We have a question for Denny’s about its new hat-wearing sausage link mascot: What were you thinking? [More]

Mondelez And Denny’s Both Jumping On The Cage-Free Eggs Bandwagon
Hardly a week goes by without news of a restaurant chain or major food company announcing they’ll be using only cage-free eggs at some point in the future, and this week is no different: today, both Mondelez — the company behind Cadbury, Oreos and other snacks — and Denny’s have announced they’re joining the pack of big names pledging to take caged hens out of the supply chain. [More]

70% Of Americans Want All-Day Access To Breakfast So Why Can’t It Happen?
It’s 1 p.m. as I write this and I haven’t eaten since early yesterday evening. I’m consumed with mental images of syrup-slathered waffles and piping-hot savory sausages, and the data says I’m not alone in craving breakfast in the afternoon. So why aren’t more fast food places making this a reality? [More]

Real Person Or Marketing Dept. Creation — Can You Tell The Difference?
Take a look in your kitchen cabinets or the shelves of any supermarket and you’ll find seemingly countless products branded with names that sound like they’re based on the name of an actual human being — and many are. But a number of those boxes, cans, and bottles carry names cooked up by the folks in the marketing department. Do you think you’re savvy enough to tell them apart? [More]

Family Of Girl Burned By Hot Coffee At Denny’s Lands Reported $500,000 Settlement
Usually when you hear about a lawsuit involving hot coffee, the normal reaction is, “Well, yeah, coffee is hot, you should be careful when drinking it, silly consumer.” But in the case of a 14-month-old girl who was scalded at a Denny’s, her family said it was the server’s fault for putting the hot beverage close enough for the toddler to grab it. As such, they’ve settled with a New York Denny’s to the tune of $500,000. [More]

Denny’s Is Selling A $300 Breakfast Because Everyone Wants Champagne In The Morning
Not all Denny’s locations are created equal. That’s especially true of the chain’s new New York City Financial District location that’s selling a $300 breakfast complete with a bottle of bubbly. [More]

Denny’s Wants To Be Like All The Cool Companies, Pretends To Get Hacked
With all of the prominent companies getting Twitter-hacked this week, it was only a matter of time before some plucky young firm decided to pretend to get hacked so they could look as prominent as Burger King or Cadillac and soak up all of the free publicity. It happened yesterday, and that plucky go-getter of a company is…Denny’s. [More]

Setting A Denny’s Christmas Tree Aflame Won’t Make Your Check Come Any Quicker
Much like the lady who huffs and puffs in exasperation behind you in the pharmacy line, setting fire to a Christmas tree at Denny’s in frustration won’t make your check come any quicker. A man who cops say lit up the tree because he was apparently annoyed at having to wait too long for his check to be delivered will likely have to pay up for more than just his meal. [More]

Denny’s Franchisee To Add 5% “Obamacare Surcharge”
The owner of dozens of Denny’s restaurants and the Hurricane Grill chain says he plans on adding a 5% “Obamacare Surcharge” to his menus in 2014 when a number of facets of the Affordable Care Act will kick in. [More]

Sign At Denny’s Says It Won’t Honor Veterans Day Giveaway. Restaurant Says It Has No Idea How Sign Got There
There’s scandal and mystery surrounding the Denny’s in North Pekin, IL, today after a sign appeared on the restaurant’s door saying it wouldn’t be honoring the previously advertised pancake giveaway for Veterans Day. But the restaurant says it has no idea who put that sign on the door. [More]

Bank Of America Fires Investment Banker Over 1998 Dine & Dash At Denny’s
More than a few people are upset at large financial institutions for their apparent lack of accountability following the 2008 economic collapse, so the banks and their regulators have paid lip service to the idea of having tougher standards. As a result, one investment banker says he was fired from Bank of America for a minor breakfast-related misunderstanding from 1998. [More]

Denny’s Is Really Hoping You All Want To Chow Down On Hobbit Food
Given the runaway success of the three Lord of the Rings films, marketers are banking that Peter Jackson’s return to Middle Earth with the first part of The Hobbit will be equally lucrative. Which is why you’ll soon be seeing an actual Hobbit tie-in menu at Denny’s. [More]

Wedding Chapel & Full Bar At New Las Vegas Denny's Could Inspire Some Bad Decisions
For all the times when the brilliant thought has hit you while drinking with a loved one — “Honey, let’s get married right now and have a wedding cake made from pancakes!” — Denny’s newest Las Vegas diner has your spot all lined up. The 24-hour diner will boast a full bar and a wedding chapel, for all your boozing, matrimonial and dining needs. Talk about a one-stop shop! [More]

Mystery Denny's Diner Pays Tab For Everyone In Restaurant
Everyone loves a free lunch, especially when there are no strings attached. Just ask the 60 or so diners at a California Denny’s who were treated to gratis grub by a mystery woman who decided to pay for everyone’s meals. [More]