
The News

The News

• Airlines fill up on freight to try to make a buck. Cargo crates complain of cramped quarters, having to buy own forklifts. [CT]

Do Brands Even Exist?

Do Brands Even Exist?

This Gapingvoid cartoon was inspired by a page on the Oglivy & Mather website, it’s an actual quote.

The News: Sex, Goats and Self-Serve

The News: Sex, Goats and Self-Serve

• To turn around sales, Saks 5th to feature fewer fake goats in store. They made the loyal Park Ave goats jealous. [NYT]

Consumers Confused, Angry, Relatively Literate

Consumers Confused, Angry, Relatively Literate

We received several complaints today that don’t warrant a full posting on their own. Instead, they find home here, in a little place we like to call “Inchoate Consumer Rage Disproportionate to the Complaint’s Severity.”

Burn, Brand, Burn

Burn, Brand, Burn

On August 8th, Neil Borman will gather up everything he owns that has a logo on it.

Ask The Consumerists: Who Owns Our CSR Records?

Ask The Consumerists: Who Owns Our CSR Records?

Question: when your call is recorded for “quality control”… who owns the call?

Peek in Over 1000 Shopping Baskets

Peek in Over 1000 Shopping Baskets

This guy wants to eat your grocery lists.

Consumers Are Manic Depressive

Consumers Are Manic Depressive

Unable to decide whether the economy is good or bad, the Chicago Tribune settles for a resounding, “Yes.”

iPod Vending Machine Spotted in Atlanta

iPod Vending Machine Spotted in Atlanta

The iPod vending machine invasion has already begun. Constantine von Hoffman writes us:

Trader Joe’s Magic, Revealed!

Trader Joe’s Magic, Revealed!

In whoring for a comments invite and proving his worth, Jesse Friedman sent in his term paper he wrote on Trader Joe’s. Now that’s what we call vetting!

Mercury Research Calls Us ‘Full of Crap.’ We Agree.

Mercury Research Calls Us ‘Full of Crap.’ We Agree.

We posted the following comment over at the Radio Marketing Nexus blog in response to their post calling us Haters of Radio:

Mercury Research says The Consumerist is a Radio Hata’

Mercury Research says The Consumerist is a Radio Hata’

Apparently, we hate radios.

‘The Quietest Hour of Consumption in Nebraska’

‘The Quietest Hour of Consumption in Nebraska’

You Can’t Really Love a Brand, Study Shows

You Can’t Really Love a Brand, Study Shows

It’s not only dogs, it turns out brands aren’t people either.

Mankind Tapes Itself Shopping

We went YouTube cruising for shopping videos. In this one, an African-American girl goes shopping for Saturday night clothes while her male co-workers tapes and his friends make slightly derogatory comments.

Radio Self-Fulfills Self-Aggrandizing Prophecy

Radio Self-Fulfills Self-Aggrandizing Prophecy

    “A new survey from radio marketers Mercury asked 1,000 people, if a new iPod and an HD Radio receiver were the same price, which would they prefer. As seen in the graphs… the majority chose HD Radio, citing that a radio is simply easier to use than an iPod.”

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Monday Morning Reminder: Write Us!

Just our Monday Morning Reminder that we want your tips, experiences, complaints, comments, suggestions, criticisms, naked pictures, death threats, bank account details… just about anything you’re willing to send us over at

Spitzer Sues, Spinners of Spam Dreams

Spitzer Sues, Spinners of Spam Dreams

You already knew all those WinAFreeIpod.coms were scams. Now the People’s Champion, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, knows and he’s suing one of the companies behind it, Gratis Internet.