Sometimes you simply can’t get your frustration with an airline across simply by raising your voice talking to a customer service representative on the phone. Now you can look someone in the face via video conferencing — at least at Delta Air Lines. [More]
what could go wrong?

Wedding Chapel & Full Bar At New Las Vegas Denny's Could Inspire Some Bad Decisions
For all the times when the brilliant thought has hit you while drinking with a loved one — “Honey, let’s get married right now and have a wedding cake made from pancakes!” — Denny’s newest Las Vegas diner has your spot all lined up. The 24-hour diner will boast a full bar and a wedding chapel, for all your boozing, matrimonial and dining needs. Talk about a one-stop shop! [More]

Update: Tire Lights Actually Still Exist, Are Completely Absurd
After reading our post on dumb inventions from the last century, many commenters declared that lighted tires were actually a great idea and wondered why they haven’t caught on (especially among rappers). So we did some more research.