
LEAKED: 6 More Geek Squad Manuals

LEAKED: 6 More Geek Squad Manuals

Here’s 6 more Geek Squad manuals. Combine this with the 6 we’ve already posted and soon we’ll have enough info to open our own franchise.

AUDIO: Screaming Dell Customer Can't Figure Out How To Shutdown Laptop (Hint: Hold Down The Power Button…)

We can understand his rage. We’d be angry too if we were born so stupid we couldn’t figure out how to press and hold the power button.

Smart Computer Shopper Roundup

Smart Computer Shopper Roundup

“…practical advice on picking out a new Dell PC or laptop…”

Turn An Old Computer Into A Dedicated, Secure, Banking Terminal

Turn An Old Computer Into A Dedicated, Secure, Banking Terminal

Here’s an idea for a spare computer you have lying around: make it into a secure banking device.

INSIDER SECRETS: 5 Ways Best Buy Ruined Geek Squad

INSIDER SECRETS: 5 Ways Best Buy Ruined Geek Squad

Five ways Best Buy drives the costs out of the system, sullying Geek Squad CEO Robert Stephen’s vision of superlative computer repair, as told by a former Geek Squad Senior Agent.

LEAKED: 5 More Geek Squad Manuals

LEAKED: 5 More Geek Squad Manuals

Here’s 5 more Geek Squad manuals. They’re not a fascinating as the troubleshooting manual, but perhaps if you use the Geek Squad you can use them to make sure they’re doing their job right. Or you could learn how to open up your own Geek Squad store. Sort of like a lemonade stand, except instead of turning lemons into a tasty beverage, you turn laptops into lemons.

LEAKED: Geek Squad's Troubleshooting Manual

LEAKED: Geek Squad's Troubleshooting Manual

UPDATE: 5 More Geek Squad Manuals

Help Improve Tech Support At Apple, Dell, Gateway, And HP

Help Improve Tech Support At Apple, Dell, Gateway, And HP

Vocal Laboratories, a company that helps other companies improve customer service by surveying customer calls, is working on project to improve tech support at Apple, Dell, Gateway, and HP, and you can participate.

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Fight Back At Marketers By Surfing Anonymously

Marketers just love to gather information about who is surfing the web and why. They’re not above tracking a user’s web history to learn about their interests and buying habits, but they can only do it if you let them.

Geek Squad Insider Speaks Out

Geek Squad Insider Speaks Out

A common refrain we hear from the former and current Geek Squad employees we’ve been talking to is that Geek Squad used to be awesome. Robert Stephens built up an award-winning company with a reputation for being the best in the business. Then he sold it to Best Buy and they turned it to garbage.

Confirmed: CompUSA's "Fire Sales" Suck

Reader Dave writes in to confirm that CompUSA’s “fire sales” do, in fact, suck. Dave reports the soon-to-be-shuttered Monroeville, PA CompUSA is offering most items for 10% off MSRP. Some items sport discounts of up to – hold your breath – 20% off.

CompUSA's "Fire Sales" Expected To Suck

CompUSA's "Fire Sales" Expected To Suck

Don’t expect good deals at CompUSA store closings, reader Brian reiterates, as the liquidation company apparently has a history of being anti-consumer:

BREAKING: CompUSA Closing 128 Stores

BREAKING: CompUSA Closing 128 Stores

CompUSA is closing 128 of 229 stores, a source familiar with the proceedings tells The Consumerist.

CompUSA Invented 53 Week Year So Execs Could Cash Big Bonuses?

CompUSA Invented 53 Week Year So Execs Could Cash Big Bonuses?

CompUSA had a 53 week year last year, allowing upper management to reap large bonus checks, according to a company insider.

EXCLUSIVE: CompUSA Closing 100 Stores

EXCLUSIVE: CompUSA Closing 100 Stores

CompUSA will close 100 stores this year, according to an industry insider speaking to us under conditions of anonymity.

9 More Hewlett-Packard Company Secrets From A Former Employee

9 More Hewlett-Packard Company Secrets From A Former Employee

A former Hewlett-Packard worker who could barely wait for their non-disclosure-agreement to end so they could spill company secrets to The Consumerist has more, along with clarifications about what was posted yesterday.

14 Hewlett-Packard Company Secrets From A Former Employee

UPDATE: 9 More Hewlett-Packard Company Secrets From A Former Employee

15 Reasons To Jump On The Vista Bandwagon

15 Reasons To Jump On The Vista Bandwagon

The world is divided on Windows Vista, it’s the next new thing, or it’s Microsoft suicide. The fact is, Vista is coming. In 4 days.