that’s what Microsoft says. The refund is trapped in some kind of terrifying digital underworld between Microsoft and PayPal, serving as a warning. [More]

In-Store-Only Digital Downloads Are Not The Way To Get People Flocking Inside Best Buy
For brick-and-mortar retailers, getting customers to walk into their stores has always been a challenge. Today, it’s even more so. But the secret to success in the third decade of the e-commerce era probably isn’t making digital downloads “In-Store Purchase Only.””I wanted to buy some Microsoft points for Xbox…..ummm, I’m not quite sure I understand this one Best Buy,” reader Aaron writes. “Digital Download in-store?” [More]

When Buying Music From Amazon, It Can Sometimes Be More Expensive To Only Buy Mp3s
In most cases, it will cost you more to purchase a new CD than it would to buy that same music as an mp3 download. Which makes sense, since digital files don’t have the high manufacturing, shipping, or storage charges that physical discs do. But sometimes, you could end up on the short end of the stick if you just assume that the mp3 will be cheaper. [More]

Flixster Gives Me Free Movie I Find Offensive, Provides No Way To Delete It
When Thomas buys films on DVD or Blu-Ray, they often come with an Ultraviolet digital download code that viewers can use on a variety of digital platforms. He keeps them on a Flixster account, which lets him stream movies wherever he happens to be. He’s about to delete this account. Why? It’s a great service, and something he doesn’t have to pay extra for, but they granted him a free movie that he hates seeing in his account. [More]

iTunes No. 1 In Online Movie Rentals, But For How Long?
Those who rent films online — presumably not counting Netflix streamers, who pay monthly subscriptions — use iTunes more than any other service, but Apple’s stranglehold on the market is loosening. [More]

Downloadable Album Costs More Than CD On Amazon
Rob points out a pricing quirk on an album he’s after, noting that the physical CD is considerably cheaper than the digital download. [More]

Avast! Ten Percent Of Ye Be Movie Pirates
Yo ho ho and a bottle of illegally downloaded Paul Blart: Mall Cop. A Futuresource Consulting survey says 10 percent of the people it spoke to in the United States and Europe have watched illegally downloaded movies.