
Ethanol Raises Prices As Part Of Continuing Crusade To Liberate Nation From Expensive Foreign Oil

Ethanol Raises Prices As Part Of Continuing Crusade To Liberate Nation From Expensive Foreign Oil

Ethanol is billed as the answer to America’s addiction to foreign oil, but the immense demand for the corn, from which ethanol is made, is also raising prices in supermarkets and restaurants across the nation. The demand to transform corn into ethanol has already doubled the average price for a bushel of corn from $2 to $4.

The corn price increases flow like gravy down the food chain, to grocery stores and menus. The cost of rounded cubed steak at local Harris Teeters is up from $4.59 last year to $5.29 this year, according to, which tracks prices. The Palm restaurant chain recently raised prices as much as $2 for a New York strip. And so on.

Michael Pollan best summarized our little-known reliance on corn in The Omnivore’s Dilemma:

Winter Coat Crisis of 2006

Winter Coat Crisis of 2006

The New York Times is reporting on a phenomenon they call “Coat Crisis of 2006, a fashion fiasco measured in racks of unsold fur-lined shearlings at Saks Fifth Avenue and down puffer jackets at Bloomingdale’s.”

The U.S. Census: Beds Are Like, Totally Dangerous or Something

The New York Times has an article today about the U.S. Census 2007 Statistical Abstract of the United States. Big news: We drink a lot of bottle water. More than beer, if you can believe that. The most dangerous consumer item is a bicycle, the second is a bed. Yes, “Bicycles are involved in more accidents than any other consumer product, but beds rank a close second.”

Waiter, The Flies In My Soup Are Too Small

Waiter, The Flies In My Soup Are Too Small

Hear about this one?

Most Naggerly Retail Chain?

Most Naggerly Retail Chain?

Excuse me sir, can I help you? Can I help you? ExcusemesircanIhelpyou?

Adventures In Everyday Consumerism

Jennifer’s letter is perfectly ordinary. It’s the tale of one day in the life of a consumer, a mother, trying to run some errands. Her ToDo list reads: Send letter at post office, return grandma gifts at Walmart, shots at Kaiser. Of course, it’s not as easy as that, because nobody knows how to do their jobs anymore and the dang sauce pitchers exploding off the shelves and whatnot.

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Consumer Pimps Car To Hate Tmobile

Wow, this person hates T-mobile so much they plastered it on the back of their car.

Orbitz Customer Cancels Reservation For Spite

Orbitz Customer Cancels Reservation For Spite

Even with Orbitz’s notoriously inept customer service – behind that facade of campy commercials and flash games, there’s…more facade – this is a new one. Reader Missdona booked a room at the Bellagio hotel last week. Yesterday, the price dropped $20. She tried to lock in the lower rate but was unable to online and the phone people consistently put her on long hold only to disconnect her or refused to help. She decides to cancel and book with the hotel direct. A phone rep tells her that cancelling will cost $25.

MA Supermarkets Ban Hyper-Savvy Shopper

MA Supermarkets Ban Hyper-Savvy Shopper

One time we bought some kitty litter at a NJ Shop Rite and noticed the price at checkout was higher than on the in-store label. Standard store policy says this means we get it for free. We brought bag up to customer service. They sent a stock boy to check the aisle. He returned and said we were wrong. We went back to the shelves ourselves, grabbed the label, and presented it to the desk. Customer service people sheepishly gave us the litter on the house.

T-Mobile Forbids You From Recording Customer Service Calls

T-Mobile Forbids You From Recording Customer Service Calls

We can record you but you can’t record us, T-mobile told reader Jeff today.

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Best Posts Ever, This Week

Our most popular posts this week that had nothing to do with retention policies or call centers.

Office Max Ends Mail-in-Rebates

Office Max Ends Mail-in-Rebates

Starting this weekend, there will be no more purchases to be proofed, receipts to be scrounged from trashcan depths, or nail-biting as your bets fail on the misbegotten hope that your rebate check will arrive in time to keep your checks from bouncing. Starting this weekend, Office Max will end it’s mail-in-rebate program.

HowTo: Record Phone Calls

HowTo: Record Phone Calls

Spurred by our query, Lifehacker posed that very question to their readers.

Timbuk2 Listens

Timbuk2 Listens

Kate’s letter is reminder of the power of the consumer to change to course of human destiny, or at least, product development.

The News; The Devil Wears Ketchup

• Congressmen shocked and outraged to find porn on internet. [NYT] “Internet Companies Divided on Plan to Fight Pornography”

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Reduce….Recycle, Wasn’t There Another R?

Being an environmentally conscious good Samaritan, Erika Anders recycled her cell phone after she was done with it at a local Best Buy. The next month, she received a bill for $20,590.67. Many of the calls originated from Brazil.

Reynold’s Wrap is Number 1 Sexy Brand

Reynold’s Wrap is Number 1 Sexy Brand

Reynold’s Wrap is the best thing since sliced bread, according to a new survey.