Coca-Cola Zero — the drink of choice for people who want the low-calories of Diet Coke and something that tastes vaguely like Coke, but not quite — is getting an overhaul, with Coca-Cola announcing that the diet soda is being reformulated and re-introduced with the new branding of Coke Zero Sugar. [More]
diet soda

Yeah, Diet Pepsi Is Probably Changing Its Sweetener Again
In response to falling sales of diet soda, last year PepsiCo changed the sweetener in its main calorie-free beverage, Diet Pepsi. Noting the health concerns that some customers have about the original sweetener in Diet Pepsi, aspartame, the company switched to a different sweetener last year to try to reverse a sales decline. Now sales are declining even faster. [More]

Aspartame-Free Diet Pepsi Hitting Stores Next Week
Nearly four months after Pepsi announced that it was switching the sweetener in Diet Pepsi from aspartame to sucralose, the revised beverage is on its way to supermarket shelves. [More]

Seagram’s Adds Splenda To Ginger Ale To Shave Off Calories, Assumes No One Will Notice
Many people are allergic to or just plain don’t like artificial sweeteners. Generally, they can avoid consuming them by not buying diet candy or soda. Seagram’s ginger ale pulled a cruel trick on these people recently, though, by silently swapping some sucralose (Splenda) into their drinks. “Let’s see if they notice,” we imagine the folks at Seagram HQ saying. Well, they noticed. [More]

Study Links Consumption Of Diet Drinks To Depression
It’s been a long day. You need a pick-me-up, but calories? Those are for chumps. So you grab a diet soda and guzzle your way to a little caffeine jolt. Or if it’s caffeine-free, a faux sweet treat. But according to a new study, even if you’re winning the war on extra calories, you could be running the risk of depression. Usually I’m just sad when I get to the bottom of the can, but this sounds a lot more serious. [More]

Trademarks Filed For 10-Calories Versions Of 7-Up, Canada Dry, A&W
As we reported earlier this year, Dr. Pepper was getting into the manly diet drink wars by testing its 10-calorie Dr. Pepper Ten in a handful of markets. Well it looks like those tests have proved at least somewhat successful, as the Doc’s parent company, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc., has filed trademarks for “Ten” versions of several of its other brands. [More]

Diet Coke Unseats Pepsi As #2 Cola Brand
Pepsi has spent decades throwing stones at Coke from its position in second place among the fizzy beverage brands. And now Pepsi will need to toss those stones even farther as the brand has given up its spot to Diet Coke and slipped to third on the list. [More]

Does Diet Pepsi's Skinny Can Send The Wrong Message?
PepsiCo has chosen New York Fashion Week to roll out its new “skinny” Diet Pepsi can, along with a campaign that says the container is a “celebration of beautiful, confident women.” That hasn’t gone over very well with advocates for people with eating disorders who called the campaign “thoughtless and irresponsible.” [More]

Dr. Pepper Testing 10-Calorie "Dr. Pepper Ten" In Six Cities
Even though there is already a zero-calorie diet version of Dr. Pepper, the soda company is thinking about releasing a 10-calorie version and is testing it out at stores in a handful of markets around the country. [More]

Shrink Ray Renders Mini Coke Cans Even More Mini
Sure, you can call Coke’s new 7.5-ounce mini can an exciting new marketing ploy, giving customers a nice, even, guilt-free 90-calorie gulp of soda. But reader Josh sees the change for what it is: a fancied-up version of the Grocery Shrink Ray. And not even his wife can convince him to buy them anymore. [More]