UPDATE: Allen writes to say, “The issue between Lowe’s, their attorney and I was settled amicably and in a timely manner…” He couldn’t say more, but his website has been taken down.
College Student Learns How Overdrafts Work
Forgive me, I’m a bit emotional over this. I’m raging mad and sad and disappointed because today Wells Fargo just lost my business. Yeah, I screwed up in this, but I’m a poor college student, and I thought I fixed it before it was a problem…
Pat's Plumbing Charges Guy In Wheelchair $550 To Remove Dispoable Razor From His Toilet Trap
My name is Pat. I recently needed some plumbing done on my toilet. It was clogged, and we couldn’t get anything to work for us to get it unclogged. I looked through the online websites in the area of plumbers. Holy crap, here is Pat’s Plumbing.

Helio's "Total Happiness Guarantee" Evidently Uses Alternative Understanding Of The English Language
Helio offers a “Total Happiness Guarantee” which says that if you don’t like their phone or service for any reason you can return it within 30 days for your money back, no questions asked. However, their customer service staff is poorly trained and could try to tell you don’t get sales tax refunded, blogs LifeClever. It’s also going to take at least four months for the refund to process, he found, along with other annoying fun plot points.

One Unpaid Bill Is Not Going To Ruin Your Credit Score
We get many tales of consumer disputes and a common situation we hear of us is where customers are dissatisfied with a product or service, refuse to pay until its fixed, and the business, usually a small business, threatens to “ruin” the customer’s credit score over the item. (For some reason, the word “ruin” is always used).

Find Your State Insurance Commissioner
When sending a complaint letter to an insurance company, it can be handy, or necessary, to cc it your state’s Insurance Commissioner. The Patient Advocate Foundation has a big list where you can look up insurance commissioner’s mailing addresses and phone numbers by state.

Sears Left Me Without A Refrigerator For 18 Days
Sears needlessly left William and his insulin-dependent wife and daughter without a working refrigerator for eighteen days. For three weeks, William chilled his food and life-saving medication with bags of ice, waiting for Sears to send a part that their intolerably rude repairman insisted would take at least ten business days to deliver. When a second repair team arrived to install the part, they found leaky copper tubing – a problem the first repairman could have easily fixed.

Verizon FiOs Install Results In Gas Line Breach
One Verizon FiOs install results in breached sewer pipe. Another, a breached gas line. There was no explosion, or even smoke. Some unpleasantly scented puffs of air, though. Guess they’re getting better. What do you expect to happen when you have guys drilling through stuff? Accidents, that’s what. Unfortunate and statistically insignificant accidents. It all comes out in the wash. Like blood. Blood comes out in the wash, right? Still, it’s almost like some of these guys have no idea what they’re doing. “It’s true QAM.” Yes, we have true qualms.

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations
To whom it may concern:

What To Do When Your Luggage Is Hopelessly Totally Completely Lost
Here at Consumerist we get a lot of complaints that go something like this:

Microsoft Presents: UPS And The Case Of The Vanishing XBOX 360
Reader Daniel’s XBOX 360 went missing after he shipped it back to Microsoft via UPS. UPS did not give him a receipt. Now that they’ve lost the package, Microsoft won’t send Daniel a new XBOX 360 because he has insufficient proof that he shipped it in the first place. Daniel has a signed letter from the UPS manager stating that UPS did indeed pick up the package, but that’s not good enough.

Comcast Installs Cable With Extreme Incompetence
This above pictured pile of cables is but the beginning of Glen’s magical mystery tour into the wonder of having a Comcast contractor install cable…

Earthlink's Worthless Customer Service Drives Man To Record And Post Calls
Unfazed by the idea of giving money to a company run by Scientologists, Steve signed up for Earthlink DSL back in May ’06. 4 months ago, his DSL started cutting in and out and he got static on the landline. Perhaps his router was possessed by body thetans. As Steve’s calls to customer service got more and more hopeless, he began recording and posting them online. Selected highlights…
A reader reports that thanks to a big update over the weekend, customers haven’t been able to connect to Chase services via Quicken, MS Money, or Quickbooks, though web browsers still work. Seamus writes, “The worst part is that only about half of their support staff are even aware of the problem, and no resolution time has been given. Another “upgrade” gone wrong!”

5/3 Bank's New Policy: Only Process The First $100 Of A Check
How can you overdraft when you’ve deposited more than enough money to pay for the charges? Why, when 5/3 Bank decides to only let the first $100 of the check through.

American Home Shield Technician Likewise Unaware Of How He Stay In Business
HIM: “I don’t know.”
His complaint letter to the company follows…
11th Walmart Flipflop Chemical Burning Case Reported
When it got worse the dermatologist said that it was definitely not a fungus…

Man Fights IKEA Customer Service Over Defective LILLBERG Couch, Loses
A week after we moved and put the new covers on, our IKEA LILLBERG sofa broke. Right in half. The main support beam gave out right at the dovetail joint, and even split a board in the process. We were devastated, but figured that we’d be able to wrangle something out of it. Standard customer service would replace the couch, right?