My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty and cheap breakfasts with names like Moons Over My Hammy! Denny’s is all about celebrating America with its new “50 State Challenge,” wherein the first person to check in on its mobile app at a Denny’s in all 50 states in a year will win free Grand Slams for life. For life. So is it worth it? [More]

Is It Worth Eating At Denny’s In All 50 States In One Year To Win Free Grand Slams For Life?

Turns Out A Bag Of Pot Is Not Legal Tender At Denny's
While your pal might accept a bag of drugs as a trade for meal, it’s not surprising that a cashier at Denny’s won’t be so down with the bartering system. Cops say a man in Niagara Falls tried paying for his meal with marijuana, and was subsequently denied. [More]
Trying To Cook Your Own Meal At Denny's Will Probably Get You Arrested
If you’re in the mood for making your own burgers, we suggest picking up ingredients at a grocery store and trying it at home. We certainly don’t suggest what one Wisconsin man is accused of: Telling the staff at his local Denny’s that he was the new boss and then going straight to work in the kitchen. [More]

Teens Test Limits Of Denny's All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Deal With 24-Hour Chow-A-Thon
The true value of any all-you-can-eat deal depends on just how much food you’re able to funnel down your gullet while you’re sitting at the table. But seven teenagers in California most certainly got the most out of their dining dollar last weekend when they gorged on hundreds of pancakes at a local Denny’s over the course of 24 hours, and all for $5 each. [More]

Denny's Baconalia Is A Festival Of Bacon, Includes Ice Cream Sundae
There are few things finer in life for meat-eaters than delicious, crispy, mouthwatering, savory bacon. Denny’s knows this, and so they’re giving consumers what they want: Baconalia, a “sacred” festival of all things bacon. There’s even a Maple Bacon Sundae! [More]

Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Taste Test
So what does Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt, which a grilled cheese sandwich with four mozzarella sticks inside it, taste like? “This sandwich did not lack in sodium or grease and that really came through in the flavor, yet when combined with the marinara sauce, it helped balance out all that salt,” wrote Slashfood in their taste test. In other words, delicious! [More]

Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Pushes Gooey Cheese Tolerance To New Levels
Have you ever been eating mozzarella sticks and thought, “these would be soooo much better in a sandwich”? Or maybe you’ve been snacking on a grilled cheese sandwich and wondered how improved it would be if it also had fried cheese sticks between the bread? If so, then Denny’s is about to roll out the perfect sandwich for you. [More]

Food & Entertainment Industries Get Failing Grade For Pushing Unhealthy Snacks On Kids
The folks over at the Center for Science in the Public Interest recently took a look at how 128 different food and entertainment companies market food to kids. And, perhaps not surprisingly, they gave failing marks to 95 of them for having either weak policies for marketing food products to children or having none at all. [More]

Denny's Really Wants You To Follow This Taiwanese Twitter Account
Most chain restaurants have gotten into the social networking game in recent years, pushing customers to their Facebook and Twitter pages for news, deals, contests and the like. But Denny’s is looking to create a paradigm shift, using valuable menu space to direct customers to a Twitter account written in Chinese and having nothing to do with any of their delicious breakfasts. [More]

Denny's Is Giving Out Free Grand Slams Again Tuesday
Just like last year, Denny’s is hopping on the crazy train and giving out free Grand Slams Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. [More]

Scientists Agree: Denny's Is Dangerous
Denny’s entrees are loaded with dangerous amounts of salt, according to a class action suit filed by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The CDC recommends consuming no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day, but some Denny’s entrees contain a whopping 5,500 milligrams.

Free Grand Slammwiches At Denny's April 8th
If you bring a friend with you to Denny’s April 8 between 6am and 2pm and order a Grand Slam, your friend will get a free Grand Slamwich. Not quite the same as their totally free breakfast promo after the Superbowl, but there’s still free food involved. Besides, going to Denny’s by yourself is a little depressing.

Denny's Still Mad Busy After Free Breakfast Promo Ends
I went into a Denny’s Sunday and was shocked to see every single seat taken up by customers, from the booths to the counter to this annex room with tables. “Ever since they ran that free Grand Slam thing it’s been like this,” said hostess Krysal. “They’re bringing the business back.” Even after the free day was over last Tueday?

Demand For Free Grand Slams Overwhelms Denny's
Joseph snapped this picture of people mobbing his local Denny’s in Provo, Utah to get a free Grand Slam Breakfast today. He writes, “It’s so packed the parking lot is full and people are parking along the street.” Esther says that at her local Denny’s they were so busy employees were handing out rain checks. She spoke with some people in line who had been to two other locations previously and had been simply turned away, without rainchecks. Which means, yes, people are willing to drive to three different Denny’s just to get a coupon for a free chain diner breakfast. Silly, sad, hungry America.

The Word 'Free' Makes People Lose Their Minds
Seriously? It’s stay-indoors weather, we keep seeing that our food safety system is fundamentally broken, and people still lined up outside Denny’s today like soup kitchen hoboes for the chance to nosh on some flour+watermilk discs, HFCS syrup, and a little pig meat? (And also eggs, a reader points out.) We hope you left a tip, at least. As Naomi, who took photos of her local Denny’s, reminds us, “If ever there were a day where Denny’s employees have to work hard, this is it.”

Morning Deals
- Denny’s: [Food] Free Grand Slam Breakfast (Today Only 2/3/09)
- Sixth Avenue: [DVD Player] Philips DVP3982 DVD Player With 1080p HDMI Upconversion for $46.50 after coupon:AFL5 w/ Free shipping
- Boscov’s: [Dinnerware] Lighthouse 16 Piece Dinnerware Set for $9.99 + $19 Shipping
Highlights From Dealhack
- Amazon: [Car Seats] Save up to 20% or more off Top-Rated Britax Car Seats
- Nike: [Sunglasses] Save 20% off All Sport & Casual Sunglasses Orders
- Creative Labs: [MP3 Player] Zen Mozaic 16GB MP3 Player $100 Shipped
Highlights From Dealnews
- JR: [HDTV] Sony BRAVIA 32″ 720p Widescreen LCD HDTV for $550 + free shipping
- T-mobile: [Cellphone] Nokia 1680 Camera Phone for T-Mobile with $25 prepaid card for $50 + free shipping
- HP Home & Home Office Store: [Desktop] HP Pavilion Elite m9500t Core 2 Quad 2.5GHz Desktop PC for $610 + free shipping
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