Telling 9.8 million Facebook fans and 366,000 Twitter followers that you’re going to release a highly anticipated product a day early is good marketing — that is, unless you fail to tell the stores that are supposed to sell this item. [More]
cool ranch doritos

Taco Bell Should Probably Have Told Its Restaurants About Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Going On Sale Early

Taco Bell Gives Into Cravings, Will Release Cool Ranch Doritos Taco A Day Early
The new Cool Ranch Doritos Taco Loco wasn’t supposed to start funking up the breath of American consumers until Thursday, but it looks like the folks at the Bell decided there was no point in waiting that long. [More]

Doritos Planning Taco Bell Chip Flavor: We Get It, You Guys Love Each Other
You know the couple — they start all cute, engage in a little PDA, one of them launches a line of wildly successful tacos using the other’s flavor, and then all of a sudden they’re all over Twitter, gushing at each other in public and making the rest of us cringe. The news of Frito-Lay creating a new chip in a “Taco Bell” flavor is the last straw. Get a room, you guys. And also, what does a Taco Bell taste like? [More]

Taco Bell CEO Makes Everyone’s Day With Doritos: “We’ve Got Cool Ranch. That’s Coming.”
Ever since Taco Bell learned that putting this together with that would result in millions of smiles, with “this” being nacho flavor Doritos and “that” being taco shells, we’ve been waiting and hoping for a Cool Ranch version of the Doritos Locos Taco to show up. We got a hint a few weeks ago and now the company CEO himself has confirmed our greatest (or second greatest) hope and desire. [More]

Gird Your Mountain Dew-Soaked Loins: Dungeons & Dragons Archive Going Digital
All I need to do is close my eyes and I’m transported back to sometime in the mid-’80s, the unmistakeable scent of Cool Ranch Doritos wafting on the air and the sloshing of multiple liters of Mountain Dew as I creep down the basement stairs. “What are you doing down here for so long?” would inevitably be answered by “We’re playing Dungeons & Dragons, go away or we’ll tell Mom you’re bugging us.” That would happen for hours on end, and now it can again with a digital archive of the role-playing adventures. [More]