
Disposable UK Lifestyles

Disposable UK Lifestyles

Guess what? Americans aren’t the only ones leading lives of conspicuous, frivolous, dispensable consumption:

Consumers Inchoately Protest Consumption

Consumers Inchoately Protest Consumption

While the following makes absolutely no sense, we certainly appreciate the vigor of its sentiment.

Artistshare Allows Customers To Fund Musical Process

Artistshare Allows Customers To Fund Musical Process

If the RIAA is wondering if there’s an alternative to suing every teenager or credulous granny who even twitches in the direction of an mpeg codec, they should check out Artistshare. Artistshare is a cool alternative music business model in which fans support the creative process of musicians financially, in exchange for an inside view of the artistic process, a personal connection with the musician, a bunch of cool swag and the satisfaction of allowing an artist to fulfill their vision without bowing to the arbitrary whims of record industry sleaze cats.

The Week in Comments

Perhaps more than most other Gawker Media titles, The Consumerist lives and breathes for your comments and tips. Here’s some of this week’s best threads, along with unfairly out-of-context excerpts.