
Penis Pump Medicare Billing Fraud Scheme Deflated

Penis Pump Medicare Billing Fraud Scheme Deflated

Several Miami businessman were indicted for fraudulently billing Medicare for penis pumps. In one instance, the company billed Medicare for four different penis pumps for one female patient. “That,” said a Medicare spokesman, “we should have caught.” [More]

Couple Says Real Estate Agent Used Their Home For Sex

Couple Says Real Estate Agent Used Their Home For Sex

Earlier this month, a couple in Minnesota filed a lawsuit against a local Coldwell Banker franchise and a real estate agent the company employed, alleging that the agent used the home for sexcapades while they were out of town, ruining their furniture, bedding and carpet. Neighbors say he showed up one day with an unidentified man and said they were going to be preparing the home for an open house, but no open house was held. Or at least not one the neighbors could see; maybe he uses that phrase in a different way. [More]

Gunslinging Cell Phone Store Employee Foils Armed Robbers

Gunslinging Cell Phone Store Employee Foils Armed Robbers

A gun-packing cell phone store employee in Cali thwarted an attempted armed robbery last weekend, firing multiple rounds as the suspects fled. I guess Dirty Harry had to pick up some part-time work. Would you like to add unlimited messaging to your plan, punk? Well, would ya? [More]

Notorious Alleged Stolen Credit Card Data Reseller Arrested,
But His Promo Cartoon Remains

Notorious Alleged Stolen Credit Card Data Reseller Arrested, But His Promo Cartoon Remains

An alleged big-time old-school credit card data reseller was arrested in France and extradited to America after Department of Justice investigators arranged to buy some credit card data off him via ICQ. His reign as king jerk may have ended, but the flash cartoon he used to promote his netherworldly services is still online (NSFW). [More]

Embezzling Broker Sentenced To 6 Months Of Poker

Embezzling Broker Sentenced To 6 Months Of Poker

A broker who embezzled from his clients to fund his gambling addiction will be allowed to avoid the pokie and play poker instead. [More]

Here's The Video Of That Crazy McNugget Lady Who Attacked McDonald's Employees

Here's The Video Of That Crazy McNugget Lady Who Attacked McDonald's Employees

Remember the McDonald’s drive-thru customer who went all 28 Days after she was told they’d stopped serving Chicken McNuggets? Obviously a story like this is a hundred times more awesome if you can watch the actual attack, and fortunately for us the security footage of the event is now available. [More]

Shoplifter Blames Devil

Shoplifter Blames Devil

A woman caught shoplifting from a Walmart in Cinnaminson, NJ, assaulted the store’s loss-prevention officer and drove off, but accidentally left her pocketbook–which contained her driver’s license–in the parking lot. She called back later to ask whether they’d found it, and when the police got on the phone she admitted to the shoplifting and assault, but blamed it on the devil. [More]

FTC Shuts Down Domain Name Scammers

FTC Shuts Down Domain Name Scammers

The FTC says a Toronto-based company called Internet Listing Service scammed thousands of U.S. consumers and small businesses by mailing invoices to them demanding payment for unnecessary domain registration services. The company was given a suspended judgment of over $4 million, based on “the total amount of consumer injury” caused, but in reality the people behind the scam have been ordered to pay $10,000 because that’s all the money they have left. [More]

Your Feeble Security Is No Match For The Dark Side

Your Feeble Security Is No Match For The Dark Side

So, Darth Vader robbed a bank yesterday. Actually, it was just a guy in a Vader costume. How do we know this? Because the real Vader would have sent a minion, or just done the whole thing remotely, using the Force. Come on, people. [More]

Girl Uses iPod, Facebook To Catch Sex Predator

Girl Uses iPod, Facebook To Catch Sex Predator

A tech-savvy 12-year-old Minnesota girl reported a sexual assault by her mom’s ex-boyfriend by using her iPod to contact a friend through Facebook. [More]

Thief Steals iPhone While Victim Is Participating In GPS Tracking Demo

Thief Steals iPhone While Victim Is Participating In GPS Tracking Demo

On Monday, a man in San Francisco rode his bike up to a woman holding an iPhone and snatched it out of her hand, then took off. What he didn’t know was that the woman had just walked out of her company’s office to test a new GPS program that provides real time tracking. She went back inside, gave the police location updates over the phone, and man was arrested a half-mile away, reports the San Francisco Chronicle’s Crime Scene blog. [More]

Bill Pay Drop Box Stolen, Comcast Doesn't Tell Customers

Bill Pay Drop Box Stolen, Comcast Doesn't Tell Customers

If you live in Staunton, VA and you have Comcast, you might want to make sure they got your bill. Apparently a bill pay drop box was stolen and the cable company didn’t inform customers that their bill may have been stolen. [More]

70-Year Old Gunman, With Cane And O2 Tank, Fails To Rob Store

70-Year Old Gunman, With Cane And O2 Tank, Fails To Rob Store

A man in his 70’s shambled into a tony Manhattan clothing store this week with a cane and pulling an oxygen tank, then pulled out a gun and said it was a stickup. [More]

Don't Threaten Yourself Via Text Message Then Tell The Police

Don't Threaten Yourself Via Text Message Then Tell The Police

The conventional wisdom has it that if you want to commit a crime with a cell phone, use a prepaid model. That’s what a woman in California did to get back at her ex-boyfriend and his sister-in-law, by sending harassing text messages to herself and then reporting them to the police. The plan fell apart, however, when her victims hit the pavement to find proof that they were being framed. [More]

Chili's Fires Employee Accused Of Placing Camera In Restroom

Chili's Fires Employee Accused Of Placing Camera In Restroom

A former Chili’s employee is set to answer charges that he stashed a cellphone camera aimed at the women’s toilets in the Arroyo Grande restaurant. The camera was discovered after a 41-year-old patron noticed something suspicious concealed in a bucket of cleaning supplies. [More]

Don't Touch Yourself In The Walmart Electronics Department

Don't Touch Yourself In The Walmart Electronics Department

Of all the feelings one gets while walking the aisles of a Walmart, sexual excitement rarely factors into the spectrum. Unless you were the guy in Louisiana Walmart who was arrested for touching himself while gawking at a young boy in the store’s electric department. [More]

Burglars Take 34 Seconds To Swipe Nearly $10K From AZ Apple Store

Burglars Take 34 Seconds To Swipe Nearly $10K From AZ Apple Store

Forget about the Nicolas Cage movie Gone in 60 Seconds. A pair of swift-moving Arizona bandits made off with $9,400 in Apple Store goods in the time it takes your iTunes to boot up. [More]

Reader Nearly Gets Jacked By Fake ATM

Reader Nearly Gets Jacked By Fake ATM

Reader Paul was trying to enjoy fried pop tarts at an outdoor city festival in his hometown when his debit card was nearly stolen by a fake ATM. Someone had modified an arcade cabinet and placed it outside a bank where it had captured the overflow traffic spilling out of the bank lobby. [More]