
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Computer

And lo, the back-up drive we ordered from Office Depot did arrive on time. And there was rejoicing. And there was reading of the website “Lifehacker.” And then there was further rejoicing, for Lifehacker had posted 7 New Years Resolutions for the PC. And they were good.—MEGHANN MARCO

CompUSA Sells Computer Dripping With Porn To 13-Year-Old Boy

CompUSA Sells Computer Dripping With Porn To 13-Year-Old Boy

The Donaldsons bought their 13 year-old son a new computer from CompUSA for Christmas and were shocked to find it bedecked with racist child porn.

Best of Both Worlds

ZDNet is reporting that MacMall is selling Macbooks that are pre-loaded with both Windows XP and MacOS. You can get your dual boot system in two flavors: Apple’s free BootCamp 1.1 which allows you to boot either operating system, or Nova Development’s Parallels Desktop … which allows you to run both at the same time.

Get Applecare Executive Customer Service

Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

Dell Business Blows Up Servers

Dell Business Blows Up Servers

If there’s one thing you expect Dell to know, it’s computers. And although that assumption may be baseless when you’re talking to a CSR from the Orient, telling you the only solution to your monitor being broken is to wipe your hard drive and reinstall, if you’re a business-class customer, talking to your Dell contact to set-up a RAID, you at least hope that they have an inkling of what they are doing.

Why Dell Sucks, From A Business Perspective

Why Dell Sucks, From A Business Perspective

Dell Has Something Important to Tell The Consumerist About Blazing Batteries

Dell Has Something Important to Tell The Consumerist About Blazing Batteries

Seems our lil ol blog has finally raised the ire of Dell. A day that will go down in history. John Q. Pope, acting as media relator for Dell, wants to correct a post of ours, “Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions.”

Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions

Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions

Even if you sent your Dell battery back before it could explode and tear off half your face, you still may not be in the clear. Some computer engineers are pointing out that computer architecture might have just as much to do with the exploding Dell laptop.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Or ‘Look! There’s Lithium-Ion Leaking Into Your Lap!’

Greasy MacBooks Have Venereal Disease

Greasy MacBooks Have Venereal Disease

What do these things have in common? The thighs of a cheap harlot. The armpit stains saturating a large Italian man’s undershirt. The Cheetos-dusted palms of a role-playing gamer. A used piece of toilet paper. A three-week old Macbook.

Duped by Dell

We think our Dell XPS Laptop is the cat’s pajamas and can’t understand why all these strange people around the internet have such a burn against the computer maker. Maybe that’s because we’ve never needed it to get repaired or otherwise tickle the warranty.

50% Off Dell Desktops!

50% Off Dell Desktops!

Dell’s cleaning out the second quarter closet and we find not cobwebs, skeletons or Tom Cruises, but a bundle of savings.

Who Sucks the Most: Best Buy, CompUSA, Frys, or Circuit City?

Who Sucks the Most: Best Buy, CompUSA, Frys, or Circuit City?

[H]Consumer bought 4 computers from 4 different retailers and compared and contrasted the experiences. Then he made a diorama using this week’s vocab words.

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

Bite-Size Kvetches & Kudos

We received several complaints and consumer stories in the past few days that, while heartfelt, weren’t epic. Ergo, we put them all together into one package and post them after the jump.

Dude, Get A Dell… For Porn

Man, those QVC announcers are just unflappable, aren’t they.

Canadians Don’t Know What ‘Sex’ Means

According to a recent poll of 3,000 students, Canadians are much more pathetic than previously suspected:

Five Tips for Buying Dell

DealHack’s Dell Buyer’s Guide might not be spanking new, but they’ve got a lot of practical advice on picking out a new PC or laptop. While it’s probably worth visiting the article itself—it’s a lot more in depth—here’s the gist:

Movieland Injects Customers With System-Crippling Spyware

Movieland Injects Customers With System-Crippling Spyware

Dear Corporate America – when the revolution comes, the CEOs of those companies that have injected their customers’ computers full of spyware are going to be gang-injected by the mob of skinheads with the Anarchy symbols etched by razor blade into their own foreheads. So Movieland’s executives might want to practice holding their ankles and some gnarly yogic rectal relaxation techniques now.