delta air lines


Delta Air Lines Passenger Arrested For Allegedly Assaulting Flight Crew Members, Police Officer

It’s one thing to have a mile-high cocktail, but it’s an entirely another to get to the point where you’re kicking and screaming at the flight crew. Los Angeles airport police say they arrested an intoxicated Delta Air Lines passenger after she allegedly became “belligerent” toward the crew during a flight. [More]


U.S. Airlines Were Tardy, Bumped More Passengers And Lost A Bunch Of Bags In 2014

There’s bad news, and then there’s the slightly less bad news: In 2014, passengers suffered as airlines were on-time less often, lost bags at a higher rate and bumped more people than the year before. But at least airlines canceled fewer flights, and there were fewer lengthy delays leaving travelers stranded on the tarmac, so there’s that. [More]


Delta Air Lines Will Now Serve Starbucks Coffee On All Flights

Expanding on an earlier deal that had Starbucks name-brand coffee served on certain West Coast shuttle routes and flights from New York’s JFK to California, Delta Air Lines says it will now be serving Starbucks coffee on all its flights, which is about 5,000 flights daily. [More]

(don buciak)

Delta Air Lines Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Pilot Gets Locked Out Of Cockpit

In what can only be akin to walking out the front door and realizing you locked your keys and the baby inside, the pilot of a Delta Air Lines flight found himself in a spot of trouble after the cockpit door locked behind him, forcing the first officer to make an emergency landing. [More]

(Quinn Dombrowski)

Delta Apologizes For Making Nursing Mother Check Bag Containing Her Breast Pump

Perhaps you’ve been there before — you’ve got three bags and the airline tells you you’ve got to consolidate your carry-ons down to two, even if it means checking an item. But a nursing mother who says she was told she’d have to check her breast pump says Delta Air Lines should’ve allowed her to bring it onboard instead of making her check it. [More]

(CBS New York)

Delta Flight Evacuated At JFK Airport After Bomb Threat Called In

Passengers on a Delta Air Lines flight from San Francisco to New York had a bit of an unusual arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport last night, after someone called in a bomb threat, saying there was a bomb on the arriving plane. [More]


Delayed Delta Flight Takes Off With Just Two (Very Happy) Passengers On Board

Hearing that your flight has been delayed, and then delayed again, and then delayed again, to the point where it seems like you’re never going to take off is a frustrating experience for anyone. But one guy who took his frustrations all the way back to his hotel came back to the airport when it was finally time to take off and was met with quite the reward for his patience — a flight almost entirely to himself. [More]

Man Who Stole $36M From Delta Sentenced To 10 Years, Must Hand Over Yacht, Mansion

Man Who Stole $36M From Delta Sentenced To 10 Years, Must Hand Over Yacht, Mansion

Last summer, we told you about a former employee at Delta and Northwest airlines who, along with a partner, duped the companies out of millions of dollars by submitting and paying invoices to a bogus company. That partner was recently sentenced to 10 years behind bars and now must turn over all the fun toys he bought with the ill-gotten money. [More]

(Martin Rottler)

Delta Employee Arrested After Allegedly Helping To Smuggle Guns On Flight

Perhaps the Transportation Security Administration’s recent reminder that guns aren’t permitted in carry-on bags should have explicitly stated that this rule also applies to airline workers. But we doubt that would have stopped a Delta baggage handler from allegedly smuggling more than 100 guns onto flights with the help of a former co-worker.


American Airlines Will Give Extra Bonus Miles To Frequent Fliers Buying Its Priciest Fares In 2015

If you’re a first- or business-class traveler who’s willing to shell out the big buck on the priciest fares in the sky, American Airlines says it’s got just the right new bonus mileage program for you. The airline announced today that it’ll be rewarding those travelers with extra mileage that works out to as much as 24,000 more miles per round trip. [More]

(Erin Turowski)

26-Year Delta Air Lines Vet Says He Was Fired After Criticizing Baggage Handler Pay

There is a game of he said/airline said going on between a baggage handler who was recently fired after more than two decades on the job. He claims he was fired for speaking out publicly on his co-workers’ wages while Delta maintains that the man’s statements were untrue and in violation of company policy. [More]

(David Transier)

Delta Air Lines Takes Page From Spirit & Frontier, Offers No-Frills Ticketing Option

Is Delta Air Lines gunning for a piece of the bare-bones ticket business other “low-cost” carriers like Frontier and Spirit offer? It sure looks that way after the airline unveiled plans to expand its stripped-down fare option. [More]


Why Do Airfares Keep Going Up While Airlines’ Fuel Costs Go Down?

The bad news: While the price of jet fuel is dropping, planes are still packed full of people and airfares are still on the rise. But is there a silver lining of good news for travelers, or are airline bosses just rolling around on beds made of money and laughing at us as we grumble about a ticket home for the holidays? [More]


Group Representing U.S. Airlines Sues To Block Planned Seattle Airport Workers’ Wage Increases

An airline group, representing six major airlines and parcel services, filed a lawsuit aiming to block the Port of Seattle from implementing a pay increase that would make Seattle-Tacoma airport workers some of the highest paid in the country. [More]

(Martin Rottler)

Passenger Arrested For Groping, Kissing, Putting Headlock On Flight Attendants

A Delta Air Lines passenger on board a flight from Atlanta to Denver apparently didn’t get the memo that the days of people looking the other way while you sexually harass a flight attendant are far in the past. Furthermore, if you double-up on your creepy actions by messing with two (2) attendants — and you put one of them in a headlock while trying to kiss her — you’re going to be arrested when that plane lands. [More]


Report: Despite Lower Fuel Costs And Ebola Fears, Many Airlines Just Raised Base Fares

The good news for airlines — fuel prices are down for once. But while that’s all well and great, that doesn’t mean consumers are going to have those savings passed down by way of cheaper air fares. Instead, many of the major airlines have recently raised their base fares by a few dollars across the board, according to a new report. Just in time for the holidays, of course. [More]


Which Airlines Have The Most Comfortable Coach Seats?

“Oh, goodie! I get to sit in coach for X amount of hours! I can’t wait to stretch out and relax,” said no one ever before flying, because in economy class, luxurious leg room and a sweet ratio of cushion to rump comfort is not what you’re paying for. That being said, some airlines are better at pleasing our behinds than others, according to a new poll released this week. [More]


Report: Airlines Settle $6M Lawsuit Over Death Of Obese Woman Kept From Flying

Three airlines have settled a $6 million lawsuit brought by the husband of a woman who was stranded in Hungary when Delta, KLM Royal Dutch and Lufthansa said she was too fat to fly. The 407-pound woman had diabetes and kidney disease, and passed away nine days after trying to return to her the United States to seek treatment from her doctors. [More]