consumer reports

Seven Free Sites To Track Your Personal Information

Seven Free Sites To Track Your Personal Information

The Consumer Reports Money Adviser has compiled a great list of sites that store your personal information and will provide free copies of their reports to you if you ask.

Keep Track Of Your Prescriptions With This Free App

Keep Track Of Your Prescriptions With This Free App

If you have to take meds, you know that one of the big issues is watching out for potential drug interactions—the last thing you want is to pass out at the supermarket from uncontrollable flatulence and a sudden onset of glaucoma. Consumer Reports has developed My Medication Tracker, a free desktop app that lets you privately keep a record of your medication history (and related costs), as well as watch out for potential interactions.

Consumer Reports Finds Generic Foods Taste As Good As Brand Names

Consumer Reports Finds Generic Foods Taste As Good As Brand Names

Labels are eye-catching and all, but they don’t taste so good. Consumer Reports undressed some food items and found out that deep inside, generics are just as tasty — and in some cases even yummier — than their labeled counterparts.

Top Ten New Cars, Trade-Ins From Cash For Clunkers

Top Ten New Cars, Trade-Ins From Cash For Clunkers

With Cash for Clunkers mostly over, Consumer Reports looks at the most popular new cars and the most popular clunkers that were traded in.

Coming Soon – Cash For Clunkers: Home Appliance Edition

Now that it’s ending, you thought you were done hearing about the Cash for Clunkers program, didn’t you? Not yet. Coming soon will be a state-administered, federally-funded program providing rebates to consumers who buy Energy Star appliances. Check out Consumer Reports for a preview.


Hello, credit card reform! The first pieces of the CARD Act went into effect today. Card issuers must now allow customers to opt out of some changes to their cards, mail bills at least 21 days before the due date, and give 45 days’ notice of all changes in interest rates or fees. [Consumer Reports Money]

Share Your Car Battery Disasters With Consumer Reports

Share Your Car Battery Disasters With Consumer Reports

Our recent Zipcar electrical failure trilogy reminded us of a request from Consumer Reports Cars last week. For the November issue, they’re looking for your stories of car battery failure, epic and otherwise. Do you have one to share?

Watch Out For Sweet Appliance Deals Later This Summer

Watch Out For Sweet Appliance Deals Later This Summer

Consumer Reports noted:

Skinny Jeans Pose Even More Health Risks

Skinny Jeans Pose Even More Health Risks

We’ve warned you before: wearing skinny jeans can lead to health problems, including the least fun tingling sensation in the thighs ever, and also can lead to exceedingly sassy customer service. Now, we have even more dire warnings about the super-tight pants: blood clots, bladder and yeast infections, and fertility and digestive problems.

Reminder: Distracted Driving Is Bad And Dangerous

Reminder: Distracted Driving Is Bad And Dangerous

We had a robust debate on Monday on the use of cell phones and wireless devices while driving. Since then, Consumer Reports Cars has taken a look at the actual statistics for accidents caused by driver distraction, and also the cell-while-driving laws actually on the books in the United States in different localities. Spoiler alert: Texting while driving isn’t a good idea.

Strips Are Best Teeth Whiteners, Consumer Reports Finds

Strips Are Best Teeth Whiteners, Consumer Reports Finds

A Consumer Reports Insights story in the Washington Post evaluates the DIY teeth-whitening racket, finding strips work better than trays, which don’t always fit in your mouth so well, the products may mess with your sensitive teeth, and that yellow teeth whiten easier than gray, brown or blue.

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan! Everybody Gets A Mediocre Minivan!

What’s Oprah’s latest giveaway? Not, thankfully, chicken. She’ll be giving away two Routans. Hey, cool! But does the Oprah endorsement mean that the Routan is any good? Well, according to Consumer Reports Cars…not really.

No, Your Dog Does Not Want To Watch Fireworks And Drink Margaritas At The Beach

No, Your Dog Does Not Want To Watch Fireworks And Drink Margaritas At The Beach

Consumer Reports is always ruining my fun. First, they want me to make sure that the fireworks I set off in my backyard are safety certified. Whatever. Now they’re telling me that I shouldn’t bring my dog to see fireworks with me. AND that I shouldn’t give her any beer, or even let her help herself to the barbecue this weekend.

Eco-Friendly Dish Detergents: Do They Clean The Earth And Your Plates?

Eco-Friendly Dish Detergents: Do They Clean The Earth And Your Plates?

What’s with these purported “green” cleaning chemicals? I’ve been known to mutter “it’s all a bunch of tree-hugging hippie crap” while I coat every surface in my house with the strongest, cheapest chemicals I can find. I’m fond of bleach. But other people have consciences or something, and it’s for them that Consumer Reports evaluated eco-friendly dishwasher detergents.

CRTV Seeks Rebate Haters And Masters

CRTV Seeks Rebate Haters And Masters

Are you sick of playing rebate games OR are you a rebate master who has a great system for making sure you get your rebate? Consumer Reports TV is looking to talk to people in the NY, CT, PA area to interview on-camera for an upcoming segment. Interested? Email with your name, general location, phone number, 2 sentences about your story, and a good time to be reached. (Photo: Brandie!)

Trade Your Clunker For These Sweet Fuel-Sipping Rides

Trade Your Clunker For These Sweet Fuel-Sipping Rides

The Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS), popularly known as the “cash for clunkers” program, starts next month. Need help picking a suitably fuel-efficient car?

iPhone/Palm Pre Shootout At The Smartphone Corral

Watch Consumer Reports Electronics pit the iPhone and Pre against each other. Two phones enter. Only one can emerge victorious.

Have You Taken Alli Or Xenical? We Want To Hear From You

Have You Taken Alli Or Xenical? We Want To Hear From You

Have you or someone you know taken the weight loss drug Orlistat, marketed as Alli (OTC) and Xenical (prescription)? Our colleagues at Consumer Reports would like to know what kind of side effects you’ve experienced for a future article, no matter how disgusting.