consumer reports


idk y txts r so $$. Consumers Union‘s Joel Kelsey says what all already knew—text messages are way overpriced—only he got to say it during testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights. [Consumer Reports Electronics]


Milk-as good as sports drinks for athletes? There’s nothing like a big glass of milk after a grueling workout in the hot summer sun. Mmmm. [Consumer Reports Source]

Brace Yourself For Tonight's DTV Transition

Brace Yourself For Tonight's DTV Transition

Analog television broadcasts end tonight at 11:59 PM. Are you ready? Are you tired of hearing about this yet? If you’ve put off buying a digital converter box, or you want to use the transition as an excuse to buy a shiny new TV, Consumer Reports is here to show you how to choose the awesomest model you can find.

Consumer Reports Evaluates Cool Surge Portable Air Cooler, Made By Same Folks Who Brought You The ìAmish Heaterî

The company behind the “Amish man’s new miracle idea”—a heater—is back! Here’s Consumer Reports’ evaluation of the Cool Surge.


No health insurance? The emergency room usually shouldn’t be your first stop. Here’s where you should go for help.


What will the post-bankruptcy Chrysler mean for us, the car-buying public? Consumer Reports Cars has the info, including repair and warranty information, and a preview of the new models to come from Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Fiat. One highlight is the teeny subcompact Fiat 500. [Consumer Reports Cars]


Wondering about average gas prices across the country? Overall, they’re up (big surprise) and gasoline is currently cheaper than diesel fuel, too. If you missed it back in May, you can also learn why gas prices keep going up. Spoiler alert: it involves supply and demand. [Consumer Reports Cars]

6 Things To Know Now Before Buying A GM Or Chrysler Car

6 Things To Know Now Before Buying A GM Or Chrysler Car

With the future uncertain, or at the very least, pretty different from normal, for Chrysler and GM, does it make sense to buy a car from one of these companies? How doe s the restructuring affect you as a potential new car owner? Consumer Reports Online Auto Crisis Center has the answers to six questions every Chrysler and GM car owner will want to know before signing on the line which is dotted.

5 Things For Chrysler & GM Car Owners To Know Now

5 Things For Chrysler & GM Car Owners To Know Now

Now that Chrysler and GM are getting remixed, what does this mean for me? Consumer Reports Online Auto Crisis Center has the answers to five questions every Chrysler and GM car owner will want to know as the two car companies move their restructuring.

Earplugs: You're Probably Inserting Them Wrong

Earplugs: You're Probably Inserting Them Wrong

Do you engage in any really loud summer activities, like chainsawing, monster truck rallies, or vacuuming a library? If you do, Consumer Reports Health wants you to know that not only should you be wearing earplugs, you’re probably inserting them wrong.

Should You Buy A GM Car?

So, General Motors is bankrupt, and the “GM” brand now essentially stands for “Government Motors,” since the restructured company will largely be owned by the U.S. and Canadian governments. But what you really want to know is whether you should consider buying one of those cars your tax dollars are building. Consumer Reports has an FAQ on the subject, along with this quick video from the company’s head of auto testing. Tweetable version: There are great deals, but get a decent car. CR likes the Malibu and CTS. Be prepared for inconveniences, like local dealers closing shop.

Buy The Right Sunscreen And Avoid Sunburn

Buy The Right Sunscreen And Avoid Sunburn

Buying the right sunscreen could mean the difference between a pleasant day at the beach and a nightmare of splotchy pain. Consumer Reports conducted a poll to see how you people use sunscreen, and even dunked a bunch of volunteers in a tub for forty minutes to see how different sunscreens held up. Inside, the sunscreens that earned Consumer Reports’ praise, and a few tips for avoiding the dreaded summer sunburn.


GM Counts Down to B-Day Follow along as the CR car blog keeps track of the other implications of the impending GM bankruptcy. [Consumer Reports Cars]


Consumer Reports picks top 529 plans. If you have a little spare cash to squirrel away for college, you’ve probably given some thought to those state-sponsored, tax-advantaged 529 plans. But with over 50 to choose from, where do you start? How about right here, with some tips from the Consumer Reports Money Lab. The blue-coated boffins picked their five fave funds, paying particular attention to those that offered “below-average fees and an investment strategy that was sufficiently aggressive in the early stages and appropriately conservative later on.” Oh, and parents, here’s another tip: You can usually change the beneficiary on a plan to another family member. So, if you were saving for Johnny and he goes deadbeat after high school, you can pass his cash along to Janie. Or just use it for yourself. Admit it: you always wanted to ditch it all and go to film school, right? [Consumer Reports Money Adviser]


Want to learn more about the Obama administration’s new cybersecurity plans? @JeffreyFox of Consumer Reports is live-tweeting the press conference now. [Twitter]


Maximize your rebates  If you haven’t completely given up on rebates as a boondoggle from retailers that know you probably won’t jump through all of the hoops to redeem them, Consumer Reports has some tips on how to actually get paid. One that we hadn’t thought of: If the rebate form is available online, print it immediately after buying the product. The form might be removed from the Web site after a promotional period. [Consumer Reports]


Consumer Reports Safety has information (including a video) on how to prevent the type of home exercise equipment accident that caused the horribly, horribly sad death of Mike Tyson‘s 4-year-old daughter.


Sunscreen might get in your eyes. Deal with it. With those evil summer rays starting to beat down, Consumer Reports Health ran a survey to see who was using sunscreen. The good news: About 69% of respondents slather it on at least sometimes. The bad: Even the most avid sun worshippers tend to skip sunscreen when they’re doing outdoor activities other than sunbathing, like running. Top reasons for avoiding sunscreen include the possibility of it getting in your eyes, and having sand stick to your skin. Yeah, we’d risk skin cancer for that, too. [Consumer Reports Health]