
Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

This email is so money. It’s a pitch letter from NICE, the call recording system used by 67% of the Fortune 100. As we suspected, your call gets digitized and can later be accessed by a manager searching for a key word. The email says, “For financial services firms, NICE can help cut legal risk and meet compliance rules. Did that customer say “sell” rather than “buy” as his lawyer now claims? The call is readily accessed for proof.”

Verizon Wireless Doesn’t Want Your Money

Verizon Wireless Doesn’t Want Your Money

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

We received several complaints and consumer stories in the past few days that, while heartfelt, weren’t epic. Ergo, we put them all together into one package and post them after the jump.

Zgallerie Zsucks

Zgallerie Zsucks

After all the hassle he went through in getting a mattress frame, Steve really doesn’t like the Zgallerie interiors store.

Customer Service Coming Back Home?

Customer Service Coming Back Home?

According to a report by a former Amazon.com customer service worker, the giant e-retailer moved their customer service call centers back from the peacock feather of the Orient.

Bite Taken out of Apple’s Customer Service

Bite Taken out of Apple’s Customer Service

Star found a $4,000 camera on sale for only $2000. After a few shopping cart hijinx, Apple refused to sell the camera to him.

Don’t Want No Uggs

Showcasing a penchant for dorky punnery and thereby winning our hearts, Kelley writes:

Companies Replace Indians With Zombie CSRs

Companies Replace Indians With Zombie CSRs

Always quick to turn a global apocalypse into a profit margin, many call centers outsourced to Bombay are increasingly returning to the States and being staffed with zombie CSRs.

UPDATE: Stolen FedEx Package

Last week, we wrote about a woman whose Tivo she ordered through HDEasy was missing from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx.

Verizon Porks Leaving Customer One Last Time

Verizon Porks Leaving Customer One Last Time

It isn’t so much the incompetence, the obfuscation, the confusing pricing plans, the high prices for absolutely base minimum support. Those things annoy us here at the Consumerist, but at this point we’re almost stoically resigned to them as immutable physical laws. No, what really elicits the wailing and gnashing of teeth here is just how easy it would be for most companies to do the right thing and just how rarely they ever do.

DirecTV Expects Consumers to Pay to Ride in Black Hole

DirecTV Expects Consumers to Pay to Ride in Black Hole

J.C.’s TV started flashing black every so often, like a very slow and annoying strobe. His phone calls to his cable service provider, DirecTV, earned him several unfulfilled promises but no results.

UPDATE: Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun For Customers

Earlier, Sharon complained how the BankOne/Chase merger messed up her online banking. Despite several calls to the customer service, she was unable to fix her problem.

Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun for Customers

This week, Chase and Bank One merged their on-line systems. Birds shivered with glee. Stroboscopic dew drops danced on kittens claws in exultation. And Bank One customers got jacked like a cheap trick on Colfax Ave.

Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

Who Will Monitor the Dell Monitors?

Consumers Write: Gevalia Coffee Treats Customers Right

Consumers Write: Gevalia Coffee Treats Customers Right

Starforce Tells Customer: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Starforce Tells Customer: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire

Caveat: the second people start sissily flapping their hands at their sides in a huff and crying “libel” is the second we roll our eyes and start rooting for the other side. People don’t understand the term, thinking it somehow gives them legal power to sue people who criticize or insult them. But when the other side to root for is Starforce, and when rooting is shothand for “root kit,” we’re ready to grasp the peaked tips of our skulls and pull ourselves in bloody half by the scalp, to accurately externalize our division.

Expedia Throws Its Voice

Expedia Throws Its Voice

Here’s an interesting phenomenon, Dave writes in about his experience buying a flight through Expeida.

Consumerist Complaints: Stolen FedEx Package

Reader Clare P. wrote in with her tale of anguish and woe after a Tivo that she’d ordered through HDEasy was stolen from her doorstep after being delivered by FedEx. Adding to the frustration, Clare’s been having an aggravating game of phone tag with the support lines for Tivo, FedEx and HDEasy, trying to figure out the process for filing her claim and getting a replacement.