Health care, especially of the emergency kind, has been known to leave consumers with hefty bills and few options expect to go into debt. But now some health systems are finding ways to give their patients relief when it comes to credit-destroying medical bills. [More]
commerce bank

How Does Eliminating Services 'Better Serve' Me?
Michael noticed a sign at the TD Bank ATM informing customers that postage stamps would no longer be available at that location. Aw, too bad. It’s fair if a business wants to discontinue a service because it’s unprofitable or problematic to offer. What annoys customers and insults their intelligence is when the change is spun as some kind of favor to customers. [More]

TD Ratchets Up Overdraft Opt-In Push With Pop-Up Scare Tactics
TD Bank is really stepping up its efforts to try to get customers to sign back up for “overdraft protection,” which really just protects their right to charge you $35 if you want to buy a $2.00 candy bar and only have a $1 in your account. Now they’re greeting customers accessing their accounts online with pop-up ads trying to scare them into agreeing to signing up for the service. [More]

Some TD Bank Customers Still Not Seeing Their Paychecks
TD Bank customers, particularily former Commerce Bank ones, are still complaining about their paychecks and other transactions not posting. Other customers said they were being limited to $250 withdrawals. The problems arose Monday after they tried to combine their bank system with Commerce Bank’s, which TD recently bought.

Yes, This Is Clearly The Best Shirt To Wear When Robbing A Bank
The FBI is currently searching for this man, a bank robber with a keen eye for t-shirts. He robbed the Commerce Bank at 8050 Big Bend in Webster Groves, Missouri by handing the teller a note which read, “I have a gun. I will kill you. Give me your $100’s and $50’s.”

Commerce Bank/Metro Bank Shows How Not To Handle A Bank Changeover
Commerce Bank in central Pennsylvania is changing its name. Former Commerce Banks in that area will now be called Metro Bank. Yawn, right? Banks merge and change names all the time. What they don’t normally do is cancel ATM cards with no notice, and lock customers out of their accounts due to those changes. Maybe this is a new trend.

Seems More People Playing "The Penny Arcade" At TD Bank
So like I said I got $120 from the Penny Arcade this weekend, but I was far from alone. Here is the crappy cellphone picture I took of the line. All those people on the right (plus the dog) are waiting for their turn at the spare change counting machine.

NYC Police Commish Says TD Bank Is Too Easy To Rob
The NYC police commissioner, Ray Kelly, is super annoyed at TD Bank because he says they’re just too easy to rob. In one example of this phenomenon, a robber was thwarted by three Chase branches before successfully robbing a TD Bank. And get this, 17% of this New York City’s bank robberies occurred at TD Bank branches.

How I Got Commerce To Refund $45 In Cycle Service Charge Fees
Yesterday I walked away from Commerce Bank victorious: my entire balance in my wallet, my fees reversed, and my account closed. I had an account there that I just sort of kept as a “money in a book” account. You know, you hide money in a book on your shelf so you forget about it and one day when you really need some extra scratch you realize, hey wait, I’ve got that money in a book. Except this way I wouldn’t run the risk of forgetting which book it was. In retrospect I realize that was kind of a half-stupid, half-smart idea. That’s how I roll. Another way I roll is a little policy called, “You don’t get to steal my money.”

Commerce Bank Can't Decide Whether Funds Are Available Or Not
Meg in New Jersey wants to know what’s up with her Commerce Bank account. They say if you deposit a check before 6pm, the funds are made available that day—but when she did just that and then transferred the funds to another account, she was hit with a $35 “uncollected funds fee.” She never got a straight answer out of the Commerce CSR, and although they refunded the fee, they told her she “could only get that refund once ever,” as if to say it was her fault the fee was assessed.

Commerce Bank Workers Only Allowed One Courtesy Fee Reversal Per Customer?
Fun fact, it seems like Commerce Bank employees only get one fee reversal per customer account. I had three fees, two cycle-service charges and an “account inactivity” fee. The supervisor agreed to waive the two cycle service charges but wouldn’t budge on the inactivity fee. I popped back in a few days later and tried speaking to a different rep to see if I would have better luck. He wasn’t able to do it for me and he was even surprised to see that the two cycle service charges were gone. “I’ve never seen more than one of them waived before,” he said. “I guess they must have had two different people punch in requests…” So that sounds like the normal rule might be only fee reversal per employee per customer account. Just something to keep in mind should you be doing fee battle with Commerce Bank.

Commerce Bank Accidentally Gives You $5 Million
Commerce Bank accidentally deposited $5 million into Benjamin Lovell’s account. He spent $2 million of it and now he’s being charged with grand larceny.

Commerce Bank Might Have Given Out SSNs And Account Numbers, Not Sure
Commerce Bank isn’t sure whether it accidentally gave out your SSN and account number, so its going to write you a letter to offer you some free credit report monitoring.

TD Bank Buys Commerce Bank For $8.5 Billion
Hey all you Commerce Bank fans, you’re about to become TD Bank customers! No word on what exactly will change, but Canadian TD Bank announced today that it has purchased Commerce Bank for $8.5 billion.

Commerce Bank's Free Checking Now Requires $100 Min Balance
Shoehorned into a postcard proclaiming the waiving all ATM fees, Commerce Bank announced their free checking will no longer be free.