
Yet Another Comcast Customer Burned

Comcast, why is your scheduling system made out of peanut-butter and bits of baling wire?

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Man’s Airline Complaint Resolved (What a Juicy Headline)

Unfortunately for us, Dave went through the airport yesterday. After a surly customs agent behaved in an uncouth, yet ironic (situationaly speaking) manner, he called customs to complain.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Time to Human, Banks, Day 5

Ring ring, Mr. Banker, pick up the phone, we hit the stopwatch and hang up. Here are the results.

MEGA UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

MEGA UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

Erik went ahead and consolidated the merchant policies of Discover, Mastercard and Visa, which leads to a startling conclusion.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Time to Human, Banks, Day 4

Today’s results in our week-long test of how long it takes banks humanoids to pick up the ring ring ring.

Just Tell Me How Much The Census Fine Is Already!

Just Tell Me How Much The Census Fine Is Already!

Trixare4kids recently got the American Community Survey in the mail. For those not in the know (and Trixare understandably doesn’t seem to be. Hell, we had to do some Googling ourselves) it replaces the long form in the census. Here’s a PDF version of 2005’s census.

Customer Service From Mumble Land

Customer Service From Mumble Land

Iron Man sends in this customer service gem. He’s a software developer and had to call the company for assistance with their database product.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

The results of today’s benchmark test to see how long it takes banks’ live humans to pick up the phone.

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

We’re scratching our heads and going in circles and starting to get dizzy.

Indian Telemarketers Having Nervous Breakdowns

Indian Telemarketers Having Nervous Breakdowns

The US and Australia rank among the highest in oral abusers of Indian telemarketers.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Apple’s Customer Service Needs Shining

Dan got a worm when he tried to fix an online transaction with Apple.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

We’ll be calling up the banks this week to see who’s the quickest at having a human pick up the phone.

Hard-to-Find Customer Service Number Roundup

Hard-to-Find Customer Service Number Roundup

Some companies are loathe to make their customer service number available. The thought of interacting with their customers, helping people use their product, resolving problems … well some companies just aren’t ready for that kind of relationship. We were able to glean this info from old Lifehacker posts.

Cheryl & Co Delivers Cookies Late, to Customer’s Delight

Cheryl & Co Delivers Cookies Late, to Customer’s Delight

Another happy customer service story, the woodland sprites must’ve really fellated our sphincter this morning.

Great Customer Service Goes Unrewarded

Great Customer Service Goes Unrewarded

Let’s face it: customer service lines are designed so you give up long before you get an answer. A confusing labyrinth of telephone menus, leading eventually to a computerized voice demanding information that you likely don’t have and they, coincidentally enough, can’t help you without. When you do get someone, they tend to be either incompetent or reading from a three-ring binder. The industry’s secret is they actually can’t handle your issues and complaints: the conspiracy is to make it so frustrating that you won’t even try.

Cheap Ass Gamer’s 360 CSR Horror Story

Cheap Ass Gamer’s 360 CSR Horror Story

Over at Cheap Ass Gamer, we saw a nightmarish Customer Support story of which we’re positively covetous. It features everything you could hope from an unsatisfactory support issue: a blubbering CS department outsourced to a Texan Down’s Syndrome group home. The suggestion that the customer could fix his problem by buying more of the company’s stuff. Expensive replacement systems going missing in the mail. The wrong product being sent back to the customer. Calls from customer support telling the customer that the unit they just sent to him wasn’t actually fixed. And, all in all, a two month wait time from initial report of the problem to resolution.

Carl’s Jr. Puts the XXX in Customer Service

Carl’s Jr. Puts the XXX in Customer Service

As if a dripping Paris Hilton weren’t enough slut factor, Carl’s Jr. has gone the extra six inches to ensure they emphasize the service in their customer service “hot” lines.